
Combining CSS Pseudo-elements, ":after" the ":last-child"

I want to make "grammatically correct" lists using CSS. This is what I have so far: The <li> tags are displayed horizontally with commas after them. li { display: inline; list-style-type: none; } li:after { content: ", "; } That works, but I want the "last-child" to have a period instead of a comma. And, if possible, I'd like to put ...

How to make a div expand to fit available vertical space?

I'm looking for a way to make the div that contains my main page content to expand to fit the space left after adding my header and footer. The HTML is laid out like so: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header-wrapper"> <header> <div id="logo-bar"></div> </header> <nav></nav> </div> <div id="co...

Issues with an abs positioned search bar in all IE's??

I've tried googling but can't find any hints to my problem. Theres so many IE bugfixs I can't think whats going on with this one. What I've got is a 3 column layout with header and footer. The left column and main content div are both in a container div thats floated left (left col and main content floated left/right within it). The rig...

How do I swap triangle icons when doing expanding/collapsing divs with Javascript/CSS

I have a div that I want to toggle between displaying or not when a user clicks on a piece of text. I have a javascript function that toggles a div on or off. That works fine. What I don't know how to do is to have a triangle that points to the right or down depending on whether the div is open. My HTML looks like this: <a onclick="tog...

maintain fonts size with different screen resolutions

what is the best practice/solution to maintain fonts size with different screen resolutions ...

how to solve slideshow css problem?

hello My Css #container{ display:block; } #container ul{ list-style:none; position:relative; margin:0px; padding:0px; display:block; } #container li{ list-style:none; margin:0px; padding:0px; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; } #container img{ margin:0px; padding:0px; } my HT...

Fixing tabs to the top of the page, but underneath the header

I'm trying to figure out how to design a header for a website so that there are tabs placed underneath the header (that look like they're sticking out from under the header), that stay with the header as the page is scrolled down (and the header moves up), but when they reach the top of the page become fixed there so that they're always ...

How can I make concentric circles in HTML respond to mouseOver properly?

On my web page, I'd like to have a group of several concentric circles of varying size, with each displaying a menu when they are moused over. So far, I have created 4 pictures that is 100% transparent except for the circle and have layered them on top of each other. However, when I mouse-over the group of circles, the transparent part ...

CSS three column layout issue

#left_column { float: left; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px; width: 20em; } #main_content { margin-left: 25em; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px; width: 30em; } #right_column { margin-left: 60em; width: 7em; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px; } I am trying to get three vertical columns on my ...

How to move text from a pagination item

At: http://nathansearles.com/loopedslider/example-4.html , the pagination actually has numbers in it (you can see this if you view source.) I looked at the css and I can't figure how they make the numbers disappear... Its obvoius how the images are shown and all that but... ya, thanks for helping with this, its something small, just ca...

Columns of Equal Height with JQuery

Hello, Can we put JQuery to use to create columns of equal height? If yes, how? Thanks ...

CSS: change style to checkbox list

hi, I have a checkbox list. I would like to change the style in order to highlight items differently. Please see first and second link showing what I need. My problem is that the html code doesn't change when an item is selected. I need something like class="selected", I guess... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/72686/Picture%201.png http://d...

Primefaces p:droppable components doesn't get laid out nicely

I am just trying to make a simple web page using drag drop of primefaces but it's not working, i mean it's behaving strangely. I have two outputpanel side by side with droppable each containing one graphic image with draggable. Problem is :- While dragging and dropping i want the photo should be laid side by side in outputpanel if it al...

IE is ignoring Z-Index on positioned elements

IE yet again is proving to be the bane of my existence. The top of a site I'm working on has a horizontal menu, an item of which triggers a pure-CSS menu that is positioned absolute within the parent menu DIV (positioned relative). This places the menu perfectly in both IE and the W3C compliant browsers. The problem arises when I have m...

Square bullet bug in DNN / FCKEditor.

i am facing a bug which comes in DNN / FCKEditor after creating a default list. Actually i put my own bullet in custom .. but the default square bullet also comes with this... Please tell me how to remove this bug. i try all CSS logics here. ...

How to apply css locally on any online page?

For testing I don't want to upload css to FTP on each change till site complete , but site and content is online. (i'm not talking about saving page locally then apply css) Can i just apply css locally to any online page. it would be easier to edit and see changes locally till css work end. and i want to see applied effect on FF and...

How to ignore IE "Text Size" option to display exact web page?

Hi all: Please have a look at this beautiful website : http://www.snipe.net/ If you are using MS IE, choose a different "Text Size" from your browser "View" tab. You can see nothing on the page changes. This is not often seen on most of websites, even Google. I wonder how this could be achieved? Tried to search for a solution but wa...

center flash element based on the elements actual size

Hello everybody, I have a problem positioning a Flash element inside a div tag. The problem is, that the flash element is changing it's size based on the user input. I need a way how I can dynamically get the actual size of the flash element, and to change the behavior of the div element the flash is integrated in. actually I want to pl...

How to add target=_blank to all PDF links inside div using jquery?

For example: I want to add target=_blank in any PDF link comes inside this css class "class="newWindow" Before adding script <div class="newWindow" > <a href="pdf1.pdf">link text</a> <a href="pdf2.pdf">link text</a> </div> After adding script <div class="newWindow" > <a href="Pdf1.pdf" target="_blank">link text</a> <a href="Pdf2...

Problem in IE6 with fixed position and multi-select boxes when scrolling

Hi, I am using the common css-workaround to achieve a fixed position of an element in IE6 <style type="text/css" > .fixedPos { position:fixed; } </style> <!-- IE specific code: --> <!--[if lte IE 7]> <style type="text/css"> .fixedPos { position:absolute; top:expression(eval(document.compatMode && document.compatMode=='CSS1...