
How to animate the flex chart axis when the maximum of the data changes?

I have a flex chart feed with multiple data sets, and I want to display only one of the data set in one view. So I created multiple buttons to select different data sets. Whenever the user clicks one of the buttons, I adjust the maximum of the vertical axis so that the chart can represent the data normally (i.e. not to display the fluctu...

Complementing the entity in Entity Data Model

(Playing around with the MVC framework) I have created a Entity Data Model. Now I'd like to extend it with some business logic, like creating functions returning subsets of the context. A partial class is created together with the Data Model, so I created a new file declaring a partial class like this: I placed a function in it ...

Importing selective data using impdp

I have an entire DB to be imported as a dump into my own. I want to exclude data out of certain tables(mostly because they are huge in size and not useful). I cannot entirely exclude those tables since I need the table object per se(minus the data) and will have to re create them in my schema if I do so. Also in the absence of those tab...

How to "flatten" or "collapse" a 2D Excel table into 1D?

I have a two dimensional table with countries and years in Excel. eg. 1961 1962 1963 1964 USA a x g y France u e h a Germany o x n p I'd like to "flatten" it, such that I have Country in the first col, Yea...

What applications do you use for data entry and retrieval via ODBC?

What apps or tools do you use for data entry into your database? I'm trying to improve our existing (cumbersome) system that uses a php web based system for entering data one ... item ... at ... a ... time. My current solution to this is to use a spreadsheet. It works well with text and numbers that are human readable, but not with fore...

Reading and Grouping a List of Data in Python

I have been struggling with managing some data. I have data that I have turned into a list of lists each basic sublist has a structure like the following <1x>begins <2x>value-1 <3x>value-2 <4x>value-3 some indeterminate number of other values <1y>next observation begins <2y>value-1 <3y>value-2 <4y>value-3 some indeterminate number of...

Data Paging in SQL Server 2005 Only Returns 1 (One) Row

Hi, Would someone please help me. I have a stored procedure (see below) for data paging in SQL Server 2005. The purpose of the stored procedure is to return a page of Products (prodid, description) for a particular Category (CatID). When I execute the stored procedure: EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[ecosys_CNET_GetCategoryProducts] @Ca...

In ASP.Net MVC 1.0 How do I insert model child data?

I am just playing around with MVC for the first time and am having a problem. Let's say I have 2 tables - Person and Location. Location has a foreign key relationship to Person - so 1 person can have multiple locations belonging to them. In my view I have form inputs for the Person fields - this works fine. However, I also want to h...

Quickest way to set properties on an object?

Assume you have a business object with a lot of properties. What is the easiest and best way to set the properties without the use of an ORM tool? This implies setting properties from a data reader object, such as client.Name = (string)reader["Name"]; What about the case where the object contains other complex objects? Any suggest...

Who has to do the Data Model design

hi, please clarify me on the below questions, who will do the great data model design? Technical lead / Database Admin Thanks, Gunasekaran Sambandhan ...

Excel merge and formatting

Simply put I am looking for a quick way to do the following. I would like to format an excel spreadsheet below: A B C D 1 foo bat abe test 2 foo bat cat test 3 foo bat dog test 4 bar moo hat girl 5 bar moo bat girl to look like this: A B C ...

What do you do with a one-off piece of data that needs to be persisted?

Recently I've been requested to add on something for the administrator of a site where he can 'feature' something. For this discussion let's say it's a 'featured article'. So naturally we already have a database model of 'articles' and it has ~20 columns as it is so I really do not feel like bloating it anymore than it already is. My ...

Creating image from HTML

As my question on the same topic (but specific to PHP) doesn't seem to yield much help, I would like to know if there are free Windows binaries (preferably those which don't require .NET runtime environment) which could take as input (on the command line) some tabular data and output an image? Edit: By tabular data I mean an HTML table....

Fastest way to load or cache from an extremely slow API?

My WPF project utilizes the iTunes API. At start-up time, there's several background threads that work to load the iTunes library from the API into memory (this is for performance reasons once the app is running). However, loading the library is painfully slow. On the order of nearly three minutes. Most recently I've tried saving the l...

What's the longest possible worldwide phone number I should consider in SQL varchar(length) for phone

What's the longest possible worldwide phone number I should consider in SQL varchar(length) for phone. considerations: + for country code () for area code x + 6 numbers for Extension extension (so make it 8 {space}) spaces between groups (i.e. in American phones +x xxx xxx xxxx = 3 spaces) here is where I need your help, I want it to ...

Find out field type based on data

Im doing a one-time import routine from one system to another. The first step is to import a lots of data from a lots of csv-files. The first line in each csv-file is fieldnames tab separated. The rest is the data, also tab separated and rows are separated with a CR. I have written a 20-liner routine that creates the tables and reads in...

WPF Data Binding to a string property

Hi, I have a question about data binding which I am struggling with. I have the following property in my xaml.cs file: private string _stationIdInstruction; public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public string StationIdInstruction { get { return _stationIdInstruction; } set { ...

Send data between class and form?

Hey guys. The other day, I asked how to create a message box in your class, but one of the answers stated that was it wasn't the correct approach. I understand that this is because it really defeats the point of a class. My program reads word by word from a string file, and checks if each word is in the database. I want to put every wor...

design ideas for serving up high-frequency data

I want to build something to store and serve up time series data, which is coming in from a variety of sources at different time intervals. this includes both raw data and computed data. for example, let's say I want to log an every-30-seconds temperature reading, and a temperature forecast I'm calculating separately every 5 minutes. I ...

User Control populated from request variable in containing page

I have a user control that displays results from a database in a gridview. The containing page receives querystring values and passes them to the user control to load. From the containing page, what is the best way to load and display the user control? Currently, I do the following: Containing Page_Load: Get querystring values Contain...