Login control not centering
I have an aspx Login control and I would like to center it on the screen. How can i accomplish this? I've tried applying text-align: center on it. ...
I have an aspx Login control and I would like to center it on the screen. How can i accomplish this? I've tried applying text-align: center on it. ...
Here is my HTML: <div id="leftMenuWrapper"> <div id="ramps" class="leftMenuHeaderButton"></div> <div id="carServiceRamps" class="leftMenuSubButton"></div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="67RaceRampsXT" class="leftMenuProductButton"></div> </di...
Starting from scratch is hard. How do you do it? I quite like color lovers for some palette ideas but after that I just browse randomly until I find soemthing that catches my eye. ...
Hopefully my title isn't too confusing. Anyways, I'm still learning CSS and right now I'm in the process of creating a mobile version of my company's site. I currently want to modify our navigation bar and the CSS for the navigation is a bit lengthy. So right now in the CSS file there is .nav { /*styles*/ } .nav ul { /*more styles*/ } ....
I have the code, as below. It's a bit annoying to have the text not align (it affects other li elements). How can I make it a fixed-width? I've tried width=XYZpx but that did nothing. <li class="date">2/28/2010 9:37:38 AM</li> ... <li class="date">3/1/2010 9:37:38 AM</li> css li.date { background : url(/icons/date.png) no-repeat l...
I have the following jquery on mcgillidssa.com to animate the drop down menu: $(document).ready(function() { $("#navigation ul li").hover(function() { $(this).addClass("over"); $(this).find("ul").slideDown('fast').show(); $(this).hover(function() { }, function(){ $(this).removeClass("over"); $(this).find("ul").slideUp('f...
Hello, say I have a piece of text like this Hello I am some text Hello I am some text Hello I am some text Hello I am some text I do not wish to be broken on new lines Consider the above paragraph. I want for the bolded part to not be broken across a new line if possible. As in, I want it to break if it would require a scroll...
#results { font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; list-style-type:none; } #results li {display: inline;} #results li a { float:left; } I would like the results division to list multiple items per line, but it looks like I am getting only 1 item per line with this code. ...
I am building an app and want to have a lot of the site forms come up in a box over the screen with the background darkened out. I have seen redbox on github and it seems to do what I need it to do but I see that it hasnt been updated since 2007. Is there a new way to go about this? Any alternatives to redbox? Thanks for your ideas! ...
Possible Duplicate: Why minify assets and not the markup? I have seen a lot of sites using minified CSS and JavaScript to increase website response time but I have never seen any sites use minified HTML. Why would you not want your HTML to be minified? ...
What are some important optimizations that can be made to a website to reduce the loading time? ...
I have a website with the following setup: <div id="container"> <div id="header"></div> <div id="content"></div> <div id="clearfooter"></div> </div> <div id="footer"></div> I use the clearfooter and a footer outside the container to keep the footer at the bottom of the page when there isn't enough content. My problem is that...
How to set a little icon,beside web site title,on tabs in web browser? ...
Hi All, Why does this work: <div style="background-color: #ccc; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 10px;">testing 10,9,8,7 </div> And this does not? <div style="roundedCornerBox"> testing 10,9,8,7 </div> Where I have created a css file that says: body { bac...
.style1 * { vertical-align: middle; } ..If I take it out, things with this style are no longer vertically aligned. ...
Is there any way to create a css box-shadow in which regardless of the blur value, the shadow only appears on the desired sides? For example if I want to create a div with shadows on left and right sides and no shadow on the top or bottom. The div is not absolutely positioned and its height is determined by the content. -- Edit -- @r...
Hello there. Is it safe to use CSS pseudo class first-child with regards to browser support and the like? Thanks. ...
I am using the following code to position an icon on top of a button: <a href="/users/hide_profile" class="button"> <span class="hide_profile">hide public profile</span> </a> a.button{ background-image: url('/images/button.gif'); display:inline-block; position: relative; _display: inline; color:#888888; font-w...
How would I go about adding a dynamic ".........." to a restaurant menu in CSS? Like in printed ones they have the whole "our food is made of blah blah blah.............$24.99." How would you do that in CSS? Or is this even possible? ...
I'm trying to implement a simple horizontal navigation menu that just shows a single div for each link. It is kinda like a dropdown menu but instead of a mouseover triggering a dropdown, an onclick event will trigger the showing of a div. I want to make sure I am taking the right approach before going too much further, any help is appr...