can we use css in a vb application
can we use css in a vb application to give some enhancement ? like font color and background ? or any other way to customize a (VB)desktop application ?? ...
can we use css in a vb application to give some enhancement ? like font color and background ? or any other way to customize a (VB)desktop application ?? ...
I want to create a table structure with checkbox for each row and each row is identified with different colors, how can I achieve this ...
It's simple to observe the documents scroll event but I can't seem to find anything relating to the scroll of any other element with css property overflow being set? To get around this myself i've been observing mousemove which only fires while you hold down on the scrollbar but this would need to be teamed with a mouse wheel observe al...
From the above picture, I have 3 CSS classes() for using in this layout. parent for Black box class .parent { width: 1000px; height: 90px; } big for Red box class .big { width: 200px; height: 90px; } small forYellow box class .small { width: 200px; height: 30px; } HTML for Figure 1 should be like this. <di...
How can I format all td elements contained in a table with class myclass in CSS? I want a format rule which applies to <table class="myclass"><td>FORMAT THIS</td></table>. ...
Is it really possible to achieve grade "A" in yslow for all things for a dynamic and CMS(PHP/ based websites? and using same server. ...
Hello, This may sound silly. I have a <div style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:200px; background-color:#222222; margin-bottom:50px; right:0px;"></div>. It shows up from left to right on ff and chrome, but not IE. How exactly should be resolved. Thanks Jean ...
Hi folks: I cannot ensure whether the background-image style is valid for <tr> b\c the image doesn't display in my computer. <tr style='background-image: url(/images/Bet188/LeftMenu/xyz.png>...</tr> Thanks. ...
I have many elements positioned absolutely in my page. What is the best practice method to re-adjust its position on window resize(all of them)? ...
are multi-level CSS drop-down menus a big 'no-no' for SEO purposes. i've read mixed reviews. some say the links in the secondary navigation will not be crawled by search-engine spiders (because they're hidden) while the other say it is part of the HTML, so the spider will 'see' it. any thoughts? thanks ...
most sites show the syntax as applying list-style:none to the <li> but i've seen some tutorial sites (like this one) that apply list-style:none to the <ul> which one is the 'correct' way? any thoughts? thanx. ...
Which method is preferred to just show 2 links vertically, one over another? in content page (not as a navigation). This (although i don't need bullets) <p> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown ...
How i can override this declaration, i can do something like this div.someClass {position:absolute; left:10px; top:20px} i want this ----------------------------- div.myClass div.someClass {position:absolute; RIGHT:10px; top:20px; left:auto;} You can say, that it should work if I set left:auto; but it is not working in IE6, i didn't...
Use Firefox for this example. (Works fine in IE7) I have narrowed down an example at: (Where you can do -> view source) The problem is that the clear:both attribute on the red div forces it below the left floated blue div. This might well be correct and expected behaviour as that is how F...
i have a lot of html tags without href for making onclick javascript calls. but these links do not have a pointer style of cursor. they only have text style cursor. how to set cursor style to pointer for links without hrefs? i know i can add href="#", but i have this in a lot of places in the html document and would like to know how t...
Hey Community! I'm developing a mobile website and one of the browsers I need to make it work on is the BlackBerry Browser on the BlackBerry 8330 (Curve) running version 4.5. I came across a weird bug when I tried to style some links to look like buttons. If I add padding to an anchor tag, the display of the link changes, but the clic...
I want to display a list of complex, but fixed-size multiline elements, assuming that they will wrap the page line when line end is reached, making them appear by n in each row, when n depends on page width. Something like: Mary had Mary had Mary had a little a little a little LAMB LAMP WHISKEY Mary had a li...
Hi I am currently having problems with attempting to style the HTML rich text editor in our MOSS 2007 site definition. I have specified a corporate logo inline on a custom master page in the body tag as follows: <%@Master language="C#"%> <%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microso...
Hey I have a really annoying IE7 bug that I am trying to work out. The bottom of list items are getting cut off: IE7 Firefox Here is the CSS: /* begin buttons */ ul.buttons { /* general settings */ margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: 0em; ...
in my CSS I have .footer a {color :red} .footer b {color :green} in code: <b><a> ... </a></b> .... <a>..</a> It shows all in color red. I want to specify different and <a>..</a> colors, but <a> overrides <b> ..How should I proceed? ...