
Help me out with this MySql cursor code

Trying to migrate from MSSQL to MySQL. This Stored Proc is creating a temp table for some columns from a permanent table then using a cursor to update each record's RandNum column with a random number and selects the dataset. As I'm writing this I thought that I could bypass the cursor and just... SELECT Id, Title, DateStart, Rand() FRO...

Flex: How to tell if TextArea has blinking cursor

Is there a way to tell if a Flex TextArea has a blinking cursor? One indication is if the component is focused: focusManager.getFocus() == textArea But it's possible to have a blinking cursor without having the focus. I'm not sure if the converse is possible (focus without blinking cursor). Edit: The rub here appears to be a di...

Cursor disappears in vim when switching windows between vertical and horizontal split

I've been switching some windows in VIM from vertical to horizontal splits and back using: CTRL-W + K CTRL-W + L CTRL-W + J CTRL-W + H After doing this a few times the cursor disappeared. I can still type, and the status bar at the bottom still shows me my location, but there's no blinking cursor. Any ideas regarding: Why does thi...

Would programming an "XOR Cursor" make me a criminal?

I heard of a software patent for a "cursor" that is visible on black and white surface, and you can see the letters under a cursor. Is this story real? I couldn't find any sources. Does it make me a criminal if I program this (trivial) piece of code? Could I be put in jail? ...

Set mouse focus and move cursor to end of input using jQuery

This question has been asked in a few different formats but I can't get any of the answers to work in my scenario. I am using jQuery to implement command history when user hits up/down arrows. When up arrow is hit, I replace the input value with previous command and set focus on the input field, but want the cursor always to be position...

How do I use more than two colors using and AWT hardware cursor?

I want to use a hardware cursor for a computer game I am making, AWT allows me to do so, and specify an image to use, however it only accepts 2 colours and transparency, which is fairly limiting. I'm fairly certain that it's possible to use a greater colour depth on most current systems, is there any way to achieve that in AWT? What ab...

Does anyone know why Java AWT cursors get wrong hotspots on Vista?

When I'm create custom AWT cursors, it seems that they get the wrong hotspot when running on Windows Vista or Windows 7 -- the hotspot is offset by a few pixels to the right and down. On Windows XP and on Linux with, I'm not seeing the problem at all. Is this a bug, or am I just doing something weird? I'm creating the cursors with...

Getting Cursors.AppStarting in Win32 or MFC?

Is it possible to get the .NET Cursors.AppStarting using a MFC or Win32 function? Someting similar to the CWaitCursor but indicating background processing. ...

What do the various Tk cursors mean?

My Google-fu is failing me. Please, consider the following: Some of the cursors I understand easily enough, "watch" tells the user to wait, "left_ptr" indicates that I can select something under the cursor, "hand2" seems to be the "you're dragging something" cursor. What are ...

Capturing Powerpoint in Encoder

After we capture powerpoint in Encoder and it plays back in Media Player or Quicktime, the cursor appears on the screen. We tried bringing the cursor to the bottom of the slide when it is in slide show, but you can still see it in playback. Any suggestions on how to get the cursor off the screen? We are not sure if it's an Encoder proble...

WPF Trigger to change Cursor

I need to change the cursor of a TreeViewItem in a trigger. This code works for all other properties but not Cursor: <Style.Triggers> <MultiTrigger> <MultiTrigger.Conditions> <Condition Property="QuickPhrases:TreeViewChecker.IsMouseDirectlyOverItem" Value="True"> </Condition> <Condi...

CSS cursor customization.

I'm trying to make a CSS code that changes the cursor to a picture file when the cursor is on a webpage. I've seen sites that give you a simple code to do it but they always have ads. Any codes you guys know that can do this? ...

assigning dynamic cursor style to element using jquery in Opera

I'm trying to dynamically change the cursor style when the mouse is over an element. The cursor should be either "move" or "default" depending on a boolean returned by a method. The code is something like this: $("#elemId").mousemove(function(event) { if(cursorShouldBeMove()) { $(this).css({'cursor':'move'}); } else { ...

plsql cursor iterating problem

hi everyone, i use oracle demo schema scott to do some plsql test ( the data in that schema are never changed ). i wrote the following program to get the employee number of each department. the problem is, there is just 4 departments but my program output 5 row. i can't find out the reason, anyone can help? great thanks. declare cur...

How can I change the mouse cursor image?

Hi, I need to change the cursor image. Whenever the mouse is over my form I need to load my own image from a local path. I am using version 1.1 of the .NET framwork. Here is what I have tried: Cursor = new Cursor(GetType(), Application.StartupPath+ "\\windowfi.cur"); But this throws an exception: Value cannot be null. Paramet...

Oracle Analytics inside Cursor

Hello Oracle Experts, I'm wondering why my "analytics" line inside a "cursor" in Oracle Forms generates an error. This is how it's written: CURSOR READ_C1_REC IS SELECT DISTINCT MACH, TCODE, COUNT(ALL TRANS_NO) OVER (PARTITION BY MACH, TCODE ORDER BY MACH, TCODE) TOTALPERMACHPERTCODE FROM ( SELECT .....

How to convert from a mouse position to a character position in a JEditorPane in Java Swing

I'm currently trying to solve a problem where I need to find the position in a piece of text in a JEditorPane based on where the mouse was clicked. Basically, when the user right-clicks over a word I need to find out what the word is. To do this I need to find out which position in the text the user has clicked on. I know I can easily ...

Addressing cursors using a field.(SQL Server)

I have a table that I process using a cursor. Lets say it's structure is like this: RID | School | Order | Text Now, I filter out the other schools(so only mine is shown) and then I ORDER BY order, so that I get the text arranged how I want. Now, my problem is, the order isn't straight incrementing(though all of them are unique per scho...

Return Cursor from Stored Procedure

How can I return a cursor from stored procedure in MySQL? ...

WinForms Cursor disappears in (some) textboxes!?

Helly guys! Currently i have the following problem: on a WinForms-Mask there are some textboxes. For some of the textboxes i use the Event "TextChanged" to check if the textbox-content reaches its "MaxLength" AND the cursor is at the end of the textbox. It's one handler for all the "TextChanged" textboxes. The problem: as soon as i cli...