
Best practices of building composite custom controls WPF

Hello! Can You tell me about subj? For example I need to create new custom control that must be derived from datagrid and toolbar. And I want that new control to expose/propagate properties of base controls in order they to be accessed easily. The only way I know is deriving a class. Then descendant automatically gets all properties of a...

In a SharePoint web part, how do I set a web part's list during run-time?

I have a Contact List web part I developed that is dependent on a custom list I created, also called Contact List. But instead of the web part ALWAYS requiring a list called Contact List whenever the web part is added to a page, I want it so I can add the web part to a page THEN set which list I want it to use. I guess I am asking how do...

How do I create a custom DataGridViewCell with a non-data bound checkbox?

Hi, I'm trying to use and modify the code behind the TreeGridView control created by Mark Rideout and explained here: My current problem is that I want to have non-data bound checkboxes in certain cells. It didn't seem to work to use a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn, so I th...

web.config custom section inheritance

I'm trying to get a custom web.config section to get inherited by an application's web.config in a website subfolder. The custom section works fine in the main website, but it appears the custom section isn't inherited. Other elements in the web.config are getting inherited - it's just this custom section which isn't. Is this by des...

How do I implement a databound custom control with JQuery

I need to implement a custom control with checkboxlist and each item on clicked will open a div next to the item . my output would be checkboxmy items The td is a reaped items and is bound to a datasource. and onclick of the checkbox show the div1 . How do i Start? Do i implement a template control or a databound control ? in AS...

Customizing Sort Order of C# Arrays

Hey there. This has been bugging me for some time now. I've tried several approaches and none have worked properly. I'm writing and IRC client and am trying to sort out the list of usernames (which needs to be sorted by a users' access level in the current channel). This is easy enough. Trouble is, this list needs to added to whenever...

Providing customizable forms to non-technical users

I'm curious how others have offered customizable forms to their website's users (who are primarily non-technical). It is possible that there is a library out there that achieves this, but I have not seen one. Some of the concerns are: Options for each form element What kind of options to provide to the user, keeping in mind that all o...

Custom SiteMapProvider derived from XMLSiteMapProvider : How to load an xml document directly in BuildSiteMap()

We have a requirement to load a different XML sitemap for each user that logs in. This sitemap can come from a variety of sources (webservice, database, file) and has to be loaded at runtime. I have designed it thus: When a user logs in, the custom XML for that user is fetched and put into Session. In the BuildSiteMap() method of my cus...

WPF TextBox Custom Dictionary Support

Has anyone found a workaround yet for getting custom dictionary support working for the built in spellchecking on WPF TextBoxes/RichTextBoxes? We've been probing the spelling stuff with reflector hoping to find where the dictionary entries are coming from, but it's looking very much like it's going to be a COM object.... I know it's not...

Custom User Control in C#...Right Click Menu to Copy Text (Java Developer learning C#)

I'm working on a custom user control that essentially displays a name value pair (name is on a black background, value on a white). I have my control displaying correctly, even showing up in Designer and on my build page. What I'd like to do from here is have the ability to right click on the user control and have a menu come up that ha...

Fill textbox with current username logged in sharepoint.

I made a custom list, it is actually a form fill out for an absence request workflow. Before publishing it I found a flaw. The first textbox is a Person or Group textbox, this helps out to retrieve the Active Directory username, but the flaw is that I can type whatever username I want, Example: "User X is logged on, but if he types User...

WPF ListView turn off selection

Hi everyone, I have a simple WPF ListView and a simple question: Is it possible to turn off the selection, so when user clicks row, the row is not highlighted? I would like the row 1 to look just like row 0 when clicked. Possibly related: can I style the look of the hover / selection? Eg. to replace the blue gradient hover look (li...

Forcing the user to enter a property using Maven

Hello all, What I want to do is this: I have a pom.xml that depends on some property that the user will have to type as he calls mvn by an -D property. The problem is, if the user don't give me this option, the mvn should fail with an custom error message, as "This program won't compile because you must define this property..." Does ...

give the ID as a custom attribute to checkbox in a grid for manual update

I like to update just the value of my checkbox in a asp grid. so i thought i bind the id to the checkbox ( but how?) and fire an update in code behind by clicking the checkbox. but how can I get the ID, and where I have to bind this id to get it in code behind in the event? Thanks ...

WPF Custom Controls Deriving from ListView unable to override default style

I am making a simple display grid that derives from ListView, and uses GridView. I want to create it in its own assembly, so i thought of using a CustomControl library and making my ListView there. the problem i have is that when i use the line in the static constructor DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(ExtendedGridView), ...

Custom Validator with an OR Condition

Hi all, Right now i have an 2.0 app which allows a user to search by the following fields Location (Required if there is nothing in idnumber field) Address (Required if there is nothing in idnumber field) Zip (Required if there is nothing in idnumber field) **OR** IDNumber. (Required if there is nothing in any of the ot...

Customize the sorting in datagrid in flex

I have a column with 4 fields named : a> Main, b> Forward c> Back d> Link, if I use pre-defined sorting of datagrid with the column names which will be alphabetically, then the order is c>Back b>Forward d> Link a> Main. But, I do not want to sort based on the alphabets. I prefer to sort by names of the column fields. i.e. somehow give pr...

How to link two xibs?

I've to custom cells each in an seperatea .xib file (and for each of them a seperate .h and .m file) I need these two custom cells in my tableview (Controller). Thats an seperate file, too. How is it posible to link the two custom cells to the tableviewController? ...

Modal Dialog Box

Hi All, I have created two forms in my Windows Application. One Form acts as a Form and the other form acts as a MODAL DIALOG BOX. The Form Dialog Box contains a button and One textBox. When this button is clicked the MODAL DIALOGBOX should be displayed. This dialog box also contains One Textbox and Two Buttons(Ok and Cancel). Now wh...

How do you implement a custom filter with

The code below is from the Lucene In Action book (originally in Java). It's for building a list of 'allowed' documents (from a user permission point of view) to filter search results with. The problem is the termsDocs.Read() method does not accept the 'doc' and 'freq' arrays to be passed by reference, so they're still empty when it comes...