
Which is the CSS hack you use most often and which one do you avoid using?

Which is the CSS hack you use most often and which one do you avoid using? I am asking this question so that I can understand different views of different people about CSS hacks and also understand which hacks are good and which ones are not. ...

Open a file in Visual Studio's CSS Source Editor

I am using Phil Haack's T4CSS T4 template based on .less One bad thing about Phil's solution is that visual studio opens the .less files as plain text files rather than as css files. (Thus no intellisense.) How can I get VS to open a .less file in the CSS Source Editor? I've tried: Right Click > Open With, but the CSS Source Editor ...

Is it better to define css for all @media in one css file?

As this article suggesting http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/201002/css_efficiency_tip_use_a_single_stylesheet_file_for_multiple_media/ or different external CSS for different media would be better option? in terms of maintainability, site performance. ...

Chrome doesn't render span in div properly

When a span is nested in a div with a different background there's a small gap above and below it. FF doesn't render like that. Here is the html : <html> <body> <div style="background-color:magenta"> <span style="background-color:cyan">Nested</span> </div> <div style="background-color:cyan">Can you see that magenta line ?</...

Arrangement Div tags like this ?

I'm gonna create two div tags with CSS that appear in the page like below : Would you please guide me, how I should write the CSS codes? Thanks. ...

What should be written first, XHTML or CSS?

What should be written first while making CSS layouts XHTML code or CSS code? Write Whole HTML first then write CSS according to HTML Write HTML for an design element and CSS simultaneously Write whole CSS first then write HTML according to HTML I read on this article's point # 7 "Create Your HTML First" is this advice best to follo...

How to match element containing another element ?

In CSS, I want all links to have a border-bottom: 1px solid property. However, if I have a linked image, it gets the border as well. How can I change the a property if and only if it contains an img element? ...

Which CSS hack can pass the w3c validation?

Which css hacks we use to make layout cross browser compatible Can pass W3C validation Will work forever Will never create in any future browser versions What are alternatives which can pass the w3c validation for popular CSS hack which are not valid? for example underscore hack, zoom:1 etc. my purpose is to make a list of W3C val...

html css - how to create multiple column list?

I have an "Ordered List" which contains about 100 "List Items". This ol makes my page very long and users have to scroll too much. How can I get the UL to show like this: 1. 6. 11. 2. 7. 12. 3. 8. 13. 4. 9. 14. 5. 10. 15. ...

a bug in ie7 - body -direction:rtl

When i set the body element direction to rtl, in ie7 (compatability view in ie8), and hover over ul li , it shifts wierdly to the left by a couple of inches. a good example for this is the default asp.net mvc css (after adding direction:rtl to the body elemet. anyone know this one? the example code: /*-------------------------------...

css @import external style sheet

If it possible to use @import in a .css file to load a style sheet from another site? Specifically, I have a main style sheet for my site which loads in other (local) style sheets using @import. I'd also like to load in a jquery ui theme hosted by google, e.g. @import "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/ui-lightn...

Is there any more lightweight portable PHP+Apache solution for wordpress development?

currently i'm using this XAMPP Lite 1.7.3 + Apache 2.2.14 (IPV6 enabled) + MySQL 5.1.41 (Community Server) with PBXT engine 1.0.09-rc + PHP 5.3.1 (PEAR) + Miniperl 5.10.1 + XAMPP Control Version 2.5.8 (ApacheFriends Edition) + XAMPP CLI Bundle 1.6 + XAMPP Port Check 1.5 + XAMPP Security 1.1 + SQLite 2.8.17 + SQLite ...

Global CSS Color Scheme / Skin

I am constucting a site using CSS that needs to be skinnable / brandable. In technical terms, for each "brand" I have a set of five color values in a database. What I want to do is construct CSS files so that the color scheme of the entire site is unified and the colors are reused, so I can change the value in one place and it changes t...

Which "Wordpress theme framework" is prefered to make custom themes without knowing much PHP

I know XHTML CSS but PHP knowledge is not much and i want to get familiar with one framework to make wordpress themes quickly for clients Available Frameworks * Atahualpa * The Buffet Framework * Carrington * Hybrid * Sandbox * Thematic * WP Framework * Thesis ...

How to make div stretch along with body?

Hi folks, I've been searching through forums to find a solution for the problem I'm facing and couldn't find any. So here I am, again, asking for remedy. I have this page which encase personal profile form. That form is enclosed in page container div and is quite long that it requires main scrollbar in order to see those hidden. And the...

Unable to Validate XHTML without breaking jQuery references

Hello guys, my webpage is www.bodrum_dev.info (Remove the underscore character from two words). I am trying to validate my page, but featured news section (that changes article headline and image on the left when mouse over to titles) generates 30 errors. I know the reason. Because i have h1 h2 and div tags inside an a tag. So basicall...

Using Jquery Jcarousel, I need help modifying the pagination

First as a note I am using this plugin in a Rails app. Ok I need to do two things. The first is that the pagination that I have working through: jQuery('.jcarousel-control a').bind('click', function() { carousel.scroll(jQuery.jcarousel.intval(jQuery(this).text())); return false; }); needs to work without text. right now...

Stats: Popularity of CSS

Is there anything on this matter on the web? Because I can't seem to find anything. Edit: Sorry about being unspecific. Normally I hate these guys, too. I'm looking for stats on how CSS became popular around 2000-2004. ...

Using CSS for a multiple-column form

any suggestions on the best way to do a form like that? http://i.imgur.com/vT7tC.png I'm using tables + input with width: 100%, I know it's probably not the best way (also, for some reason the input width: 100% gets bigger than [td] or [div] (the red border on this image is from a [div][input ...][/div]) thanks ...

Pure CSS Dropdown Menu

Hello, I have been working on facebook application and you know on facebook native javascript is not allowed, they have their own implementation FBJS which is troublesome when it comes to creating stuff like menus. Is there any pure CSS dropdown solution without any involvement of javascript (javascript is used in all the solutions i h...