
Storing decimal values in SQL Server

I'm trying to figure out decimal data type of a column in the SQL server. I need to be able to store values like 15.5, 26.9, 24.7, 9.8, etc I assigned decimal(18, 0) to the column data type but this not allowing me to store these values. What is the right way to do this? Thank you ...

Importing data from Excel in SSIS, empty values

I'm using SSIS to import data from Excel sheets into SQL Server 2005, the data contains some columns with data that should have the value of the previous non-empty cell in the same column, it looks like this: 2005 | 15 | Something1 | 12 | Something2 | 14 | Something3 2006 | 10 | Something4 | 2 | Something5 | 18 | So...

Control Internet connection data

I want to control internet connection programmatically, (I use Visual Studio .net (c#)). I want to process all the requests that are sent to the internet. For example, if a user on any browser type "", I want to get this request before it's sent to the internet. Simply, it's a process that Windows uses to send and retreive da...

SQLite Alternatives for C++

I am developing a application that needs to store data with many writes and reads as requiring fast searching of data (the need for indexes of some sort), and also be able to serialize and save the data. Currently I am thinking about using SQLite, which gets the job done, but I am open for alternatives. The SQLite's syntax really doesn...

Storage of sparse numerical data (e.g. inverted index) - any conventions?

Is there an accepted way of storing and accessing sparse numerical data (such as a search engine's inverted index / term by document matrix)? An RDBMS seems inappropriate for this kind of data, but it would be good to have it stored in some kind of database (saved to disk, running as a server, etc). Is there an accepted solution for this...

Running data service sample project

I looked at this link text Running the sample code I keep getting this error P3 : 49fee1af P4 : P5 : Any ideas ...

RAW Data from embedded resource image

I am trying to retrieve an image from an Embedded resource, and displaying it in its RAW DATA format (ie-> junk text data). Basically, I am running into a wall with everything I attempt. Can someone show me how to do this properly? Thanks. ...

How does one get sports related statistical data for many of the sports apps you see today?

Is there a source for sports related data? I'm thinking there must be some sort of subscription based API out there somewhere because I'm seeing so many of these type of applications these days, on the Web, desktop, and mobile phones? Anyone have any real world experience on how to go about this right, and affordability? ...

Interaction with a database: JQuery Ajax, Web Services

Hi, I am trying to retrieve values from a database by using JQuery Ajax to call a web service routine. The web service routine is set up properly and returns the value I require, however I'm confused about how the jquery ajax works... I don't know how to retrieve the value $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'myservices.asmx/ge...

entering values into database from 'unlimited' dynamic controls

there's a dropdown displaying 1-10 from where the user selects the number of textboxes he wants - if he chooses unlimited, it shows him a textbox wherein he enters the exact number of textboxes he'd like. if he enters 40, it shows him 40 textboxes which are created at runtime. my question is, how do i enter the data from 40 - or 'whatev...

How are the automobile databases maintained?

I'm looking into developing a used cars web app, but I've searched and I cannot find any avaliable database for download (paid or free) that contains all the makers and models of automobiles. How should I go about this? Should I scrap someone else's website? What guarantees do I have that the said website is updated frequently? Where do...

Advanced SQL Data Compare throught multiple tables

Hello, Consider the situation below. Two tables (A & B), in two environments (DEV & TEST), with records in those tables. If you look the content of the tables, you understand that functionnal data are identical. I mean except the PK and FK values, the name Roger is sill connected to Fruit & Vegetable. In DEV environment : Table A 1 Ro...

how do you store raw bytes as text without losing information in python 2.x?

Suppose I have any data stored in bytes. For example: 0110001100010101100101110101101 How can I store it as printable text? The obvious way would be to convert every 0 to the character '0' and every 1 to the character '1'. In fact this is what I'm currently doing. I'd like to know how I could pack them more tightly, without losi...

How to integrate native applications with eclipse?

I have a couple of native applications written in C++ and C#. These are legacy applications that require data sharing between them. Currently, data sharing is through import/export of text file in some proprietary format. We are currently looking at integrating these two applications using eclipse. My questions are: How can we integrat...

Canonical/Idiomatic "do what I mean" when passed a string that could a filename, URL, or the actual data to work on

It's not uncommon to see Python libraries that expose a universal "opener" function, that accept as their primary argument a string that could either represent a local filename (which it will open and operate on), a URL(which it will download and operate on), or data(which it will operate on). Here's an example from Feedparser. My ques...

Best practice? iphone: sync data

So i'm working on a project where there is data visualization. My ultimate goal is that i have a set of data shipped with the download of the iphone app. But i want it connected to a backend, that if the iphone has a connection with the internet. it can sync the changes from the backend. The syncing is no problem or the connection betw...

sed optimization question (large file modification based on smaller dataset)

Hi all, I do have to deal with very large plain text files (over 10 gigabytes, yeah I know it depends what we should call large), with very long lines. My most recent task involves some line editing based on data from another file. The data file (which should be modified) contains 1500000 lines, each of them are e.g. 800 chars long. ...

C#: Finding all non-last sequences in a sequence

I just can't seem to wrap my head around this... I have a sequence that look a bit like this: A 1 1 50 A 1 2 50 A 2 1 20 A 2 2 60 B 1 1 35 B 1 2 35 C 1 1 80 D 1 1 12 D 1 2 12 D 1 3 15 D 2 1 12 What I need to do is to set those last column values to 0, where they are not the last value. So for example I...

How do I generate SWX data files serverside?

By storing data in SWX files on the server, it can be interpreted automatically like loading one SWF into another. Now I'd like this data to be modified by server side code, how can I do this? Are there any SWX libraries for PHP that I can use? ...

Data Integration Patterns - different tables, dbs, apps but information must be controlled

Hi, in a portal landscape i have different systems (portal server, app server). No there are tables on each system which control right management for users. (portal groups & users - app server users and groups etc.). The syncing is managed by one App which controlls all interaktion. (Data is redundant but not the same - totally diffrent...