
How do I fake OpenID login in RSpec user story/Cucumber when using open_id_authentication plugin

I'm trying to write a Cucumber scenario that requires me to have a logged in user - that would normally be quite simple but I'm only using OpenID authentication (curtosy of the authentication plugin). However after digging through the open_id_authentication plugins guts I'm not sure how I could achieve this within Cucumber. ...

rspec vs cucumber (rspec stories)

When should I use specs for Rails application and when Cucumber (former rspec-stories)? I know how both work and actively use specs, of course. But it still feels weird to use Cucumber. My current view on this, is that it's convenient to use Cucumber when you're implementing application for the client and do not understand how the whole ...

What Should be Tested

If a customer has a requirement - product names should not be more than 50 characters long, does this suggest a story/spec should be written for this if the framework being used already has a well tested validation framework (Rails for instance). To be more general, should one test the specifics for each area of validation for the parti...

What is the Path to Learn BDD on Ruby On Rails?

I want to start BDD on Ruby On Rails what should I learn? I don't know anything about BDD, RSpec or Cucumber. What is the best way to learn? Tutorials? Something that cover things like 'What behavior I should test?' etc. thanks! ...

Cucumber + Selenium on javascript apps

I am trying to learn how to best use Cucumber + Selenium. For the most part it seems to be very straight forward but I would like to get some guidance on how to test dialogs. Basically I need to implement: assert !60.times{ break if ("Other Income" == @selenium.get_text("//form[@id='new_account']/h3") rescue false); sleep 1 ...

How compatible are rspec and heckle?

I'm currently using test/unit, and I'm considering using rspec. However, I've noticed that rspec currently doesn't support heckle in ruby 1.9.1, and doesn't support passing any parameters to heckle apart from the target module/class/method. Are there any other current problems with using heckle and rspec, or do they work well together a...

Is there a sample Rails application with a number of cucumber stories?

I'm trying to really understand Cucumber stories. I get it, but I'm really slow writing them. I think if I saw a good fleshed out application, I'd get closer to where I want to be. There are some samples out there, but there aren't any I can find with a single app with some non-contrived example stories. Are there any existing ones? ...

Culerity vs Selenium for Javascript Testing in Rails

In our eternal quest to integrate Javascript into our RSpec and Cucumber workflow we're evaluating Culerity and are provisionally very excited about it. Any advice on Culerity in general or specifically as compared to Selenium? ...

Can you review my Perl rewrite of Cucumber?

There is a team working on acceptance testing X11 GUI application in our company, and they created a monstrous acceptance testing framework that drives the GUI as well as running scenarios. The framework is written using Perl 5, and scenario files look more like very complex Perl programs (thousands of lines long with procedural-program...

RSpec Gem does not seem to install dependencies...

$> jruby -v jruby 1.1.4 (ruby 1.8.6 patchlevel 114) (2008-08-28 rev 7570) [x86-java] $> gem install rspec JRuby limited openss loaded. gem install jruby-openssl for full support. Succesfully installed rspec-1.1.12 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for rspec-1.1.12... Installin...

How can I access the scenario and example names in Cucumber?

I'm using cucumber to generate test scripts that can be executed by a tool or human... so not the standard use. However I would like to pass through the scenario and example names through to my output. Is this possible? ...

How to get stories to work with restful_authentication and cucumber?

After cloning the latest stable versions of rails (2.3.2), rspec (1.2.2), cucumber ( out 2009-03-24), rspec-rails (1.2.2), restful-authentication (fixed formatted_user_path and a few other problems), webrat, rubyist-aasm (and a few others) into a clean rails application, and following (what I believe are) all the ins...

Is Test::Unit still relevant in rails?

I am learning Rails the age old way. By reading Agile Web Development with Rails (3rd Edition) as a starting point. I am currently in the chapter that teaches Testing. I am also aware of other BDD Testing framework such as RSPec. So I was wondering if frameworks such as RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda replace the need for knowing/using Test::Un...

Installing hpricot for JRuby

I'm trying to look at cucumber for Jruby on Rails. One of the pre-requesites is webrat which has as pre-requisite hpricot. I've installed the gem with hpricot using: gem install hpricot --source --version 0.6.1 --platform java This installs the java version of hpricot. I add the hpricot_scan.jar to the...

Is there a way to tell cucumber not to skip other tests in a scenario when a test fail?

Is there a way to tell cucumber not to skip other tests in a scenario when a test fail? ...

Integrate test process with Rspec and Cucumber in a plugin using Desert

Hello, I'm developing some rails plugins with desert, and I would like to use tests with RSpec and Cucumber in the development. RSpec is integrated by default in Desert plugins, but it gives me some bugs. Finally I have created a minimal application which use my plugin, and I try to test it like a normal application without plugin. But I...

Test framework for web services

We have a monolithic application written in Visual Dataflex, and various supporting applications written in other (.NET) languages. They all share the same database, and need to follow the same business logic. One way to facilitate unified business logic across these is to provide web services as an interface for testing. Of course, for...

Can 'cucumber' run my rspec-on-rails tests?

I have a small test project that I'm using to test the waters for a much larger project. I am using rspec on rails for testing, but recently looked into Cucumber. It looks very nice, but I'm wondering if there's a way for cucumber to run my spec tests, or for rspec (autospec) to run my cucumber features. I've looked around extensively...

how can I test authlogic's current_user in cucumber?

trying to use authlogic's test helpers. calling activate_authlogic. Our application_controller has a current_user_session method. when we drop into the debugger mid-story, controller returns a Authlogic::TestCase::MockController but when we call controller.current_user_session The error occurred while evaluating nil.current_user_ses...

Rails: Integration testing thinking_sphinx with cucumber and webrat - how do I index transactional fixtures?

I'd like to have some Cucumber/webrat integration tests of my search features that use thinking_sphinx & sphinx but the problem is that the data is loaded and then rolled back in a transaction during a typical cucumber test so there is no way for thinking_sphinx to index it. Alternatively, is there a way to turn transactions off for jus...