
css: Cross-browser, reflowing, top-to-bottom, multi-column lists

See http://cssfingerprint.com/about#stats. See also http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933645/multi-column-css-lists. I want a multi-column list that: uses no JS reflows on window size makes as many columns as fit the enclosing element therefore, does not require batching the list into manual column groups works in all browsers w...

Want to use opacity setting when displaying divs with animations in JQTouch

Sorry its a bit hard to describe. For a web-based iPhone site. Need Webkit, iPhone or simulator to view. I want to be able to use the native jQTouch animations, but I need to modify the background color and have it be partially transparent. Now i can get this this to work if I write my own custom jQuery code and call that (as it doesn't...

CSS/JavaScript/hacking: Detect :visited styling on a link *without* checking it directly OR do it faster than me

This is for research purposes on http://cssfingerprint.com Consider the following code: <style> div.csshistory a { display: none; color: #00ff00;} div.csshistory a:visited { display: inline; color: #ff0000;} </style> <div id="batch" class="csshistory"> <a id="1" href="http://foo.com"&gt;anything you want here</a> <a id="2" hre...

HTML and CSS - Vertical align divs

I have a div on the left hand side, and text on the right hand side. The text can be either 2 or 3 lines long, and I want the left hand div to be vertically centered to that text. I've looked online and it seems that all the ways to do this without using tables are complicated. Is there an easy way to do this? Most suggestions seem t...

How to add CSS to struts2 tags

Hi, I am using struts2 to build a web application and I use struts2 tags extensively. I am not able to apply CSS styles to my struts2 textfields, buttons, labels etc., What is the trick for setting CSS rules to struts2 UI components. Please help ...

IE8 CSS width, can't use percents?

Anyone have any problems with this? px and em work fine, % does nothing. I just want to extend this div the length of the screen in IE8. Microsoft, please. Been looking for a while to now avail. CSS #topPane {width:100%; height:100px; background-color:#0C9;} HTML <div id="topPane">a</div> ...

jQuery - Help with .find() and adding id to an anchor tag

I have a menu that uses SSIs, problem is the tag needs an id of "here" for CSS to apply background image to show the end user's location on the site. So is there a way to grab the browser's current url (ie: mypage.html), use the .find() function select the anchor tag and add id="here"? I can see this working in concept but no matter w...

cache headers for dynamic css (generated via PHP)

My CSS file is acutally a PHP file which is served with content-type text/css so that I can use PHP variables in that file. style.php looks like this: <?php header('Content-Type: text/css'); $bgColor = '#000'; ?> body { background:<?php print $bgColor; ?>; } It works as expected, but I am a bit worried if the browser caches the dynam...

position content relative to a fluid width element set to position:fixed

I have a layout with the following requirements An image on the left side, and content on the right side. The image is pinned to the bottom left of the viewport The image does not move when the user scrolls The image resizes to 100% height of the viewport, up to it's max height. (I don't want the image to distort in it's attempts to be...

Where can I find a guide to the inner workings of Internet Explorer's Trident engine?

Just as the title says. As i went through different explanations for choices made about the stylesheets of HTML pages, the masters sometimes seem to know how this layout engine seems to work in IE6, IE7 or IE8. I haven't found a good resource about Trident yet, maybe you guys can help me out? ...

Image visualization with canvas. How to resize them?

I'm building a website photo gallery for a friend. Images are loaded as simple DOM image objects (<img src="" />), and the size of these images is based on the browser size. So I resize them with CSS. This isn't an optimal solution since CSS resizing seems to change the quality of the image and pixelate it quite a bit. I was thinking o...

Andy clarke's "Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS" vs Eric meyer "CSS Reset".

Universal Internet Explorer 6 CSS CSS Code : /* -------------------------------------------------------------- Standardised Internet Explorer 6 stylesheet: http://forabeautifulweb.com/blog/about/universal_internet_explorer_6_css/ Based on the work of: Mark Boulton: http://markboulton.co.uk Eric Meyer: http://meyerweb.com Cameron Mol...

Does placing order matter for IE conditional css and main css?

Should it always come after main css or place doesn't matter? For example: if DIV {width:500px} is specified in main.css and DIV {width:400px} is specfied in IEonly.css which is inside Conditional comment. Then is it must that, IEonly.css should come after main.css in source , or placement doesn't matter? ...

Getting CSS from parent on an iFrame

I am using a phpbb3 forum with a bbcode to insert an iframe. I want to use the css from the forum for the iframe. I tried some code I found here but it isn't working. I might be doing something wrong but I'd love to get this working, especially since users can change the forum css. The forum is: botdls.prophbb.com and the iframe is the "...

Is good knowledge of PHP needed to make an installable template for CMS's like Wordpress, Joomla, or Drupal?

Is good knowledge of PHP needed to make an installable template for CMS like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal? Or is good knowledge of XHTML and CSS enough? ...

JQuery's offset() function

Hello, I know JQuery does most when it comes to cross-browser issues. I just wanted to know if offset() method of JQuery serves the purpose of cross-browserability, I mean top, left, etc properties that can be derived from it? Basiclly once I apply top, left, etc properties (which are derived from offset() function) to an element, I ne...

JQuery: Can't figure out the error

Hello, I have this code: $('.user_info').click(function(){ var pos = $(this).offset(); rel_value = $(this).attr('rel'); $('#' + rel_value).css({top: pos.top + 'px', left: pos.left + 'px'}); $('#' + rel_value).show('slow'); $('#' + rel_value).hover(function(){}, function(){ $(this).fadeOut('slow'); }); ...

Error at <img> tag in ASP.NET

I have this code <a href="~Home.aspx"> <img style="float:left;margin-left:1px;" src=~img/head/acasa.png title="Acasa" /> </a> and when I start the project , VS returns me this error "Error 38 Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory." What`s is the problem ?? This code id part of a control *ascx ...

How to handle PNG image loading time in html, css

When I have an <a> tag set to a specific image background like this: HTML: <a href="..." title="click here">Click Here</a> CSS: a { background: transparent url(button.png); } and I want the background to change whenever a user hovers over the spot, like this: CSS: a { background: transparent url(button_HOVER.png); } The hover...

Does HTML and CSS needs to be valid before we apply JavaScript?

Hi all, I was thinking about Web standards, and i was wondering if we need to have valid HTML and CSS before we apply JavaScript? Can anyone enlighten me on the relation between valid HTML, CSS and JavaScript? For instance, does invalid HTML and CSS prevent JavaScript from working correctly? Best Regards. ...