
Getting started with a derived custom control?

I am experimenting with derived custom controls, and I created what I thought would be the simplest possible derivation: I created a custom control project in VS 2010 and changed the base class for CustomControl1 from Control to Calendar. Then I went into Generic.xaml and removed the default Style created for CustomControl1. Finally ...

ASP.NET Custom Button Control - How to Override OnClientClick But Preserve Existing Behaviour?

Hi Guys, So i have a ASP.NET 4 Custom Control called "SafeClickButton" which is designed to override the default behaviour of the client-side click (OnClientClick). Essentially i'm trying to disable the button on click, then do any existing functionality (validation, postback, etc). It looks to be correctly rendering the HTML (onclick...

WordWrap in CheckedListBox control

I have a CheckedListBox in my Windows forms application, but items can be added that are to wide for the control to display. Is there any way to have the text wrap to the next line when this occurs? I know with a standard ListBox this would not work, since it would be hard to tell the difference between the second line of one item an...

Why does a class that implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, and Countable not work with array_filter()?

I have the following class: <?php /* * Abstract class that, when subclassed, allows an instance to be used as an array. * Interfaces `Countable` and `Iterator` are necessary for functionality such as `foreach` */ abstract class AArray implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, Countable { private $container = array(); public function ...

ASP.NET Dynamical Creating Custom Control

I created user control and want to add it to page. I use next code: Controls_MultiTextInput cc = new Controls_MultiTextInput(); Controls.Add(cc); But control doesn't appear on page. What is wrong? ...

Force redraw of custom cocoa control on property change

Lets say I have a custom control called FooBox. It is just a square on the screen. It has some properties like color, border, etc. When I change the properties, I want the FooBox to redraw itself to reflect its new properties. Is there a way to do that without writing custom setters and putting [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] into all of them...

A specific UIControl based around UISlider for iPhone

Hi All, I need to show a specific bit of data to the screen and it is most easily represented as an adaptation of something like a UISlider. It will represent a range of related (numerical) answers between 0.0 and 10.0. The data I wish to show is the minimum, maximum and mean. However, I need to do this without revealing the numbers....

Simulate Memory Warning on iPad

Hi All, I am developing an iPad application which is having a custom Tabbar and a custom Header Bar. The header bar and Tabbar will stay there in the app in all views. The first view is the login view and with the simulator running when I made a "Simulate Memory Warning" the Whole screen goes Blank (White Color). Only the headerbar and...

How to do bindings from Interface Builder with custom control?

If I want to bind to properties of my custom control from Interface Builder do I need to write my own IB plugin? Will I have to do it programmatically otherwise? ...

iPhone SDK - UIButton not working in custom view

This is driving me nuts... I've seen a few posts on similar issues but can't seem to make it work, so here it is: it is a very simple example, I am just creating a custom UIButton in a custom view, then assigning it a custom action to respond to touch events. When I run the app, the button is created, but nothing happens when I try to c...

vb .NET custom control inheriting from TextBox doesn't fire Paint event

I need a multiline TextBox which is always disabled, but it shouldn't paint itself in gray, but I want to keep its designer choosen color. I previously had the same requirement with an always-black Label (no multiline) and so I inherited from Label like: Imports System.ComponentModel Public Class LabelDisabled Inherits La...

Custom control in NSCollectionViewItem

I want to put a custom control inside the view for my NSCollectionViewItem. Lets say I have a custom NSView called BoxesView.BoxesView is just a view that draws a predetermined number of boxes in its view. That number of boxes is set in the init method. Lets say I set it to 8. When I load up the collection view, all the other controls ...

how to give textcolor to textview in class file

I am creating the custom textview i want to give black textcolor to this textview. how can i set textcolor. my code is TextView textview = new TextView(this); textview.setText("Please follow this Description"); setContentView(_textview); when i use textview.setTextColor(Integer.parseInt("#000000")) Thanks in advance ...

What is the best way of localization LOCBaml or Resx based localization?

I came through this . But, this didn't answer what I'm looking for. I'm creating a CustomControl in WPF. I would like to provide localization support. The control contains, images, strings etc., Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Style.Trigger and CustomControl problem

Hi all, I am really getting mad since several hours... I am trying to do a custom ListView control, almost everything is fine except for the GridViewColumnHeader bar color. I have an ExListView control overriding ListView and a ExGridViewColumnHeader overriding GridViewColumnHeader. My problem is that only the column header are styled,...

Windows Forms custom control: focus and cursor keys without UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows

I want to write a custom control (a text editor) for Windows Forms, which should include the following functionality: Gets the keyboard focus, when you click on it with the mouse Sees all keyboard input (including cursor keys), when it has the focus, Can run in a semi-trusted environment, with UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows (i...

Custom buttons aren't displaying on my UI.

I'm creating a simple blackberry application for testing purposes and my custom buttons do not show on the UI of the simulator. I've created a custom button called CustomButtonField and here is the code: package test.expense; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics; public class CustomButtonField ext...

Using VerifyAccess and CheckAccess methods of DispatcherObject

While going through this article I came across this statement - If you are writing your own WPF objects, such as controls, all methods you use should call VerifyAccess before they perform any work. This guarantees that your objects are only used on the UI thread, like this //Using VerifyAccess and CheckAccess public clas...

How to update a part of a WPF custom style

Hi all, I have created a custom window control (inherited from Window), all is fine except the text of my status bar. I have added a new property to my control called "StatusText" and this text is shown inside a TextBlock in my control's style. But when I change the StatusText property of my window the text doesn't change, it's not upd...

Custom Event on Custom Control

I've got a custom control we'll call "TheGrid". In TheGrid's controls is another control we'll call "GridMenu". GridMenu has a button control in its own control collection. I'd like to enable the developer using this control to associate a page level method with the OnClick of that button deep down inside GridMenu ala: <customcontrol...