
CVS tools for repo monitoring on windows?

I sometime use the very simple but effective svncommitmonitor, to monitor activity. It's easy to see in the sys tray on a windows box and I've become used to it by now. So, is there a similar/identical tool for CVS. Some googling and to my surprise I couldn't find one. Any tips? ...

Help with CVS in command line after an already "checked out" module by a GUI app.

I've already checked out a bunch of repositories in my ~/cvs folder, using CrossVC, a graphical CVS client. How can I use CVS in cmd with these already checked out repositories? Which variables should I export? (I have 10 directories, which one with different checked ou repositories) ...

CVS in cmd/gui works only the third time I run a command.

I'm using CVS in the command line. I'm in my repository folder. When I call a CVS command, I get... cvs [log aborted]: unrecognized auth response from localhost: -f [pserver aborted]: /opt/cvs/XXXXXX: no such repository ...2 times. The third time I run the command, it works with no problems. I tried to use a GUI client (CrossVC) and t...

How to restrict code from developers

Possible Duplicate: Protection of code from its own developers My company is planning in hiring outsourcers to work for us, but concerned to give whole existing code to outside world. What is the proper way to deal with security of sharing code in such cases? Is it possible to restrict part of code for developers? So each o...

How do I use Mercurial?

I'm assuming Mercurial is for having an updated website and it archiving the old stuff? Easy to test things and such? My question is, how exactly should I get started and can somebody give me a crash course in using Mercurial and using the following techs below: Notepad++ for coding FTP PHP/MySQL Jquery & other js libraries I use win...

Downloading Eclipse's Source Code

I'm doing a study on large Java projects and would like to view the source code for Eclipse. I have gone to this url ( and figured that the most useful cvs repository for me to look at would be this one: :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/eclipse (The Eclipse platform project) Howev...

CVS :: Could not resolve hostname. How can I set the http proxy for CVS?

Hello, I'm using bsd unix. I've issued cvs -d [email protected]:/cvsroot co pkgsrc command. It says: ssh: Could not resolve hostname hostname nor servname provided or not known cvs [checkout aborted] : end of file from server (consult above messages if any) I'm behind proxy server. I di...

How to make meld prefer an SVN diff over a CVS diff

We have some directories that are tracked in both CVS and SVN (loooong story). When I change a file in one of these and run meld it diffs it against the SVN version. However for some of the other developers it diffs against CVS. Is there a way to specify which one gets priority? Everyone is using Meld 1.3.0 edit: Ok, I see now that ther...

Mercurial: two separate repos somewhat related (yes I'm getting confused)

I have a local repository, let's call it ONE. ONE is the actual program. It's an android program, in case it matters for some reason. I have a remote repository, let's call it EXT. EXT is somewhat a library, used by ONE. ONE has a complex directory structure, mandated by android. The main sources are in src/bla/bla/ONE. Since ONE uses ...

Is there a way (perhaps with some coding) to upload a local CVS history into Google Code SVN?

I have some old personal/proprietary code that I want to "promote" to open-source. But I'd really like to preserve (and publish) the full CVS history... is this possible through Google Code's SVN repository? ...

How can I do a CVS checkout without using the Cvs module?

How to do CVS co using Perl without using Cvs module ? ...

Not able to access to CVS repositories from remote computer

Hi, I could not access the CVS repositories which has the link as : ~project/directory/to/of/cvs/project I would like to access it from remote computer.What can be the suitable command to access it? ...

Searching the head of CVS

I'm looking for a 'relatively' easy way to search through cvs to look for a particular string in the HEAD revisions. I realize the way CVS stores versions makes this difficult. But I'm trying to come up with some script to allow this search (performance is not expected here). Currently this command will output the contents of the head ...

CVS Diff to output only modified files?

Is it possible? Run a cvs diff in terminal at the project root that outputs only modified files (like local files that aren't in source control and local modified files - mainly what I did to my project). I'm running cvs diff --brief but I still have too many results since my project is large, and with a lot of subdirectories - it shows...

How do I obtain and use a CVSNT commit ID?

I saw a reference on another question to a unique commit id auto-generated by CVSNT that marks each commit. I think most people in my department are using CVSNT or frontends to it. I found commit identifiers described in the CVSNT manual, but there is no explanation about how to determine what the CVSNT commit identifier is for a parti...

Show History in Eclipse shows nothing

I'm trying to figure out why Eclipse (v3.5.1) does not show any CVS history information when I use the Team->Show History context menu on a file. "Show Annotation" does show the annotations correctly, so I know the connection to my CVS server is working correctly. With Show History I just get the History tab with three panes, but nothing...

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)

Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) got this error while i am trying to cvs checkout from perl. what is issue and how to reslove this ? Code : system ( "CSVROOT:--- CVSRSH:--- cvs co a "); # i have proper value in cvs root and cvs rsh . its running alone and using ssh key ...

In Eclipse, how can I see all the code I've checked in this week? We use CVS

I'm using Eclipse 3.3.2 and CVS. Is there a way for me to see the code only I have checked in since some date? I know how to use "Compare With..." to see all the changes (anyone's code) since a particular version or date. Our team doesn't use Task Tags, could those help? ...

How to not check in Eclipse specific project files?

I don't want to force people into using a specific IDE for development, so our projects look basically like this: SomeProject src lib build.xml No IDE specific files whatsoever. However, many people prefer Eclipse and it is their valid complain that it is annoyingly difficult to set up an Eclipse project from an Ant build file if ...

Getting information about the CVS server from CVS checkout files.

I have CVS checkout files. I am trying to migrate into SVN repository keeping the history of CVS.How can I get the information for its migration from the CVS checkout files so that i can keep track of CVS repository? ...