
Certificate problem while cloning a https url with git

I have git version and curl 7.21.1 on my MacOS. I'm trying to clone an url like: git clone https:// myproject but getting, error: unable to use client certificate (no key found or wrong pass phrase?) while accessing

php: Get html source code with cURL

How can I get the html source code of without using file_get_contents(): I need to know this because on some webhosts allow_url_fopen is disabled so you can't use file_get_contents(). Is it possible to get the html file's source with cURL (if cURL support is enabled)? If so, how? Thanks. ...

php: Get url content (json) with cURL

I want to access (obviously it's also accessable with "http") with cURL to get the file's content, more specific: I need the "name" (it's json). Since allow_url_fopen is disabled on my webserver, I can't use get_file_contents! So I tried it this way: <?php $page = 'http://graph.facebook...

cURL how post this form correctly ?

I have problem i`m trying post data with php and cURL but that not working. How should looks correctly code if form is secure by random session id in input value, and have pieces of posting (stage ) <form name='p' method='post' action='/pl/Register.php'> <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='wa12891300kv1283056988...

How many times does curl_multi_exec have to be called?

I'm using curl_multi with multi to upload files to different servers. Each server has multiple files that need uploading, so I have a curl_multi request for each server. When I execute the curl_multi handles, I just execute all the curl_multi handles in the same loop, like so: <?php do { $continue_running=false; foreach($handles as ...

Python: Get the redirect urls using cURL

I am interested in getting the intermediate URLs in a redirect chain using pycURL. So, say I have a website, Site A, which redirects to Site B, which then redirects to Site C. Regularly I would only be able to see Site A (the starting URL) and Site C (the ending URL), however I am also interested in any sites that happen to reside in bet...

index of $_POST seemingly empties at random.

Ok so this is driving me insane! I've got a script written that takes user submitted product information from a previous page and sends it to the user's facebook business page via the facebook php sdk. Here's the php code: $app_id = "1234567890"; $app_secret = "1234567890"; $page_id = "1234567890"; $page_token = "1034921234567890"; ...


I'm using the curl_multi functions with PHP. I already know that you can return the request contents from curl_exec when the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER flag is on. However, how can we grab the request contents of multiple requests as strings when using curl_multi_exec? Does it return an array when this flag is set? Nope, curl_multi_exec ca...

php multi curl problem

i want to get several pages thru curl_exec, first page is come normally, but all others - 302 header, what reason? $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, ROOT_URL); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $content = curl_exec($curl); // here good content curl_close($curl); preg_match_all('/href="(\/users\/[^"]+)"[^...

Use curl in php script

I'm trying to create a script that will delete all user properties for a particular individual. I'm able to use an api call to get the users' properties. And I'm trying use a delete api to remove each property. But I'm having an issue doing so. Below is the code: $delete = "$user_id/properties/%s...

Getting an API's response through curl's curl_exec() instead of the usual callback file

API integration description The API needs a form to be posted to the API URL with some input fields and a customer token. The API processes and then posts response to a callback.php file on my server (it is fixed as per the documentation and we cannot mention that we want the response to be posted to some other file). I can access the po...

Callback from API not happening after posting parameters to API URL from server side

API integration description The API needs a form to be posted to the API URL with some input fields and a customer token. The API processes and then posts response to a callback.php file on my server. I can access the posted vals using $_POST in that file. That's all about the existing method and it works fine. Requirement To hide the c...

What's the difference between pycurl and curl in python

Newbie question: Python 2.6, Ubuntu 10.04, I can import both pycurl and curl, the former having different names for functions (set_option vs. setopt). What's the difference between the two modules? ...

iphone curl transition in landscape mode

Hello the question is known: how to make curl transition in application with landscape mode only? by default it does not make it from bottom to top, but from left to right Known solution is to add extra view and add animated views to it, but I have to show regular view, then curl it up and show tabbarcontroller, so tabbar controller m...

curl multiget in Java

We are using URLConnection in java for for sending and receiving responses to a webservice. For a particular use case we need to be able to send concurrent non-blocking requests to the same web-service. I like the curl multi-get way of doing this, since it uses the OS (standard POSIX features) to do this. The ideas was to start with som...

"Object Moved" error in using the RCurl getURL function in order to access an ASP Webpage

I am trying to use the getURL function of RCurl Package in order to access an ASP Webpage as: my_url <- ";REFID=33" webpage <- getURL(my_url) but I get an Object Moved redirection error message like: "<head><title>Object moved</title></head>\n<body><h1>Object Moved</h1> This object...

Unable to follow a location (URL) using cURL when open_basedir is set - API callback failing

Existing method of posting values to API As per the API documentation, a form has to be posted to the API URL (method="POST" and action="API_URL") with some input fields and a customer token field. The API processes and then posts response to a callback.php file on my server (fixed - can't change it). The page redirects to the API URL an...

php curl adding slashes to xml attributes...

hello there. trying to post some xml with curl but it keeps adding slashes to "s. I'm sending it to a server i don't hav access so cant encode/decode... $xmlToPost = '<PurchaseItems DISCOUNT="0" NETLINEVAL="0" PACK_CODE="0" VAT="0" PurchaseOrderNumber="'.$_POST['txn_id'].'">'; // just a snippet! $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CU...

Process raw HTTP request

Hi, I'd like to pass a raw HTTP request like: GET /foo/bar HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; fr; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 Accept: */* Accept-Language: fr,fr-fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 Keep...

Posting with PHP and Curl, deep array

I'm trying to post via curl, I've been using the same code over and over again with no problem but now I need to be able to use an array for posts (i'm not sure if there's a proper term for that?). I should clarify that it's specifically a file i'm trying to post, but I can't get it working with a string either so I don't think it's too...