
Do you know of a good pro/con paper on Version control system (git/mercurial/svn/cvs)?

It seems to be quite hard to find good references about the pros and cons of these Version control systems. If someone can make a short and neat paper about it, mirror it and post it here, I think a lot of people would be less confused. What version control system should I use ? I think it depend on the project and on the number of peo...

CVS can't get latest files

I have a weird problem I haven't seen before. I modified a file in our repository and committed as I usually do but now when I do a history the version shown as current is the previous version. 1.180 oldFile 1.181 my new changes but 1.180 is marked current. Any ideas? I tried doing a fresh checkout and cvs update -A but still the file...

Mercurial Acl Extension deny pull of some files

I'm new mercurial user. I setup the acl extension adding this into my hgrc file: [hooks] pretxnchangegroup.acl = python:hgext.acl.hook [acl] sources = serve pull push [acl.deny] ** = mercurial So with this code above I deny access to all files to user "mercurial". I successfully tested the acl extension and it works perfectly when I...

Help with regular expression and grep in Linux terminal.

I'm new to regular expressions and grep, but I've been trying to learn it to help me when using console tools. I have to use cvs, and when I update some files, I don't need to see files that were't updated or with *.pyc extension for example. So, I created a script that calls: cvs update -d | grep -v 'pyc$' | grep -v '^\?' First ques...

Emacs / CVS / OpenSSH: preventing password popup

I'm using GNU Emacs on my Ubuntu netbook in fullscreen mode. When I edit files that are under version control and hit C-x v v to commit the latest changes, an OpenSSH popup window will open and ask me for my password for the server on which my repository lives. Unfortunately, because of the fullscreen mode, the popup window will not com...

Why does a file checked into CVS become double-spaced?

Problem Frequently (but not every time) when using CVS to check in files like: .java, .cs, .xml, etc, every line of the file is gets a carriage return. Example: File before check-in by a team member: // Begin file class Foo { public Foo() { // Do step 1 // Do step 2 } } // End file Fil...

Eclipse-cvs, how find list of updates done by a user

In Eclipse with cvs can we get list of recent list of files changed by a particular user ...

Can we select what version to be checked out from cvs

Hello I have updated cvs a few times and want to get one of the older versions, is it possible to get different versions of the same file?? or should it be only the latest checked in version?? ...

CVS: Get the state of some branch in some date

Hello I have a big project with branches. All development is concentrated in the branch. I want to get the state of this branch at some time ago, but can't cvs up -r branch_name -D 2010-05-01 gives me (in cvs status Makefile) the sticky tag, but the newest version of file, not at 2010-05-01 ...

How can 'cvs logout' not work?

I'm on a Windows XP system, and I execute this command from the command line: cvs -d :pserver:CharlesAnderson@ServerName/RepositoryName login -p <pw> which generates this response: Logging in to :pserver:CharlesAnderson@servername:2401:/RepositoryName If I then type: cvs logout I get this message: cvs logout: bad CVSROOT - Cann...

Script to execute on CVS check-in, without access to the server?

Is it possible to write a script that executes certain instructions, and is triggered by any check-in to a CVS repository? The script would scan the list of files in the change-set and do a copy operation on certain files in a certain sub-directory. I would hopefully be able to execute various console applications, including ones writt...

Ignore files in Mercurial using Glob syntax

I'm using Mercurial and I have a following structure: files test demo.jpg video.flv video.doc sport demo2.jpg picture.jpg text.txt demo3.jpg demofile3.doc I want to make a glob filter that only ignore all "jpg" files in all directory that are children of "files" directory I tried with ...

branching a large cvs repo when you only plan changes to a small amount of files

If you have a repo with thousands of files and only plan to change 5 or 6, branching the whole repository of files would mean having to re-integrate a large number of files other than those you changed. I would prefer to create a branch, and then selectively update my 5 or 6 files to that branch and then merge those 5 or 6 files back, g...

Problems tagging and checking in files into cvs (Sticky tags)

Hi guys, I am having some trouble with checkout out files using a release tag and hope someone here can help. Basically my repository is structured like this module1 - src - jsp - conf module2 - src - jsp - conf A release can include changes in either module1 or module2 or both. There are several developers that could be w...

How to get cvs log of commits without checking out repo

I want to get a list of all commits for a module in cvs without checking that module out. Is this possible? If so how? I can use the cvs log command like so: cvs log > commitlog.txt but this only appears to work for already checked out module that i'm running the command from. I want to be able to get the log for a module without hav...

Source Control system for not-so-smart programmers

Greetings! Problem: A huge code base spanning to several million SLoC, maintained(support/active enhancements etc) by a horde of second/third rate programmers(most of them who do not really care). Decades ago, few smart guys had put in place a wrapper that uses CVS underneath and this system is being used by current...

Most robust way to convert a CVS repository containing Eclipse projects to git?

I have a situation where I have an elderly CVS repository which we would like to convert to git once and for all while keeping full history etc. All folders at the root of the repository contains Eclipse projects (either plain or dynamic web projects) including .classpath and .project. We use Team ProjectSets to check out the projects ...

Flash fla files corrupted by CVS

Hi, I have saved my Flash fla files with Eclipse CVS and some where on the way, I set their ASCII\BINARY value to ASCII and now my files are totally corrupted. Does anyone know of a way to fix fla files or any files that are binary but were saved as ASCII in CVS? Thanks for your help. ...

Release fixes with only some changes from CVS trunk without using branches.

I have this kind of situation: CVS trunk - all changes, stable ad unstable, are made to trunk. production - major releases are made creating tags on CVS, but minor fixes are made manually, merging only the requested changes from trunk. I'm not allowed to use branches, so I need an alternative solution to simplify or automate the proce...

Can we commit individual files??

Hello we are using CVS and development takes place regularly. I work only on one-three files most of the time. Do I still have to commit all the changes in the folder?? Is it possible to select the files which have to be committed and not allow the CVS to commit files which are still in development?? As in file 1, file 2 and file 3....I...