
CSS - Opaque text on low opacity div?

Hi, I have a div with 60% opacity, to show part of a background image behind the div. Because the opacity is at 60%, the text in that div appears as grey. Is there anyway to override this level and make the text appear black? Any advice appreciated. Thanks. ...

HTML <select> selected option background-color CSS style

Is there a style for a select option's "selected" color? For example: <HTML> <BODY> <FORM NAME="form1"> <SELECT NAME="mySelect" SIZE="7" style="background-color:red;"> <OPTION>Test 1 <OPTION>Test 2 <OPTION>Test 3 <OPTION>Test 4 <OPTION>Test 5 <OPTION>Test 6 <OPTION>Test 7 </SELECT> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> When I select an option it tu...

CSS3 box shadow on top of children

How do I get an inset CSS3 box shadow to render on top of its children elements? Problem: HTML: <div id="chatroom"> <div class="chatmessage"><b>User 1:</b>Test</div> <div class="chatmessage"><b>User 2:</b>Test</div> <div class="chatmessage"><b>User 1:</b>Test</div> <div class="chatmessage"><b>User 2:</b>Test</div> ...

Looking for workaround for IE8 opacity bug

One of my css styles has a black background color and a filter with an opacity. This is supposed to be translucent and almost always is. There is one exception to this. IE8 doesn't play nice with a lot of Microsoft's other products, and update panels in .NET seem to be one of them. If I have an updatepanel that sends a javascript aler...

CSS child selector (>) doesn't work with IE

The following CSS works well under firefox but doesn't work under IE browser, Why? Also, how can I make only the elements, directly under the parent element, be affected by CSS? CSS: .box{font:24px;} .box>div{font:18px} .box>div>div{font:12px;} HTML: <div class="box"> level1 <div> level2 <div> level3</div> <...

IE6 + IE7 CSS problem with overflow: hidden; - position: relative; combo.

So I have created a slider for a homepage, that slides some images with a title and teaser text using jQuery. Everything works fine, and I went to check IE and found that IE 6 and 7 kills my slider css completely. I can't figure out why, but for some reason I can't hide the non active slides with overflow: hidden; I've tried tweaking the...

Align div boxes next to each other

Hi everyone, I’ve two div boxes that I’m using as a expand-collapse with some javascript but the problem is that they currently are align underneath each other. I would like to have them next to each other instead but I’ve run into a wall. My styles look like this: <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica...

CSS rules not getting applied in JSPs ?

Im building a web application using struts2. I have an authentication interceptor at the top of all the interceptors (I have set it up as such) which checks whether a user is logged in. If not, it will give a login page as result. In login page, I have some set of standard CSS rules which I use for all the JSPs in the app. But that log...

How can I show just the icon of the currently selected option?

Is it possible to have a bunch of <select> dropdowns in html that only display a small (say 10 pixels wide) icon, but when you click it the drop down has a list with the icons beside a descriptive string. (Let's see if ASCII art works on SO): [X] | X - Disable | | v/ - Enable | | O - Ignore | +-------------+ [O] [v] [X] Can that be...

adv. styling list with css

Hi I need to style a regular html list like the following picture: as you see each each list item has a padding on the sides and a top&bottom border. When hovered the border has a width of 100% of the <ul> item. Now the problem actually is: when you give each <li> element a top & bottom border I have a border of 2 px between each el...

JQuery load and css

Hello, I am loading some text dynamically into a div, but have the problem that everything below this div is moving around depending on the content loaded. How would I limit the space belonging to the div with the dynamic content, such that the user only sees the text changing not the layout of the page. thank you. patrick ...

What is the JQuery equivalent of YUI buttons?

http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/button More specifically, I want radio buttons. that can be checked/unchecked. ...

HTML colspan in CSS

Hi, I'm trying to construct a two row table similar to following: --- - where the bottom is filling the space of the upper row. Is this possible using CSS? In HTML I can do things like colspan. ...

How do I programatically format layers produced by a query loop?

This problem is similar to when creating alternate colour table-rows, only we are dealing with divs and margins instead of table rows and their colours. The following code creates as many layers as there are genres returned from a query (if three genres are found, three layers are created); and within each layer created, the code create...

Reuse classes in an id based css

I have a id based CSS file where I noticed I'm mostly repeating myself. What I'd like to do is specify that an item with an id follows a certain class + some other rules. For example: I'd like id id1 to have all the properties of class LinkButton applied as well as the value back-color: green. Is there a way to do this in the css file...

Style all anchors except those that contain images, without adding class or id to the image tag?

With the example below, I need to add padding and background-color properties to the text anchor. I then need to exclude padding and background-color from anchors that contain images. <p> <a href="#">this is a text link that needs to be styled</a> <a href="#"><img src="image/name.jpg" alt="this needs to be excluded from styling" /><...

jQuery animate background position in chunks?

I'm trying to use jQuery to make a background position of my span go down 10 pixels every second. What is a good way to do this? I've been playing with jQuery animate, delay, CSS, and some setTimeout functions but I can't get anything to work. Suggestions greatly appriciated! I'm trying to make my y-position go from 0 to 100 in increme...

Do static / relative divs accept height in %

I have a div which needs to be positioned statically / relatively. When it has both height and width defined in %, the browser (FF) ignores the height set and renders a very small div. However, when I set the height in px (approximately same calculated value), it works smoothly. The width defined in % works perfectly. I need the height...

Circular navigation tutorial?

I wish to incorporate a circular navigation with hover effects on the individual items. Are there any tutorials out there? If not, what would be the best way to make 6, 8, or 12 link "items" arranged circularly around a circular logo? They will have different states when hovered, active, or depressed? I want the items to have that ...

CSS issue with IE

Please check this: http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/3598/ieff.png why is it more height than in FF.. i want it to be like FF in IE #message2 { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 105; background-color: #034678; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 100%; text-align: center; font-wei...