
Adding custom Floating menu option in SharePoint Document Library Item Level to copy row and create new row with copy

Hello, Add Floating Menu Item to the Page Library "E.g. Copy Item". Once user selects option, It should 1) Copy entire selected row's information including Page. 2) Let user rename the page. 3) Create a new row in the same Page Library. 4) Save the copied information in the newly created row. Thank you for your help ...

Proper syntax for custom functions in Jquery

I'm writing the wrong syntax, so the function is not getting called. I'm making a jQuery function that just sends an AJAX call and redirects. But it doesn't actually apply to any selector. my function $.fn.update_and_return = function() { $.ajax({type: "GET", beforeSend: function(){ idx_var = $(".selected_adli...

Custom attribute in .NET to execute code before and after decorated method?

Ideally I'd like to find a way to do something like: [MyCustomAttribute()] public void MyMethod() { Debug.Write("B"); } public MyCustomAttribute : Attribute { public void OnBegin() { Debug.Write("A"); } public void OnEnd() { Debug.Write("C"); } } Which would write: ABC When MyMeth...

ruby on rails custom setter help

Hello, sorry for my english, I have a model named Recipe and Recipe has an attribute named duration In my form, I have 2 dropdowns to get duration attribute select_tag 'duration[hours]' select_tag 'duration[minutes]' I need the value of duration attribute like this format hh:mm:ss I have tried with def duration=(d) self.duration...

Android Customized ListView

I am having a Srollview in for my entire layout.In that i added a listview.when i scrolling the page ,tha page scrolls normally,but when it reaches listview listview only scrolls how to overcome this problem. Please any one can suggest the answer. I am looking that when i scroll the listview the whole page gets scrolled. ...

Run custom application (web page) on Skype incoming calls

Hello I want to open webbrowser with incoming number/name as parameter when somebody is calling to me through SkypeIn service (for small call center). I was looking through the Skype extras but I couldnt find anything relevant How can I make that? Regards ...

How to change a ListBox's Vertical Scrollbar's Repeat Button Size in WPF

Hi there, I have a ListBox control with a vertical scrollbar. I would like to increase the Repeat Buttons' Height to something bigger because our UI is touch-compatible. Is there a simple way to do it ? Thank you and best regards, Romanin ...

Passing a var from one Extended function to another

I am having trouble passing the url of $.PhotoUpdater.doUpdate(url) to do the doUpdate function. Firefox returns this error : useless setTimeout call (missing quotes around argument?) [Break on this error] timer = setTimeout($.PhotoUpdater.doUpdate(url), 5000) my code: $.extend({ PhotoUpdater: { startUpdate: function(organi...

iTemplate what is it and place where i can get GOOD example in c#

HI , I am currently trying to learn more about custom controls and how to use them etc. i have come across iTemplate interface and was hoping that someone could better explain its use and point me toward a good example implementation. From what i have found it allows you to change how an control will display items. ive tried sea...

UIView CGGradient clipped to drawn "frame"

Hi all! I'm trying to make a more sophisticated drawing of a UILabels (or a UIView, putting the UILabel on top, should that be required) background. Since I want this to resize automatically when the user changes iPhone orientation, I am trying to implement this in a subclasses drawRect function. I would love to be able to tune this all...

c# custom datatable view.

Can following thing be done? The red rectangled datatable should be modified as the other row. I am using c#, DataTable with MS-SQL. I want to give shown type of view of second row to the user in a windows. I'll be having at least 500-600 rows like this out of 1000 rows. Which can be shorten down to 1000-600/3 = 800. (Perhabs, I can...

What sort of diagramm would create for a CustomControl to show how it works?

Hello, What sort of diagram would create for a CustomControl to show how it works? I have to show my boss a theoretical sample. ...

Jquery Validation plugin custom required text

Hi All, I am using the Jquery Validation plugin ( to valid a form on my page. I am using the "required" class to validate an input on my page and want to show custom required text when the field is empty. How can I do this. Code is as follows: <script> $(document).ready(function() { ...

WPF TextBox Validation Style Disappears when Mouse is over, or it has focus.

I am creating a custom text box control to have some default formatting and validation functionality, including a custom validation property which accepts an Action or custom function. In my current situation I can't use the Attribute validation framework that some people have posted, since I don't quite have access to modify the data m...

Android - Defining Custom Component Layouts in XML

hi all, i'm reading the android developer docs on creating custom components and one thing that's unclear, is whether you can define the layout of your component using xml and then reuse that across class libraries. like, say for instance, i want to create a class library called myComponents, and in there i want to have myTehAwesumsWid...

Load different type of custom cell (iPhone)

Hi Guys I have a problem! I want to change the custom cell if mediaurl==@"string" and move the label on the left if i not load the picture... How can I do? Any issue? if I create a label from code the the method call if mediaurl==@"string" I will make a mistake. ...

Django complex filtering of related objects

Hello, I've faced with following issue, basically I do it like this: class Account(models.Model): TraffPerMonth = models.IntegerField(default=0) Tariff = models.ForeignKey('Tariff') class Tariff(models.Model): InetTraff = models.IntegerField(default='0') and here is the select: for user in Account.objects.all(): t_traf...

From builtin ASP.NET membership to custom membership password problem

We have a production site using ASP.NET built in membership. Now we wan't to extend the tables with some custom properties so we built a custom membership provider using ADO.Net entities. Everything is working fine, we can create new users and the login controls are also working. We imported every existing user from the aspnet_Membershi...

wpf how to fit textbox in rhombus shape control

Hi I have a userControl which pretend to be a rhombus shape control. On this control I have a textbox and label. Entire control looks like that <UserControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Class="WPFDiagramDesignerControl.Components.UcWBSBlock" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas.micro...

Is there an Android API to get the default button pressed/selected colors?

Hello all, I am trying to create a button that has a custom background in the default state, but that still uses the colors for the pressed/selected states that are particular to whatever device it is running on. From looking at the EditText source code, it appears that there is no such API, and that the pressed/selected colors are sim...