
Google Custom Search not indexing Dynamic Pages

I am trying to use Google Custom Search to provide search capabilities to an informational site. About the site: Content is generated dynamically URL Access to content is search engine friendly (i.e. Sitemap (based on RSS feed) submitted and accepted by web master tools. It notes that no pages were indexed. Annot...

Handling and syncing own custom version of an open source library with SVN

I found an open source library that seems quite useful in my project. The library is however in alfa/beta state and is a bit immature. It happened that I had to manually apply a patch or make some changes completely on my own in order to get rid of some minor bugs in that lib. The question is: how can I store and manage my custom "branc...

Custom Configuration Sections

Hi guys, I am currently trying to implement a Custom Configuration Section in a project I am busy with and no matter what I try I keep getting the error below: {"An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for pageAppearanceGroup/pageAppearance: Could not load type 'Samples.AspNet.PageAppearanceSection' from assembly 'S...

WSS and OpenID

I have configured WSS with OpenID to enable FBA authentication. I have added a custom login page. Im able to authenticate using the OpenID account, however when i return back to the default.aspx page i get the 'Access Denied' page. The Question is how can i tell WSS to allow OpenID authentication into the web application? I have used ...

Install Shield 2009 Premier Custom Action problem in Vista Home/Premium/Ultimate

Environment: Install Shield 2009 Premier, Vista (Home/Premium, Ultimate) I have a custom action in Install Shield 2009 that would fire during installation. If setup.exe is run its fine, but when run the MyApplication.msi in Vista(please note in other OS the custom actions work just fine) it shows exception running the custom action. Cus...

How do I populate required parameters in a custom MXML tag?

Here's the Class: package fnc { import mx.containers.Canvas; public class Deck extends Canvas { protected var _chipCount:int; public function Deck(chipCount:int) { /* Associate some chips with this deck */ _chipCount = chipCount; } public function get chipCount():int { ...

C# Application Settings not saving using custom class

Here's the class im trying to store [Serializable] [XmlRoot(ElementName = "Database", IsNullable = false, Namespace = "")] class Database { [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlAttribute(AttributeName = "Provider")] public DatabaseProvider Provider { get; se...

Create a custom click event handler for a WPF usercontrol which contains a button?

Hello guys have you ever found a problem when assigning a click event handler for your custom WPF usercontrol with a nested button control? I do. When you put such user control in a main window, let's say Main.xaml, the MouseLeftButtonDown doesn't work, but the PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown works like a charm. But imagine yourself tellin...

adding a custom event listener in as3

I've done a lot of reading through forum posts and tutorials, but I still can't wrap my brain round events and event listeners. I have a pretty simple example, but I can't get it to work. I have an arrayCollection of custom objects in a repeater, when one of those objects is clicked, I want a different componenet to display data associa...

How do I create a custom panel with a checkbox in ASP.NET

I want to create a custom container control in ASP.NET (similar to a Panel) with a check box as a header that disables all contained controls when unchecked. How would I go about doing this? EDIT: To expand on my requirements, I need something like Rob suggested, i.e. a UserControl containing a CheckBox and a content panel. However, ...

How to make a Silverlight Custom Control's property data-bindable?

Hello, I have created a custom silverlight control, which consists of two date pickers, and a combobox. I would like to make the combobox data-bindable and I know I need to make use of a DependencyProperty. What I am not sure of is exactly how to build it. Here is the code that I have: #region ItemsSource (DependencyProperty) //...

.NET Compact Framework Component Serializer

I am porting .NET Framework component to .NET Compact Framework. Component has ImageList in it. This component implements custom CodeDomSerializer. The constructor of the custom CodeDomSerializer contains following code for ImageList code serialization. TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(typeof(ImageList), new DesignerSerializerAttribute(type...

Custom Markup in Django

Can anyone give me an idea or perhaps some references on how to create custom markups for django using textile or Markdown(or am I thinking wrong here)? For example: I'd like to convert the following markups(the outer bracket mean they are grouped as one tag: [ [Contacts] * Contact #1 * Contact #2 * Contact #3 [Friend Requests] * Jose ]...

Subsonic custom collection type

Hi guys, This may seem like a simple question however i've spent the last hour trying to solve this. I want to create a custom subsonic collection so that i can fill it with data from a query with multiple joins using the .ExecuteAsCollection<>(); method. i've created the custom class and a custom collection and even a controller with...

How to serialize custom data from database?

I've a table like this : ID Name Key Value 1 Mydata1 Mail myval1 1 Mydata1 Name myval2 1 Mydata1 Nick myval3 1 Yourdata key2 myval4 and a class like this : [Serializable] public class Mydata { public string Mail{get;set;} public string Name{get;set;} public string Nick{get;set;} } I extract from my Tab...

UIButton: Need a circle hit area

Ok I have 6 custom UIButtons. Their normal state image are all circles images. They are all spaced out equally but all the circles touch each other. The problem with the custom UIbutton (which has a circle image on it), is that the hit area of that button is square, and the corners of this square overlaps the hitarea of the other custom...

How would you create and store user-defined custom fields in a SQL database?

I need to allow users to add new fields to a record, e.g. if there is a Contact record, a user may want to add a "SSN" numeric field and a "Birthdate" date/calendar field. They would do this through the UI of course. Those fields should then be available for entry for all contact records. Considering that my application runs for many ...

Trying to create a class for relating images in Wordpress

EDIT: I have managed to get this class working and I have updated the correct code. I would love not to use the [0] at the end of the value. Any way I can improve this code? This class retrieves all custom keys for a specific post. Currently I use it for relating images and I have defined thre keys in my post: 'related_image', 'related_...

How to create a custom document library in SharePoint?

Howdy, I am wanting to create a Custom Document Library for the purpose of targeting a custom action feature to the Custom Document Library's New Menu. I have found many different guides on the internet, but you know how old those can be. So what would be the "correct" way to create a custom document library in SharePoint 2007. T...

jquery custom method question,

I added a captcha to my form and I want to validate this field. jQuery.validator.addMethod("matchCaptcha", function(value,element) { return this.optional(element) || value == '#request.strCaptcha#'; }); #request.strCaptcha# this part simply returns an alphanumeric char something like 'cZk9ljW' under the rules, i added: captch...