
How to generate the "computed" CSS for an arbitrary HTML code snippet

I am starting work on a project to be able to grab an arbitrary HTML snippet (e.g. all code within a <div></div> block) and generate the minimal CSS necessary to render the snippet on a blank page while maintaining the same visual styling it has on the originating web page. My sense is that all of the heavy lifting for this function can...

List of items is too long, how do we detect condition and resolve it?

We have a fixed size div in which we are displaying some news items. We display 6 news items, and then a link that follows, which links them to archives. When the news article titles are all one line in length, everything fits. When multiple news items have titles that are two lines in height, the group of items takes up more space th...

navigation overlapping

On this page: http://wilwaldon.com/crossing/badnav.html notice: the left navigation where it states "A 4 really long page title. And another long title. about half way down the menu. It exceeds the width of the navigation and goes onto the content area. I've tried for about 3 hours to fix this, I'm sure it's just me being overworked a...

CSS styles are not applied to elements added to JavaFX component tree

I have applied CSS style to JavaFX components and it looks like everything is working fine except one situation: when I add JavaFX components to component tree on-the-fly their CSS styles are not applied. For example following code: package test; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle...

CSS 3 DIVs in a row : 2 fix 1 auto adjust

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to create 3 divs and have them lineup in the same row. Having 1st and 3rd one fixed width at 100px and have the 2nd (middle) one audo adjust its width in case of browser resize. <div> <div id="d1"> content 1</div> <div id="d2"> content 2</div> <div id="d3"> content 3</div> </div> thanks, ...

UiBinder FlexTable style

Hi, I want to add different styles to different rows, Which is the best way? I'm trying this (it doesnt works, no error but no changes): TWO INTERFACES: public interface StatiscticsTableResources extends ClientBundle { public static final StatiscticsTableResources INSTANCE = GWT.create(StatiscticsTableResources.class); @Source("S...

DJANGO ImageKit Functionality

I'm putting together a very basic time-lapse sequence of images (about 120 images total). I've installed imagekit, adjusted the specs.py file to my needs, populated the database with "pointers", imagekit has generated thumbnails.....all is well. my views.py includes: def pics(request): p = Photo.objects.all() return...

Dynamic Padding (jQuery)

$('#menu .sub-right').css( 'paddingLeft', $('#menu .sub-left').width() ); nor $('#menu .sub-right').css({'padding-left': $('#menu .sub-left').width()}); ...these work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! ...

How to force <noscript> to be inline & inherit CSS styles?

Using <noscript> inside of another tag seems to cause it to take on its own style (that is, none), and forces the text inside to take its own line (even if display:inline is set with CSS). Is there any way to avoid this, or a workaround to use instead? Here is what I mean: http://www.webdevout.net/test?01I <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C...

Can name of CSS ID, Class, JavaScript variables be a copyrighted issue?

If I use any commercial or free/opensource/ CMS's CSS and JavaScript with existing CSS classes, IDs and variable names can it be a copyright issue? ...

Remove style from all child elements

i have a panel (A), which contains 3 other panels (AA, AB, AC). Each of the subpanels contains Label and Button. The label has a style. How can i remove all styles from all labels over A. My idea was to make something like A.getChilds().removeStyleName();... edit: the number of the subpanels is variable...from 2 to 1000. Each subpanel h...

CSS: Absolute Position and Z-index

Hello, Is z-index only used when you set an element's position to absolute or it can also be used with an element having position set to relative? Thanks ...

How can I compare two color values in jQuery/JavaScript?

I get color vlaue with jQuery with .css('color'), and then I know color that it should be. How can I compare colro value that I get from jQuery with for example black color value? ...

Adding a class to an element in quirksmode

I try to add a class to a td-element using javascript with the internet explorer 8 in quirks-mode. That seems to work, because I can see the added class when I view the source, but my css doens't affect it so nothing visually changes at all. I simply add a html class to change the background-color but nothing happens. It works when runni...

Buttons with images in plain HTML / CSS

Hi, is there a way to add an image to a regular <input type = "button" /> besides the text? ...

How to deal with floated elements?

Hello, If there are floated elements in a parent element, they parent element looses its shape or has no height. How to deal with this problem? Thanks ...

CSS Problems, Only works in Firefox. Chrome and IE have problems?

I have this background, the css code is: body { background: #FFF url('images/bg.png') no-repeat bottom center; margin-bottom: -500px; width: 100%; height: 100%; color:#999; } The image is 400px height, and I would like to make it stick with bottom, apperantly, only works in firefox, in chrome and IE the background ...

CSS question about Id selector problems?

How can i get the ba selector to work when I use it as an id selector instead of a class selector in the following code? This will not work with the ba as the id attribute. #abc textarea#ba { height: 400px; width: 660px; } This will work with the ba as the class attribute. #abc textarea.ba { height: 400px; width: 660px...

How to test your web applications on mobile?

Hi, I don't have money to buy mobile phones, iPhone, etc, but I do want to make my web applications available to mobile devices. Are there some software to stimulate these devices, or what should I do? ...

fully absolute positioned layout shows up blank

I'm working on a website and have been using absolute positioning, since the viewport size will always be fixed (offline iphone webapp). Halfway through I realized that I wasn't using a proper doctype declaration and such. When I added those and refreshed in a browser, the content completely vanished. A code sample is below. With no doc...