
What is W3C latest officially recommended HTML and CSS version, for web development?

What is W3C officially recommended HTML and CSS version, for web development? Is it XHTML 1.1 and CSS 3? ...

CSS Transform Rotate letter alignment

Im using CSS Transforms to rotate an h2 5deg. For some reason the letters are out of alignment. Take a look at an example here http://dev.bestprintideas.com/bpi/image.png Heres the CSS .note-offer h2 { color: #626262; text-shadow: none; text-transform: none; margin: 15px 0 10px 25px; -moz-transform: rotate(-5d...

Is there a way to express the CSS3 negation pseudo-class in CSS2?

For example, I have some CSS3 code: .iMore:not (.__lod ):active { color: #fff } .iMore.__lod { color: #888 } I need to somehow express the same thing in CSS2. I figure it would have to be more verbose, but is it even possible? ...

How to trigger link hover state when hovering over its parent LI. jQuery

I'm trying to trigger a hover state on a text link when hovering over its parent li. Is this possible in CSS and secondly, am I missing something with .children that would solve this issue. Here's the HTML: <li class="video-1"> <a href="#"><img src="images/csi-1.gif" alt="csi-1" width="140" height="...

css3 moz-linear-gradient not working

For some reason my webkit definition works on chrome but in firefox 3.5.11 I am not seeing my gradient. html { height: 100%; } body { height: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } body{ height:100%; background-color: #eaebeb; background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eaebeb, #fff); background-image: -webkit-gradient(li...

css transition height: 0; to height: auto;

I am trying to make a ul "slideDown" using css transitions, the ul starts off at height:0; On hover height is set as height:auto; however this is causing it to simply appear not transition, if i do it from height: 40px; to height: auto; then it will "slideUp" to height:0; and then suddenly jump to the correct height. How else could i...

How do I stop -webkit-animation from reverting? Or make -webkit-transition animate in multiple steps

I want to make a two-step transition for flipping the screen: My code is like: .flipto { -webkit-animation-name: flippingto; -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s; } .flipfrom { -webkit-animation-name: flippingfrom; -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s; } @-webkit-keyframes flippingto { from { -webkit-transform: rotateY(180de...

CSS3 PIE - Giving IE border-radius support not working?

I am trying to make rounded corners in IE with the CSS3 PIE attached behavior. Here is my CSS: .fieldRow { clear:both; padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; line-height:17px; } .alternate, .rowMousedOver { -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; behavior: url(PI...

Which elements support the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements?

I'm trying to come up with some good default styling for <input>s in HTML5 and tried the following: input::after { display: inline; } input:valid::after { content: ' ✓ '; color: #ddf0dd; } input:invalid::after { content: ' ✗ '; color: #f0dddd; } Alas, the ::after content never shows up. It's not a problem with double- versus...

Which technology should one use while designing a web app - HTML5 + CSS3 or HTML4 + CSS2 ?

Hello, If I want to work on a web app with 2-3 months of timeframe in mind, which technology should I use? HTML5 + CSS3 or HTML4 + CSS2? Few points I am considering Compatibility of browsers Ease of use (especially with IE) Advantages over html4 Learning curve ...

rounded corner fallback without javascript

what css workaround that you folks use to fallback support for ie6, 7,8 ? i need rounded corner for text inside div (button) image as background-image in div (make the image rounded corner) ...

Apply CSS rules if browser is IE

Possible Duplicate: How do I do IE conditionals in CSS? How can I apply the rules below to IE only? .abc { float:left; height:0; margin:0 10px; width:0; /*Apply these rules for IE only*/ position:absolute; left:30; top:-10; /*Apply these rules for IE only*/ } ...

Gradient alpha fade out effect with CSS 3

I would like to know if it would be possible to replicate the effect like the bottom of the Top Tweets list with pure CSS? http:///www.twitter.com ...

Replicating Facebook's button elements

I'm using Aristo's CSS3 buttons seen here. One thing I like about Facebook's buttons are the little sliver of grey between the border and background of blue button elements. To see this go to "Messages" then "New Message" .. the Send button has just a bit of grey to make it pop out. It looks like this is achieved with this bit of code: ...

How do I connect this css3 webkit animation to an element when it is clicked?

I know, a very simple question, but I don't know! I have: .touch img{ -webkit-transform: scale(2); } How would I make that activate when someone clicks on the element? Thanks! ...

Device report for CSS 3, HTML 5, JavaScript support and video codecs on iPhone, Android, WebOS and Blackberry

I am trying to create a device report for CSS 3, HTML 5, JavaScript support and video codecs for iPhone, Android, WebOS and Blackberry to ascertain what range of handsets to offer support to. I am trying to figure out the availability on various handsets/os's/browsers for mobiles of: and tags on those handsets list of codecs require...

HTML5 and CSS - custom tags?

I am working on a straight HTML 5 website for learning. Before my CSS might look like: div.BoxHouse { margin-left: 72px; margin-right: 20px; } div.FloatingBox { text-align: center; float: left; width: 32%; border: 1px solid #3F4933; padding: 0px; background-image: url(transwhite.png); margin-left: 0.5em; } #content ...

@font-face issues

I am having some issues with loading a custom font on a site that I am working on. Seems to work in Chrome, but that is it... https://andstones.site-ym.com/ I attach a custom stylesheet, <link charset="utf-8" type="text/css" href="http://www.korymathewson.com/fonts/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> and in the stylesheet I write: @...

HTML5 and vertical-align? Fixed now?

I come from the world, and have been looking at resources on google about doing multiple wrappers to vertically align content -- however it seems like it's really ugly. Is there an easier way now with HTML5? Is there some sort of implementation that uses something like the HBox/VBox mentality? I saw there are examples for non-ie brow...

@font-face legality issues

I've just heard of the @font-face CSS attribute, and I was wondering if there any legality issues. I have heard that only certain fonts can be embedded? What about completely custom ones, like a Super Mario Bros. font? Is that legal to embed? Just wondering.. ...