
Dynamic data-entry forms in Silverlight.

We are investigating how to create data entry views from a dynamic list of pre-defined field definitions. By "pre-defined", I mean that there are only 8 basic field types. The Silverlight Toolkit's DataForm control is almost what want, but it targets object properties (not a list of custom definitions). Is there an existing project to...

Data: PHP form => email => Access 2007 database

I have a form which is submitted to a PHP page. The data from the form needs to be added to an Access database, however the website is hosted and the Access database is on a network drive. So for now, the form just emails the data to someone who enters it by hand. We're trying to improve this process. So there is no way for the PHP page...

Django modelform: is inline adding related model possible?

I really hope this is not a duplicate: I couldn't find anything but that could just mean I'm not good at searching :) I have a Django app, and the staff is already using the admin app for... well, administration purposes. I also created a quick data entry page for a specific model, created substantially by dropping a modelform inside th...

Developing websites for data entry

We are in the process of developing a website to replace an old green screen data entry application. The problem is that our users are accustomed to FLYING through the screens (i.e. blind typing ... they never need to look at the screen or their fingers). They are very nervous about moving to the web, and I was hoping to assuage this n...

Developing a short-term web-based data entry UI

Say you had to quickly build a data-entry UI that works in a web browser, which must interface with a business layer, which must interface with a data layer. You want to connect only to business objects, not directly to the database. Most of the views of the UI will be simple CRUD operations, with edit/update happening within a grid. ...

How to create Data Entry User Interfaces in

Suppose that you have a big Data Entry Web Application Like Microsoft CRM, what is the strategies and technologies that you follow to build a website like it? I don't want to use any Dynamic Web Page Generation software, because it have a lot of limitations.. Also I don't want to design every page and repeat everything what's the best...

WPF: Editable ComboBox; how to make search/auto-fill functionality case sensitive?

Say I have a ComboBox, like so: <ComboBox IsEditable="True" Height="30"> <ComboBoxItem>robot</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem>Robot</ComboBoxItem> </ComboBox> If a user comes along and starts by typing a lower-case r into that ComboBox when it is empty, the ComboBox predictably auto-fills itself with the word robot. Great. Now ...

PHP - Where can I find a simple database tool that is easy for non-technical users to use?

I'm looking for a simple database admin tool that will allow non-technical users to perform data-entry into a database (imagine a striped down version of phpMyAdmin). It would preferably allow the developer to set restrictions on which tables and fields can be modified. Edit: Most of the tools posted, so far, are developer oriented. I'm...

Get a specific entry by group in SQL

Hi, I've a database who contain some datas in that form: icon(name, size, tag) (myicon.png, 16, 'twitter') (myicon.png, 32, 'twitter') (myicon.png, 128, 'twitter') (myicon.png, 256, 'twitter') (anothericon.png, 32, 'facebook') (anothericon.png, 128, 'facebook') (anothericon.png, 256, 'facebook') So as you see it, the name field is no...

Get a unique data in a SQL query

Hi, I've a database who contain some datas in that form: icon(name, size, tag) (myicon.png, 16, 'twitter') (myicon.png, 32, 'twitter') (myicon.png, 128, 'twitter') (myicon.png, 256, 'twitter') (anothericon.png, 32, 'facebook') (anothericon.png, 128, 'facebook') (anothericon.png, 256, 'facebook') So as you see it, the name field is no...

Dynamic data-entry value store

I'm creating a data-entry application where users are allowed to create the entry schema. My first version of this just created a single table per entry schema with each entry spanning a single or multiple columns (for complex types) with the appropriate data type. This allowed for "fast" querying (on small datasets as I didn't index al...

Is A Web App Feasible For A Heavy Use Data Entry System?

Looking for opinions on this, we're working on a project that is essentially a data entry system for a production line. Heavy data input by users who normally work in Excel or other thick client data systems. We've been told (as a consequence) that we have to develop this as a thick client using .NET. Our argument was to develop as a ...

c# vet user data

In a couple of fields in my Windows Form application, I am asking a user to supply either an IP address or a hostname. Is there a good RegEx to take care of this business? I would prefer that the user enter a FQDN or IP. Is there a nice way to test for this? ...

Multiple Cell Editing within a Grid

So I'm looking for a way to allow a user to enter numbers and dates into a grid of cells in bulk. What would be ideal is if they could simply highlight/select a range of cells, type "42" or "12/31/2010", and move on and then "42" or "12/31/2010" would exist in every cell. This is kinda like entering data into Excel that we're trying to m...

jQuery Table with drag-and-drop and checkboxes

Hi, I'm looking for a jQuery plugin but I'm not sure which I should use to get the desired effect. Essentially I'm looking to copy the TabularInline style data entry table from Django, but also allow the user to drag-and-drop re-order the position of the inlines. I'd also need the ability to add a new row. Which would be the best plug...

How to set up UIScrollView in Interface Builder with UI elements outside the main iPhone view?

I am building a data entry form in my iPhone app, and there are more data fields than will fit on the screen. I figured I should put them into a UIScrollView so that the user can scroll through the form. What's the best way to build this in Interface Builder? I know that I can do it programmatically, but I'd like to do it in Interface Bu...

One (probably unbound) Access 2003 form to create multiple records.

I've been recruited to work on a form for tracking specimens. Each specimen is associated with a subject; each specimen also has a particular slot in a 9 x 9 storage box. For ease of data entry, I think it would be best if the Access form mirrored the box itself (and the paper forms that will be used to enter data into Access): nine co...

Generate a data entry form dynamically from XSD including validation rules

Is there anything around that can read an XSD schema and dynamically create a (Windows C#) data entry form? It would also need to read the type definitions and use them to validate the data entered. The data would then be save as an XML file. I would prefer it was a dynamic form since the XSD could, and probably will change. I'd rather ...