I have made a image gallery with jquery found here:
I just wanted to know how to i add functionality to prev and next arrow images to show next and previous images with jquery.
Are unused CSS images downloaded by the browser or ignored?
Eg. in CSS rules which don't match any elements.
Or would this be browser-dependant?
I've got a site that I am working on that has greebles on the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right corners. The full width of this is roughly 1100px. The actual content area is within the 960px layout.
I want the site to be properly centered right down to 960px, with the extra imagery disappearing out the right and left...
I'd like everything to function correctly, except when it's mobile, the entire site will used a set of specific templates.
Also, I'd like to autodetect if it's mobile. If so, then use that set of templates throughout the entire site.
Hi, the title and the example says it all. I'm looking for a way to make the thumbnail places look good instead of those partly empty spaces around the images.
Hello everyone
I have a html like this: The idea is that divs are floated left and when there are more than 3 divs. The next one shoud start at the next line. (Because of the width). This works in almost all the browsers. Even in IE6. But when it comes to IE7. It puts the 4th div on the same line.
Any ideas why?
<div id="content">
Is there a problem to using javascript for styling content?
My website requires javascript. There is this text on my website that I want vertically centered. The text could be either 2 lines or 3 lines long. With javascript I could vertically center it pretty easily. The CSS ways to vertically center it seem complicated and includ...
How do I display the link for the current page different from the others? I would like to swap the colors of the text and background.
This is what I currently have:
<div id="header">
<ul id="navigation">
<li class="bio"><a href="http://www.jacurren.com/">Home</a></li>
<li class="theatre"><a href...
I have the following markup:
<p class="managebox">
<button value="Add page">
<img src="page_add.png" alt="Add more content" />
Add Page
And the following CSS:
p.managebox { position: relative; }
p.managebox button { display: block;
padding: 5px 7px 4px 30px;
Just came across this by Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com/examples/CSSTabs/
Can anyone explain me, how does the class .cur get applied to a tab's heading, when we click it? There's no js in it.
I'm trying to center a heading (with variable width) and have the underline running from the left hand edge of the page to the end of the text. Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't seem to be an easy way of doing this! The closest I've come to what I want is:
<style type="text/css">
#wrapper1 {
margin-right: 50%;
If width of a viewport is set to 1024px and if I create the following html document:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<style type="text/css">
padding:0px 250px;
margin:0px 250px;
I'm looking for a way to use a part of a picture to use as a thumbnail without actually resize the image.
It's like you capture a part of the picture and show it as thumbnail
So I am making a website with quite a problematic layout. There are four corner images TL, TR, BL and BR indicated by black blocks. The dark orange area is the main content (to a width of 960px), with the outside area denoted by the green arrow as the browser window. See diagram:
The top image represents the site at its narrowest po...
1) If textbox element (<input type=”text” /> ) has its width property set to inherit, then textbox doesn’t overflow. But if textbox has width set to auto, then it overflows due to browser calculating the width.
a) Why doesn’t browser take into the account that textbox is inside another element and thus adjusts the width of a textbox...
I'm trying to figure out how to overlay a div on top of an image.
Here's what I've got so far, I'm totally stuck and have been for a while.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.
I'd like to understand a little more clearly how css margins work with divs and child content.
If I try this...
<div style="clear: both; margin-top: 2em;">
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
...the Save button is right up against the User Role (margin fail):
If I change it to this...
<div style="clear: both;">
I'm developing in rails right now and I was wondering if there are any easy ways to add some style to the button_to control.
Can you add styling to the
<%= submit_tag 'Log in' %>
<%= button_to "Show Me", {:controller => 'personal', :action => "add" } %>
It would be great to change the color....But brownie point if someone can...
If you go to http://www.wilwaldon.com/learning/inner4a.html with IE7 you will see the middle 2 columns being pushed to the bottom of the page. I've tried using display:inline on both columns but to no avail.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance!
I have a three column layout. The last column on the right is:
#left_column {
float: left;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;
width: 12em;
#main_content {
float: left;
margin: .3em;
width: 35em;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;
#right_column {
float: left;
width: 7em;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;