
ASP.Net Validating Culture Names

We have a multilingual site that utilizes 2.0 cultures. The current culture is set through the url rewritten as a query string. (~/es/blah.aspx is the spanish version of ~/blah.aspx - rewritten as ~/blah.aspx?lang=es) The code that tests the culture is as follows: System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci; try { ...

A developers expectation with regards to Internet access

I work in what is effectively a large corporate - I say effectively since the company I work for is relatively small, but depends upon the network infrastructure of a larger parent company. Recently due to reasons I won't go into, the parent company who provides our Internet access decided to restrict Internet access in a blanket fashio...

Does this custom DateTime format break in other cultures?

When displaying my DateTime values, I want them to be formatted like so: "February 9, 2009 7:00 AM" I am using the following code, but am concerned that the date may display incorrectly in other cultures. Can anyone tell me if this is the case or not, and if it is how can I fix it? Date.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt"); Thanks! ...

UI design and cultural sensitivity/awareness

When designing a user interface for an application that is going to be used internationally it is possible to accidentally design an aspect of the UI that is offensive to or inappropriate in another culture. Have you ever encountered such an issue and if so, how did you resolve the design problem? Some examples: A GPS skyplot in a su...

Deploying applicaion in different locale than devlopment locale

My .Net .exe is used to read a file and store information in sql DB. On the dev system we had default setting and files in US locale and things were working fine. I used the same .exe and deployed on to our Prod server where the default setting and files are in UK locale. I have used the Datetime.Parse which should be parsing the date...

Link to table showing CultureInfo for ALL cultures

I'm losing my mind trying to find a table showing all the formats of datetimes for cultures I've been googling like crazy and all i want is that table! ARG i.e. en-CA = DD/MM/YYYY 0.00 en-FR = MM/DD/YYYY 0,00 I'm looking for a link to MSDN or wikipedia - I know I've seen this in the past before ...

.NET Culture change event?

I have a .NET custom control that displays information in a culture dependant way. To improve performance I cache some information inside the control rather than generate it every time. I need to know if the culture has changed so that I can regenerate this internal info as appropriate. Is there some event I have hook into? Or do I hav...

Best book explaining how we tick to non-programmers?

The reading list for my cryptography class included Simon Singh's Code Book, of which the professor said that "this is the book you can get your grandmother for Christmas to explain to her what we are doing here". What is the best book (or film) to introduce non-programmers to what we are doing, and why we love it so much? ...

Problem with Convert.ToDateTime in

Hi, I have an application that works without any problem in a spanish server. When i uploaded the application into the online server (an english windows), im getting exceptions (of type "input string is not a valid Datetime/Int32") with Convert.ToDateTime and Convert.ToInt32. Are any web.config line that could help me in this matter? ...

ASP.NET - Converting localized number

I have a textbox accepting user input; I am trying to use this user input it to populate this member of one of my business objects: public System.Decimal? ExchangeRate The application is localized - I need to support at the same time cultures that accept these as valid inputs: "1,5" and "1.5" The code I have now is: var culture = Th...

Double.Parse - Internationalization problem

This is driving me crazy. I have the following string in a ASP.NET 2.0 WebForm Page string s = "0.009"; Simple enough. Now, if my culture is Spanish - which is "es-ES" - and I try to convert the string to Double, I do the following: double d = Double.Parse(s, new CultureInfo("es-ES")); what I'd expect is 0,009. Instead, I get 9. I ...

does SQL Server consider culture/locale when converting values to/from strings?

I'm attempting to update a large codebase to properly specify the CultureInfo and/or IFormatProvider when formatting/parsing values. For instance, when parsing a value I get from the user, I pass CultureInfo.CurrentCulture when calling TryParse, and when converting a float to a string for persistence, I pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ...

Best practices for a single large SVN project.

Hi all, I have inherited a single project in svn: 30Gb in over 300 000 files. There are tons of binary files in there mostly in an images folder. Operations like updating the entire project can be dramatically slow. The team has evolved a process to only run update/switch on the specific folders they are working on and end up checking...

Whats the difference between these two strings?

Using nUnit to test the output (currency formatting) for a specific culture but we are getting the following result. Fail: Formatting currency amount String lengths are both 11. Strings differ at index 2. Expected: "12 765,87 €" But was: "12 765,87 €" -------------^ We can't see the difference between the strings. Our expec...

Displaying proper date format depending on culture.

I am using a control for a popup calendar date picker. This uses a javascript function, SetText, to set the textbox to the given date. I can't change anything in the calendar control itself but I can override the SetText function. The SetText javascript just takes the TextBox name and the date value in string format and sets the TextB...

Determine local culture of a PC without creating an application

Hi, Is there any way to determine the local culture of a PC (such as en-US) without running an application? I tried looking in Control Panel | Regional Settings (running WinXP), but I don't know how the choices there map to the PC's culture. I'm looking for a solution that doesn't require creating an .exe, such as running a command fr...

Setting Date format yyyyMMdd through specify Culture Name

I want to set user date format yyyyMMdd using culture name. Which culture name have to specify to accomplish this? ...

Pirated software at a company?

I recently had a position at a small web development shop in the US where virtually all software used on a daily basis was cracked. My own IDE was paid for, and I used open source software personally while there, but I was still required to use MS Office and various Adobe products. For a myriad of reasons, I found a new job, but I'm cu...

How do I detect the current culture of the executing thread?

I have a nice function setup for formatting dates as per But it turns out in our farm we have some blades running on a UK locale and some on a US locale so depending on which it crashes. So what I'm after is how do I test the current server locale? Somethin...

Your most persuasive arguments in favor of automating a process

How do you convince people (i.e. non-programmers) that automating a process is a GOOD thing? The common argument against is something like "But you only have to do [X mindnumbing task]" and "it only takes [Y mindnumbing time], just do it and don't waste time trying to change things." Any other programmers working in non-dev jobs where ...