
Joomla - template dissapearing

Hello, I have a Joomla Website located at http://www.MikeSilvis.com, and upon going to the site initially everything looks fine. However if you go into the site and click any link say web-design You can see that the default template is no longer being displayed. I have tried changing to a different template but that does not seem to ...

Is there an HTML CSS testing bin similar to jsbin

Is there a page similar to JSbin where I can test HTML and CSS + provide "fiddlable" examples to you? ...

Div behind another div problem.

Here is a (big) example of the massive problem I am having, when this page is live at euroworker.no/order, it is dynamically generated, I have supplied a static version for people to mess with. All I need is where it says "Endre Valg" to push the div wrapper under it down.. Sounds easy huh? I have tried many many things, I hope that som...

RUBY Nokogiri CSS HTML Parsing

I'm having some problems trying to get the code below to output the data in the format that I want. What I'm after is the following: CCC1-$5.00 CCC1-$10.00 CCC1-$15.00 CCC2-$7.00 where $7 belongs to CCC2 and the others to CCC1, but I can only manage to get the data in this format: CCC1-$5.00 CCC1-$10.00 CCC1-$15.00 ...

Flash Overlapping HTML. CSS Problem In IE??

HELP, this is a very unique problem and I can't for the life of me figure it out. My flash content is overlapping the HTML above it. This only happens if I've just launched IE after being restarted and goes away once I refresh the page. I even added a jQuery $(document).ready function that sets a margin between the html and the flash ...

Internet Explorer border bug

On this page in Internet Explorer 6 and 7 on XP and Vista there is a bug where scrolling the page seems to lose bits of the left and right borders. Has anyone seen this behaviour before, and does anyone have any ideas to avoid it? Edit: This is fixed now. If anyone would like to see what the problem was, find the following line and dis...

z-index has no effect in IE7 with Google Map and Navigation Sub-Menus

I feel like the problem is extremely apparent. I'm working on an issue with a client's site, which actually happens on several of my clients' sites but this one is the most apparent. IE7 Is refusing to obey z-index rules. I've played around with differing values, particularly on the divs #mapWrapper and #map. Take a look here: http://the...

CSS sliding-door buttons center alignment

Hi guys, I need help to align CSS buttons. I tried many different variations and I just cannot center my button the way I want. Firstly, have a look at this url: http://www.front-end-developer.net/cssbuttons/example.htm I'm using 2 images to form a button (this could be done on 1 image, but in this case we've got two). Everything work...

CSS not being applied to base page element when referenced by id

I have a Master Page which has an associated css file. On one of the base pages I have a div to which I am trying to apply a style from this css file by id. However, the page when rendered has a different id for this element. How can I specify the correct id name in the css file? Is there a way to specify that I want the id of this ...

how to read element when we have multiple class in jquery

Hi, I have a multiple div almost more than 50 and there are some div with class "holiday" Example: <div class="fc-event fc-event-vert fc-corner-top fc-corner-bottom **holiday**" style="position: absolute; z-index: 8; top: 0px; left: 61px; width: 71px; height: 40px;">content</div> I am trying to identify this div in jquery and modify...

Copying Pasting Word 2007 docs to HTML WYSIWYG editors

Microsoft word has a ton of proprietary formatting and styles that do not translate well to html WYSIWYG editors. When you paste them over to the html editor and try to edit the pasted info it causes all kinds of clashing styles. I want to be able to keep the general structure but leave out the proprietary stuff. Essentially I wan...

Fieldset CSS: any way to get a consistent display between Chrome, Firefox and IE?

I'm trying to get the display of a fieldset the same across browsers. I've create a simple file: <style> fieldset { -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 7px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 7px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 7px; -webkit-border-radius: 7px; border-radius: 3px; } ...

Good HTML/CSS/PHP editor that is free and multi-platform?

Hello, I have recently given up on using Visual Studio for Windows editing. See, PHP isn't really important as I have hardly any pages that use it, but in VS, if it smells PHP then it won't treat it as HTML and thus will all be plainly formatted.. so.. I'm looking for some sorta HTML/CSS/PHP editor that is free and multi-platform(so I c...

Stop images from wrapping when div width is to small.

I have a div that contains a ul and in each li there is a picture. I have floated the pictures left to get them to line up in a straight line however once it reaches the end of the div, it wraps. I would like the pictures to continue on to the right, hidden, so that I am able to create a carousel. My code is below. The HTML <div id="co...

Javascript based HTML/CSS Lint

Are there any html/css checkers that are javascript based like JSLINT? ...

IE7 relative/absolute positioning bug with dynamically modified page content

Hi, I was wondering if there's anyone having an idea how to tackle with the following problem in IE7: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <title>IE7 absolute positioning bug</title> ...

Stop Div from being affected by other css rules

I want a div on my page to have the id of header but because the nature of the site requires 3rd party code to be loaded into the page I want the header div to be unaffected by any css other than the css defined explicitly for it via #header { } Possible? I'd rather not use iframes to seperate it or anything like that. ...

Submenu with pure html and css disappears.

Hello, I am trying to make a dropdown menu with pure html and css, but the submenus disappear when the cursor leaves the parent li, thus preventing me from clicking on the submenu. Here is a link to the test site, link text I would really appreciate some help. Roland A. ...

Help with z-index issue with menu in IE7

Has anyone got any idea why the menu is rendering below the rotating images on this site in IE7: http://new.coffeelatino.co.uk/. The z-index is much higher for the menu that it is for the rotating images. Just another reason why IE is so dreadful. ...

I have this DIV in the top left corner of my page. How can I make an anchor that fills this div?

#mydiv { position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:83px; height:83px; } <div id="mydiv"></div> That's my style for my DIV, which sits on the top left corner of my page. I want this div to be click-able and go to a link. ...