I am creating an MVC 1.0 form to use in multiple views. I have some elements that need to be shown on the same line, and I have done this by setting the display to "display: inline" for the style. I have also added the margin-left setting to the CSS in order to force the gap between the inline elements but this doesn't appear to be bei...
I am creating an Index page in an MVC 1.0 application and want to right-align the text in one of the columns. I have tried to do this by creating an extra class in the td style and setting the "text-align: right" in this but this doesn't appear to be being applied to that element.
In my CSS file I have:
table td
padding: 5px;
Hey guys I'm making a new layout for my community and now I'm slicing him into pieces. Their is only 1 problem I designed a textfield where the user can search but there are 2 links right after the textfield. I don't know how to let them stick together. I've tried something and it actually works in google chrome, but in it doesn't.
I found many answers to this question on Google, but none of them seem to work for all browsers.
I am looking for a CSS-only way to get min-width working on Firefox, IE6, IE7, and IE8. It is well-known that IE does not support min-width, so several hacks are out there to try to emulate the behavior of min-width. Unfortunately, I have no...
I need an on hover semi-transparent div which includes some text to appear over the top of a thumbnail image? Is it possible to do this without using JS and use just CSS?
EDIT: Changed title to actually be
I'm trying to simulate a modal popup in all HTML and CSS and am having a bit of bad luck with one single element of what I'm doing. I want the innermost div, the one with the content, to not be opaque like the border is, but no matter what I try with the CSS I cannot get it to work. Her...
Hi all,
I have created a simple HTML page with a centred DIV for content. I have a repeater image on the DIV to give a border effect.
When viewing the HTML page in IE & FF, it loads correctly. No scrollbars and all divs fill the whole page to 100%.
When I move this over to a ASP.Net MasterPage, it all goes pear shaped. The centre DIV...
I tried to use jquery.corner.js and it works well in FF but on IE, it adds several breaks and makes the div look "longer". I found several ways of rounding corners using images, but it really gets tedious trying to create images for every corner.
There are some approaches that work only on FF, Opera (and other Mozilla based browsers) bu...
Hi all,
Can anybody help me letting me know what is wrong with the following code?
Sorry guys, I am trying to add an event to a image inside of a table, so when its clicked it collapse the div under ...
Currently I'm working on two table columns next to eachother, which contents must be of equal height. Sounds classic, however, the table/row/cells can't be given a fixed height, because it will be different every time.
I've simplified the case to this example:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w...
Hi all,
I've seen this question asked in pieces (just JS or just CSS) on other sites and SO, but I haven't seen a good solid way to do this yet.
My situation is fairly common. I'm using .NET MVC and developing in Visual Studio. I have a Site.Master page and multiple views, each with a content placeholder where I specify my JS and CSS ...
// clickable blocks
function () {
window.location = $(this).find('a').attr("href").css("cursor", "pointer");
return false;
The container is made clickable but the cursor remains the same. Why isn't the css selector working?
(Yes, yes, I shouldn't use regexps. Alternate solutions are most welcome!)
I'm trying to customize my view of a web page I use a lot, using GreaseMonkey to filter out things I don't want to see.
Basically, the pages contain a lot of links that look like this:
<a class="foo" href="blah">Text</a>
and I'd prefer them to look like this:...
I fall into an IE bug that I don't find a way to solve
Here's the template http://codecanyon.net/item/tquery-dynamic-tables/full_screen_preview/89478
If you open with Firefox or Chrome, the table header shows correctly, no BLACK, if you use IE7 or IE8, it shows some black space. Why? I tried to change padding, margin... but that didn't ...
Does anybody know how to force resize the image that opens in lightbox either in CSS or by hacking lightbox?
I know it's not a good solution to having a fixed image size (should be done on upload) but it is a specific requirement of a client.
I noticed using the clip property also removes the box-shadow property. Is there a way to use both on the same element?
Some background: I have three columns for three types of products. Each product has an image, and each image is different in size. I want to standardize image size so my products display consistently. But I wou...
I am programmatically generating HTML and want to link to a CSS file that I've included in my Resources folder. I am using a baseURL of nil, and my CSS file is at the top level of the project file, but this "link" is definitely not working (ie, the CSS file is clearly not being loaded/found when the UIWebView displays the HTML).
Is it p...
Does anyone know how to make Block 3 not to go under Block2.
I would like Block3 to show under Block 1, and Block 4 then would go on the right of Block 3.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; chars...
I want to set the value of a session variable to a hex color code in the Global.asax, then use the value of that session variable (hex code) as the background color in the default.css file.
Can anyone give me an idea on how to accomplish this?
I'm experimenting with using html5 and css counters to number the figures in a document. The figure numbering css is working, but I need to be able to generate cross reference that include the figure numbers.
Is there any way to access those values via javascript? The counter code I am using is:
body { counter-reset: section; }