
Why do some pages stall? (Ad Related)

I notice on bad quality websites with ads a piece of the site will load then stall for seconds then load in the rest of the site. With AdBlock it loads very quicky. What is causing the stall? Is there a simply way around it? ...

Why is ie7 ignoring the left-margin on my first list item (only)??

http://blog.helpcurenow.org/test/mockups/mar2010/lp.html In the above landing page, I have an offers box that has four donation buttons. The first three are targeted with individual id's and given a left margin of 13px. All is well in every browser I'm viewing in except ie7. For some reason ie7 is ignoring the left-margin of 13px on th...

ASP.NET C# Javascript div Centering

hello everyone. I'm new here at Stack Overflow and this is my first question. I'm a rookie in .NET programming, my only real life programming experience is COBOL so go easy on me :p The thing is: I want to, when the user clicks a button on my website, to make a div appear in the center of the browser above all other content on the we...

Disabling Webkit Form Input Shadow

Is there a way to disable the colored shadow generated by Webkit browsers when a form element receives focus? It's yellow in Chrome and blue in Safari, and gets in the way of any custom focus styles I try to implement. ...

layout problem: keeping a fixed width in CSS with varying text

The "span" tag that encompasses the text I'm trying to display is of 500px width. Now, every time I insert a text longer than that width, it crosses over to complete the text. That only happens when the text has no spaces (like: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you get the picture. I'...

CSS: series of floated elements without wrapping but rather scrolling horizontally

I'm working on a album viewer. At the top I want a horizontal container of all the image thumbnails. Right now all the thumbnails are wrapped in a div with float:left. I'm trying to figure out how to keep these thumbnails from wrapping to the next line when there are too many, but rather stay all in one horizontal row and use the scrollb...

Override opaque text in a transparent div with CSS

I am trying to make text inside a transparent div have no opacity, aka be completely black: <div style="opacity:0.6;background:#3cc;"> <p style="background:#000;opacity:1">This text should be all black</p> </div> Is this possible to do with only CSS? Thanks in advance ...

ClearFix vs Overflow

Its the standard float issue. You have a bunch of floating elements inside a parent container div. Since the childs are floating, the parent doesnt expand to include all of them. I know about the clearfix solution as well as setting the overflow property on the parent container div to "auto" or "hidden".http://www.quirksmode.org/css/cle...

CSS - how to display submenu options horizontally while maintaining spacing of horizontal main menu options

I have a menu working fairly well but can't figure out how to make the 2nd level submenu display horizontally instead of vertically. The whole menu needs to be only 2 rows, so hovering over the top row should display the submenu options horizontally on the 2nd row. See it here live. desired: option1 option2 option3 ...

How do I get IE7 to print this <table> properly with columns hidden by CSS?

Note that this only seems to be an issue in Internet Explorer versions 7 and lower. Here's a dumbed-down version of my HTML: <table> <colgroup> <col width="20" class="hidden_col" /> <col width="50" /> <col /> </colgroup> <tr> <td class="hidden_col"><input type="checkbox" /></td> <td>Title</td> <td>Longer Description</td> </tr> </tabl...

Is there a way I can tell if IE7 is rendering a page in Standards mode or Quirks mode

I'm having a bit of trouble w/ some CSS on a page. It's valid CSS and Strict HTML. It renders fine in every* browser except for IE (I have only tried 7). Is there a way to tell if it's rendering the page in Quirks or Standard mode? I suspect it may be doing quirks mode, as that's about the only explanation I can think of. *Opera, Chrome...

links are showing up on each line, instead of inline

On a blog detail page, I have a tags section. The html looks like: <td class="tags"> <a href="">tag1></a>, <a href="">tag2</a> </td> For some reason the tags are showing up, each on their own line, instead of being inline. I know I can create a new style to fix this, I just have to make sure the CSS style is specific enough to targe...

How to make an inner div push the outer div down.

Suppose I have an div. Inside this div, I have two divs floating left, right next to each other, I believe. The left div is for a picture. For some reason, when the picture is too tall, it doesn't push the outer div to fit the picture. Instead, the picture just keeps going on its own and goes "beyond" the outer div's bottom border. H...

CSS selector for elements without text siblings

I'm trying to find a CSS selector that can help me distinguish between the <var> tags in these 2 different usages: <p><var>Foo</var></p> And <p>Some text <var>Foo</var> and more text</p> Basically if a var has a sibling that is a text node I need to style it differently. Suggestions? ...

how to not show yellow focus on form (input or textarea) just like on facebook

i see that the form elements on facebook are not highlighted when in focus. how can i do that? with chrome for example if i click on this textarea it becomes orange or yellow. thx ...

Scaling elements Upward with Scriptaculous

I'm building a little menu item using Prototype/Scriptaculous. The little test I have setup uses Effect.Scale on a menu item. I'd like the item to scale upward and push the other element up with with it when you hover over the menu item. I have the ul.nav set to a specific height, but the scaled element seems to be positioned absolutel...

Please provide me pointers for css guide lines for mobiles.

Please provide me guidelines for css for mobiles. The specific questions are: What are the recommendations for the width? Should it be fluid? Any recommendations for usage of Ajax in them. Can Jquery be used. Does all the fancy methods supported Any emulators that I must be using? Any framework that would ease the pain? Recommendations...

Should I use "]]>" or "//]]>" for closing a CDATA section into xHTML

I want to inline Scripts or CSSs into xHTML without escaping special characters. I can do that using a CDATA marked section. According to www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.8 the CDATA section can be defined as: <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ ... unescaped script content ... ]]> </script> Then, according...

CSS site how to

Someone who can provide me good links to make a site like that.. I mean the design are really amazing, and i want to do something new and more professional, than just design in photoshop then make a frame and voila.. http://fusionmedia.dk/ http://tjenonline.dk/ again, i want to learn how to do like that site, the menubar and whole desi...

Jquery, Jcarousel, first pagination item set to :active unless another is set

I have been able to get the clicked pagination item to respond to a css selector. But I can't get it to be :active if the user uses the next and back buttons vs the pagination. ul.jcarousel-control li a:focus {background-position:0 -11px} ul.jcarousel-control li a:active {background-position:0 -11px} That stuff makes it work if the i...