
Problem with CSS selector

I have a link <a href="..." class="fancylink">text</a> I used the code .fancy { text-decoration:none; } but it still underlined, if I set it to "underlined" it double underline it. So I can't take control of a link style using a Class? ...

border-radius.htc support for hiding/showing divs?

I'm using border-radius.htc to simulate the border-radius CSS property in IE. It works fine, but I want to show and hide a div with rounded corners. The problem is that the border-radius.htc does not support advanced manipulation like hiding div, only modifying the size. Has anyone experienced similar problems and found a solution? ...

Div positioning

Hi people, So, i have some block, and this block must contains two divs, first div must be at left(attached to block), second at right(attached to block), and this two divs must coverage all block size. ...

problem formatting height <DD> for IE6

Hello, I'm trying to format DL list: http://design.vitalbmx.com/new_html/index.html (6 items starting with "Troy Merkle on Giant") Looks good in Firefox, Chrome, IE7-8. In IE6 DD height is always larger (107px, while it must be 78px). I tried adding smaller height in style, removing all margins / padding etc and nothing seems to help...

HTML pressing spacebar moves page down?

I have a problem that I'm not even sure what to search for in order to fix. When I press the spacebar my entire page moves down (I don't want this to happen). My BODY tag is styled to overflow:hidden (if that has anything to do with it) so it won't have any scrollbars. I'm usually pretty good at executing the preliminary troubleshootin...

Is there a textArea for flex, which supports html-text with css formatting?

I would like create a text area with code highlighting in flex. Is there an advanced textArea witch suports css for real. For example: myHtmltext:String = '<span class="keyword"> #include </span>'; myTextArea:TextArea = new TextArea(); myTextArea.htmlText = myHtmltext; ...

table > tbody > tr > td > div > toggled span and textbox without the table resizing?

So I've got this control I'm trying to make. It's an in-place text editor for a website, and the basic idea is that it will display a label with some text, and when you click the text, the label disappears and a textbox appears in it's place, so that the user can edit the data. The general layout is something like this (id's and even...

Controlling a background image position of the body

Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to affect the positioning of the body; I have a 500 x 500 pixel image I have positioned in the center of the page, set not to repeat. I was wondering if it's possible to skew the positioning somehow so that it appears 20 pixels down from the center, as I have a larger header that overlays the bac...

How to set height property for SPAN

Hello guys. I need to make following code stretchable with predefined height <style> .title{ background: url(bg.gif) no-repeat bottom right; height: 25px; } </style> <span class="title">This is title</span> But since span is inline element, "height" property won't work. I tried using div instead, but it will expand up to th...

Firefox & CSS3: using overflow: hidden and box-shadow

I'm not sure whether this bug applies to Firefox only or also to WebKit-based browsers, but it's really, really annoying. I've got a template/framework for my CMS interface, using box-shadow on a few elements with a width of 100%. Since this causes shadow on the right side of the element, a scroll bar appears. To hide the ugly scrollba...

jQuery UI Themes which are totally different than what ThemeRoller gives

Is anybody aware of a project/url that shares jQuery UI compatible themes, that you can't tell at first glance are from ThemeRoller. Difference: different icons, styling of tabs, dialogs etc, not just color palette. I think you got what I mean. ThemeRoller is nice but would be even nicer to have some visual alternatives. Even 1 would mak...

Style a <label> based on its <input>'s state

Is it possible, with only CSS, to style an HTML label dependent on its input's state? In my case, I want to style an <input type="checkbox"> based on whether it's checked. I tried putting the label inside the input, but Firefox and Chrome (at least) seems to parse them as siblings, even though they're clearly nested in the input source...

CSS Inheritance: Overriding a parent selector that is a decendant selector

How can I make this link use the child selector without changing or removing the parent selector? (I want the link to be blue.) <html> <head> <style> .parent a { color:Red; } .child { color:Blue; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="parent"> <a class="child" href=...

Setting a background image in a div, position options

I know how to set a background in a div like: background: url(/images/image.gif) no-repeat top right; Sometimes I need more fine grained control, other than say top, center or bottom. I have seen people using 'em' in the position section, what is that doing? ...

Using uppercase, dashes or underscores when naming css selectors

What are the best practices when naming CSS selectors? SomeContainerContent some_container_content some-container-content I read the other similar questions here on stack overflow, but there is no general consensus in the answers. I was wondering if anyone else had more to add. ...

images around div are mis-aligned in chrome, fine in firefox

So it works fine in firefox and IE, but in chrome the right image is all messed up, bleeding past the text. Is there something obvious that you guys can see? Here is my HTML: <a class="item" href=""><span>Text</span></a> And my CSS: a.item { color:#eeeeee; background:url(/images/right.gif) top right no-repeat; display:-moz-inline-b...

In CSS when should you use ids and when should you use classes?

Possible Duplicate: CSS Best Practice about ID and Class? To me, it seems like both achieve the same thing. So are there any rules or standards as to when ids are more appropriate over classes and vice versa. I know this question may be seen as subjective, I don't have any preference over one or the other and am not trying to...

Styling links with CSS

I'm trying to style these links: <a class="sub" href="#">Email Updates</a> <a class="sub" href="#">RSS Updates</a> With this CSS: .sub:link, .sub:visited{height: 50px; width: 308px; background-color: #669900; line-height: 50px; margin: 0 0 0 -15px; font-size: 35px; font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF;...

Use javascript to randomly append CSS class to one list item

Hey, I don't have any code because I don't know how to do this. I'm looking to use jQuery / javascript to randomly append the CSS class "active" to one list item within a an unordered list id'd as ul#sliding_panels. ...

How can a float design achieve this table-like result?

Hello guys, I'm usually a Web technologies enthusiast, and I'm all for the no-tables-design thing, but right now, it's somewhat pissing me off. :/ I'm trying to achieve something that would have been extremely easy with tables, but that seems overly complex/impossible using floating elements. Look at the following: +-----------------+...