
What is the best way to use a Custom .net control from a legacy C++ app?

I maintain a legacy application (unmanaged C++) and I need a new control (Basic Form). I would like to build this control in C# for simplicity but use it from my legacy app. Any suggestions? ...

BlackBerry - TreeField with Checkboxes ?

Hi , Is it possible to add checkboxes to a treefield in Blackberry? If yes, how do I do it? Thanks in advance. Please help ...

Custom Checkbox list control Error in "startIndex cannot be larger than length of string"

I am creating a custom checkbox control to add a div after each checkbox in a checkboxlist. The class is below. Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Globalization Public Class MyCheckboxListCheckBox Inherits CheckBoxList Implements IRepeatInfoUser Protected Overrides Sub RenderItem(...

Custom scroll layout with fisheye in WPF

I know Windows Forms quite good but I'm new to WPF. I'd like to create application similar to RSS reader - in main window every note will be displayed in Post-it like frame and all notes should be chained and scrollable up and down. I also want to include kind of fisheye view - single note will be displayed full size in the centre of t...

Forcing ASP.NET GridView's pager to show

Hello, is there some way to force the gridview's pager to show up, even when there is only one page of data on screen? I'm building a gridview-based control with a custom pager (w/dropdown for pagesize) and everything is working fine, except when user selects pagesize that is larger than the current row count of the grid. At that point...

Custom Winforms Controls (a button specifically)

I'm trying to create a custom button where the foreColor is always crimson and the backColor is always cyan. Ugly color scheme, but I'm just trying to get it so I can create large amounts of controls with a consistent color scheme without setting each control individually. Here's how I coded the button: public partial class CustomButton...

What is causing validation on my textbox?

I made a custom text box yesterday with its own validator: public partial class CustomTextBox : TextBox { ErrorProvider errorProvider; public CustomTextBox() { InitializeComponent(); errorProvider = new ErrorProvider(); errorProvider.DataSource = this; } protected overri...

Syncronously populating DependencyProperties of a custom control in Silverlight

I have a Silverlight custom control with two properties; Text and Id. I have created DependencyProperties for these as per the code below. public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Text", typeof(string), typeof(LookupControl), new PropertyMetadata(NotifyPropertyChanged)); public static readonl...

Has anyone else expierenced markup not being saved in Visual Studio 2008 in the ASP.NET designer?

Ok, I have a custom ASP.NET control that acts as a MenuBar. This control has a collection property called MenuBarItems. This collection contains essentially a collection of buttons that will be displayed on the MenuBar. Each MenuBarItem has a collection of cascading menu items. The idea is to create a recursive markup hierarchy that ...

How Do I Change the render behavior of my custom control from being a span

When writing a custom control it always rendered as an HTML span element. How can I change it for example to a div? ...

Adding an extra property to the DropDownList

Hi, I'm trying to extend the DropDownList control to simply add one extra property. Code as follows Public Class CustomDropDownList Inherits DropDownList Private key As Int32 Public Property PrimaryKey() As Int32 Get Return key End Get Set(ByVal value As Int32) key = value ...

Thread Safe Control - Crashing VS 2008

Hello, I am working on creating a thread safe control for my windows forms application. I understand I can set the text on a control thread safe by using the following code: private delegate void SetTextD(Control control, string value); private static void SetText(Control control, string value) { if(control.InvokeRequired) { ...

How do I specify a required attribute in a custom .NET Web control?

private string _itemId; [Browsable(true), Description("Required identifier for the Item.")] public string ItemId { get { return _itemId; } set { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_itemId)) { _itemId = value; } } } How would I actually make that required when someone uses the control? I'm trying to find an a...

WPF - Custom Window not working

I am trying to start building a Custom Window in WPF. I thought I had all the starting pieces in place, but so far, all I get is a regular Window with black content. I assume this is because it's not recognizing my template as the default one for the control. Can you please let me know what I am missing? Here's my code: namespace BaseW...

Is there a way to use partial caching of a WebControl that includes CSS or JS file references?

The title pretty much says it. I've written a web control (a header) that is going into our common library, but it references a javascript file and a css file. It works fine the first time, but when I refresh the page it looses that reference because the control didn't get rendered again so it didn't put the references out there. Is ther...

Customizing WinForms ErrorProvider to display it's icon inside control's entry

Hi, I have some custom/user controls that in most cases have label and entry, like this: Is there any way I can customize standard WinForms ErrorProvider to display it's icon inside entry (entry - textbox, combo, datetime etc...), like this: where red elipse is of course error indicator. Thanks for any help. ...

How can I create a control like the one from Eclipse's autocomplete?

I'd like to create an autocomplete control using Boo/C#. Here's a screenshot from the internet if you don't know how it looks like : I'm basically thinking of a undecorated window/dialog ( which I'm not sure how would I implement ), or a control that can be displayed on it's own ( a ListBox of some sort ). How could I implement such ...

Issues with CustomContainer for RadioButtons in WPF

Hi I want to create a custom control which would only contain RadioButtons. I imagine it being used as follows: <RadioButtonHolder Orientation="Horizontal"> <RadioButton>RadioButton 1</RadioButton> <RadioButton>RadioButton 2</RadioButton> <RadioButton>RadioButton 3</RadioButton> <RadioButton> ...</RadioButton> </RadioButtonHolder> C...

Creating a WinForms custom container control with some non-removable controls

I've written a custom tab control (FooTabControl) which hosts specific tab page controls (FooTabPage instances). The FooTabPages know to place themselves into a dedicated area within the FooTabControl. Now I wish to have the FooTabControl also host a System.Windows.Forms.Panel child control (in another dedicated area of the FooTabContro...

Blackberry - single line BasicEditField with large text

Hi to All, I have created a customized BasicEditField with Border using Bitmap.Now while typing the text,it crosses the border of the BasicEditField.This is my code class customEditField1 extends EditField { Bitmap mBorder = null; customEditField1(Bitmap borderBitmap) { mBorder = borderBitmap; } protected void paint(Graphic...