
Web service client close connection

I have a Glassfish app server hosting my web service (jax-rs with apache cxf). I have a Java client consuming this web service using code: Service service = JAXRSClientFactory.create("http://localhost/service", Service.class); The service is consumed x number of times at run time. x can vary. All is good - the code runs fine and as...

Are my assumptions about configuration correct?

I want to use to implement only REST service - a very simple one returning 'person' by full name or id in JSON. Im probably will be using JAX-RS and maybe JAXB - im not sure if tis is a right choise. I want to use it with following technologies/products and their versions: JDK 1.5 Eclipse 3.5 EE Tomcat 6.0 CXF 2.2.5 Spring 2.5.1 My q...

Getting access to a spring bean from a webservice?

I have created a cxf webservice within my cxf.xml file I have the following tag. bean id="videoStatsTable" class="" From what I understand Spring should create this object for me. The problem is I'm not sure how to get access to it. It seems as if I need the servletContext but as I'm in not i...

CXF JAX-RS is causing BusException

After adding a RESTFul service using Apache CXF to my Spring (and Wicket) project I get the following exception: org.apache.cxf.BusException: No binding factory for namespace registered. I have included the row below in my Spring configuration and thought this would actually solve my problem. But it ...

CXF Service Assistance

I'm not a Java programmer by any sense, so I apologize if this is a stupid question. I have a service that was given to me, that basically searches the inventory of a future partner. The file they sent is a compiled .jar file, and a wsdl file. The read me file states that it can be used with XFire or CXF. The question is, how do I set th...

@Path regex expression in RESTful server

I'm writing a RESTful Java server with CXF framework. How do I can write a @Path Regular Expression in order to obtain any URI finished in "/action" value? ...

CXF + SSL + WebLogic 9.10

Hi I im developing a web application, its a servlet which basically acts as a front end for a web service, im using CXF for the web service client, the application is running on a WebLogic 9.10 server, every thing was working ok until the project owner decided to add ssl supprt, no big problem, since im using cxf whitout spring, i mana...

How to reduce memory size of Apache CXF client stub objects?

My web service client application uses Apache CXF to generate client stubs for talking to several web services. The generated CXF web service stub objects have quite a large memory footprint (10 - 15 web service objects take more than 64 MB of memory). Is there any way to reduce the CXF object footprint? ...

Using CXF web service from java web start

UPDATE: I have submitted my question to the CXF User's mailing list, here. UPDATE: I have currently signed all of my jars. I still can't seem to get CXF setup in a way that it can find the WSDL. My last attempt was to place the WSDL inside of my WAr file so I can access it through a web browser. I set the wsdllocation inside of the clie...

Obtaining HTTP session from a webservice

We have a web application built on a Tomcat 6/WebWork/Hibernate/SQL Server stack. One part of the web application is a network map built using the Flare toolkit (the predecessor to Flare was Prefuse). The network map data is retrieved via a webservice call, say getData(). This call is made by the Flare application to retrieve XML data ...

How to pick CXF over Metro on Glassfish

Hello all, I'm having the following problem (reported there by someone else) when running my webapp under Glassfish, while under Jetty it works fine.. javax/xml/ws/spi/Provider mentions creating a META-INF/services/ resource, but this is already supplied with CXF and creating an additional resource file does no...

How to use CXF, JAX-RS and HTTP Caching

The CXF documentation mentions caching as Advanced HTTP: CXF JAXRS provides support for a number of advanced HTTP features by handling If-Match, If-Modified-Since and ETags headers. JAXRS Request context object can be used to check the preconditions. Vary, CacheControl, Cookies and Set-Cookies are also supported. I'm really interes...

Web Service Call Via CXF Gives Null Parameters

Hi all, I have two code projects both using CXF to use web services. When I make a call from project A to project B, the method I am calling receives null parameters. I've turned on logging and the inbound message does indeed contain the correct parameters. I have also tried calling my service from SoapUI (a webservice testing tool)....

glassfish can't find my wsdl when WAR is deployed

I have a CXF service service that I created WSDL first and when I deploy the WAR into glassfish app server 2.1.1, I get the following exception: C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\config\TestService.wsdl If I put the WSDL in that location, everything works fine. How do I setup my WAR so that the TestServic...

cxf jaxws with spring on gwt 2.0

Hi, I'm trying to use an application which uses cxf-jaxws in bean definition: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:jaxws="" xmlns:util="http://www.springframework.or...

Server-Side XML Validation with CXF Webservice

Hey guys, I'm working on an Apache CXF webservice (using JAX-WS, over SOAP). The service itself is pretty simple: receive a request, insert the request into a database, and return whether the insert was successful. I'd like to rely on XML validation to enforce a number of constraints on the request. So, my question. How do I return ...

WSDL2Java tool error Apache CXF

Hello, We get the following error when we use WSDL2Java tool to generate stubs. The webservice is up and running. WSDLToJava Error: org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException: Fail to create wsd l definition from : /SampleSNMWebService?wsdl Caused by : WSDLException: faultCod...

Can I can configure cxf to use a specific XML parser?

Is there a way to specify which XML parser cxf uses? Either through the cfx.xml file or programmatically? Our app has the Woodstox parser on its classpath, and cxf seems to be using that by default. However, the Woodstox implementation seems to truncate large Base64 encoded byte arrays in the SOAP packet. Removing Woodstox from the c...

Expose a POJO as a Websevice in Mule via Configuration _Only_?

Technologies Involved Mule Apache CXF Given A simple POJO (controversial acronym, but let's say a smart POJO): public class SmartPojo implements SomeBusinessInterface { public String doSomethingSmart( With something ) { String result; result = Irrelevant.process( something ) return result; ...

XML Schema Creation Error - What is JAXB Doing?!

Hey guys, I'm working on a project that involves a simple web service, and have had a slew of little problems. It's an Apache CXF webservice (using JAX-WS, over SOAP). The service itself is pretty simple: receive a request, insert the request into a database, and return whether the insert was successful. I'd like to rely on XML validat...