
fixed position of inner div related to its container

Hi, if have the following code: <div id="container" style="position:relative; width:300px; height:300px; overflow:scroll;"> <div id="header"> </div> <div> a table of contents </div> </div> how do i make the inner div with the id "header" follows when i scroll down the outer div "container"? TIA Lina ...

How to create imaged scrollbars

Hello, How to create imaged scrollbars, for example: http://www.openstudio.fr/jquery/index.htm Basically, I want to create my own image slider with JQuery but I don't want to show default scrollbars. Instead, I would like to have imaged scrollbars. How do they create custom scrollbars? ...

Remove the white text shadow from disabled links in IE8

We are using Ext JS for an application in work, building a custom theme for it. We currently have a dark colour scheme including menus with dark backgrounds. In some of the menus some of the links are disabled at certain points, which all perfectly. However IE8 seems to add a sort of white text shadow, which I am sure is normally fine bu...

LI Background Images (.PNG) not appeared in IE6

Hi I am using the following CSS but it never shows background images in IE6. But if I remove the filter .. AlphaLoader command, then it shows with grey background. Here is my CSS Code .fg-block1 ul, .fg-block3 ul { list-style:none; } .fg-block1 ul li, .fg-block3 ul li { padding-left:28px; background:url(images/bullet-2.png) no-r...

Is there a way to arrange the alignment of List Items (LI) when using an image as a bullet?

I have the following CSS .ul{ list-style-image:url(/images/bullet.png) } My bullet.png is 20 x 20px however it is displaying the text at the bottom of the image while I need to display my text in the middle of the image. Is there a way to assign margins and paddings that move only the text? ...

mootools slideshow not working with JQuery. Need help !

I am working on a site http://tapasya.co.in where i just impemented mootools slideshow. But I noticed that menubar that i was using stopped working, it was supposed to drop horizontaly but it is not being displayed now. I have used jquery for it. Please see the source of the web page. What can be the problem ? Mootools conflicting with j...

Drupal - Selected Node Highlighting in Views

Drupal Question: Does anyone have a method of using Views and highlighting a selected/current node. So for example: I have a list of articles under a heading: 2009 Articles Dog Training Cat Cleaning Snake Wrangling The 3 articles are made from the view (ie: latest articles from 2009)... as the user makes new articles, they are a...

Rounded Corners Image Change on Hover

Hello, I created a rounded box/button and sliced its first corner, the middle bar (which repeats horizontally to adjust the width of the button text/content) and the last corner and used following markup: <div id="left-corner"></div> <div id="middle-bar">About Us</div> <div id="right-corner"></div> These divs have corresponding image...

Buttons size not equal in IE and Firefox

I have few buttons on my jsp page and I am using the style as : *.buttonblue { background-color: #003366; border-color: #99CCFF; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; height: 20px; display:inline; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; m...

Regular expression from font to span (size and colour) and back (VB.NET)

Hi, I am looking for a regular expression that can convert my font tags (only with size and colour attributes) into span tags with the relevant inline css. This will be done in VB.NET if that helps at all. I also need a regular expression to go the other way as well. To elaborate below is an example of the conversion I am looking for...

css, white color over website in firefox not in iexplorer

The title says it all, I have a white color over the website for the upper half of the website this is the link http://www.verkeersschool-sijtsma.nl/ ...

Div positioning problem related to Relative and Absolute positioning

Hello everyone. The problem I am running into is related to a footer I have absolutely positioned at the bottom of the page. Everything is fine until the copy on the page begins to extend further down the page which then causes my content wells to extend down, behind, the footer. Is there anyway I can force my content wells to 'push'...

CSS3 webkit fading in a tooltip.

HI, I've just been experimenting with a CSS tooltip that fades in with CSS3's transitions. I was going for a tooltip effect that when you hover a link, the tooltip appears, but fades in using only CSS3. I've got it working up to a point, but for some reason, when I hover over where it's meant to be, it activates, even though it's inital...

html vertical space between blocks appears

Please have a look at this page www.pixeli.ca/issue. I have begun making a page layout using CSS framework 960.gs. My problem is that there is some strange space appears between block with top image and blue block with "hello" string. So you can see a green stripe there that shouldn't be visible at all. I tried different variants and hav...

Jquery: Update css from a form entry.

Hello, I'm new to jQuery and I want to have a input box from a form called "width" and when you type a value (lets say "300") it will instantly update the div "#box" to a width of 300px. Thank you! ...

TinyMCE Image Alignment

TinyMCE has always been a little difficult to align images. Either the align tag, or adding style="float: left;" has been it solution. Ideally I would just like to add class="left" or class="right" so that I can set the border and margins of the image. Up until now the only way to do this without using the advimage plugin was to insert ...

IE 6 bug? width: 987

I'm having a very weird issue in IE6. If I set a div container do the width of 987px it adds a spacing between the container and an absolute positioned element inside. Any other width works fine, it's just 987. Is there something I'm not seeing? Code to reproduce: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3....

jQuery: attr('height') undefined

Hi folks, I have a container div with the following CSS: #container { position:relative; overflow:hidden; width:200px; height:200px; } Why does this: alert('height is ' + $("#container").attr('height')); Return that height is undefined? Thanks, JG ...

how can i put an image into select?

i have this script <select> <option value="1">one<img src="star.gif" height="15" width="15"></img> </option> </select> but it doesn't work. how can i put an image into select? thanks update: so it's impossible?:(maybe via javascript?... ...

What is preferred accessible and semantically correct method to code this type of data design?

What is preferred accessible and semantically correct method to code this type of data design? Table UL, LI DIV,SPAN For icons should i use for each place or i should is icon from CSS sprites? If we use css sprite here then how to code, and what will happen when images will be disabled ? Every link will open in new window and I hav...