
How do I use request.dynamic in LiquidSoap

In LiquidSoap it's possible to either preload all audio values, or to have them load each time they are requested using request.dynamic. When I attempt to use request.dynamic and load liquidSoap as a daemon it hangs when trying to process the file, but works if I use the static loading methods. Sample code follows. Essentially it seem...

Daemonizing python's BaseHTTPServer

I am working on a daemon where I need to embed a HTTP server. I am attempting to do it with BaseHTTPServer, which when I run it in the foreground, it works fine, but when I try and fork the daemon into the background, it stops working. My main application continues to work, but BaseHTTPServer does not. I believe this has something to...

Connect PHP code to Java backend

I am implementing a website using PHP for the front end and a Java service as the back end. The two parts are as follows: PHP front end listens to http requests and interacts with the database. The Java back end run continuously and responds to calls from the front end. More specifically, the back end is a daemon that connects and ma...

Application Design - Daemon w/ WebPage FrontEnd

I have an application that scans an input directory every five seconds and when a job (i.e. file) is placed in the directory the application reads it, processes it and outputs another file(s) in an output directory. My question is, If I wanted to put a web based front end on this application, how would I wait for the processing to be co...

What's the difference between nohup and a daemon?

I was just wondering what the implication is for running a script as a daemon versus using nohup? I know what the difference is terms of forking processes etc, but what impact does that have on my script? ...

Spawn and detach PHP process without sharing any db-resources so that the child can exit?

I want an "eternal" process that goes through a MySQL table and spawns child processes. Pseudo code: while(true) $rows = SELECT * FROM workers foreach($rows as $row){ DELETE $row->id spawn_child($row->id) } sleep(5) } function spawn_child($id){ $pid = pcntl_fork() if($pid <0){ //err ...

What's the best way to monitor a large number of Ruby processes?

I have a farm of several physical servers each running a large number of Ruby "workers" (daemon-like processes) and I'd like to be able to monitor the health and progress of these processes from a central location, perhaps with historical graphing like Cacti provides. What's the simplest preferably-open-standard protocol for doing somet...

How feasible is a daemon written in PHP, using ignore_user abort and set_time_limit(0)

I'm mucking about with daemons, and wondered how feasible (in terms of memory and cpu usage, and reliability) it is to do this using PHP: <?php // Ignore user aborts and allow the script // to run forever ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); $fp = fopen('loop.log', 'w'); fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' Started' . PHP_EOL); w...

Daemon in C# to listen for keypress

I'm looking to create a small C# application that will either run as a daemon or sit in the taskbar, and wait for a specific keypress. When the expected keypress is encountered, I'll perform some actions. This is going to be used primarily for quick-posting of data to a web-service I'm writing. I've looked around the net for a while, ...

Problem with exiting a daemonized process

I am writing a daemon program that spawns several other children processes. After I run the stop script, the main process keeps running when it's intended to quit, this really confused me. import daemon, signal from multiprocessing import Process, cpu_count, JoinableQueue from http import httpserv from worker import work class Manager:...

Run Qt application on startup as Linux daemon

I've developed a Qt application which contains a TCP server and such. I'm now trying to make Ubuntu packages and let the application automatically start on startup. The application needs to be running even if nobody is logged in, which means a daemon started via a script in /etc/init.d/ I tried simply running the application on start a...

Starting/stopping a launchd agent for all users with GUI sessions.

I need to be able to start/stop a per-session GUI agent from a root level daemon. Similar issues are discussed here, here and here. What I want to be able to do is basically for num in `ps ax | grep [s]bin/launchd | cut -c 1-5`; do if [ $num -ne 1 ]; then sudo launchctl bsexec $num launchctl (un)load -S Aqua /Libra...

Is a launchd daemon the best route to go for reading/writing to privileged files in Cocoa?

I have an application which needs to be able to write to Any User/Current host preference files (which requires admin privileges per Preferences Utilities Reference) and also to enable/disable a launchd agent via its plist (writable only by root). I'm using SFAuthorizationView to require users to authenticate as an admin before alterin...

How to intall Tomcat as a daemon on OS X?

How do I install Tomcat as a daemon on OS X? It should run even when a user is not logged on. I could probably survive installing Tomcat for a single users and having it run at log in, for now. But long term I need it installed and running as a service on boot. ...

Starting a background process in python

I'm a python newbie, so sorry for the simple question. I'm trying to port a shell script to the much more readable python version. The original shell script starts several processes (utilities, monitors, etc.) in the background with "&". How can I achieve the same effect in python? I'd like these processes not to die when the python scr...

best way to write a linux daemon

For work i need to write a tcp daemon to respond to our client software and was wondering if any one had any tips on the best way to go about this. Should i fork for every new connection as normally i would use threads? ...

Very strange behaviour when launching Ruby daemons from bash script upon boot

I am using Rightscale to launch an instance on Amazon EC2. All my boot scripts work great and do things like getting the below file names in the folders. The last boot script is the following: #!/bin/bash MAINDIR="/root/username/" ruby ${MAINDIR}insertfd_control.rb stop ruby ${MAINDIR}insertfd_control.rb start ruby ${MAINDIR}inser...

Paste (Python) Web Server - Autoreload Problem

When I start the `Paste' web server in daemon mode, it seems to kill off it's ability to reload when the timestamp of a source file is updated. Here is how I start the daemon... cd ${project} && ../bin/paster serve --reload --daemon development.ini; cd ..; ...which defeats one of the main points of using Paste (for me). Has anyone c...

How do i stop a particular ruby daemons?

For the daemons' options :multiple => true , so, It allows me to start multiple instance of background process. now, when run command stop it stop all background processes, How can i stop them individually? Note: I know we can kill by pid but i want the ticker to at_exit as well. ...

Best practices creating Java service or daemon scripts

I'm looking for a tool to run java server processes as daemon services in Linux (and potentially on Windows and other OS's). I'm looking for the best practices when it comes to how to build production capable scripts and launch configuration. I'm familiar with best practices when it comes to a project's build, using Apache Maven, or som...