
How do I enable saving of filled-in fields on a PDF form?

Some PDF forms can be saved, including all filled-in field data: Some others can not be saved, and all filled-in field data are lost: How do I enable saving of filled-in fields on my PDF form? Thanks! ...

Moving data from one master pdf to other individual pdf's with different layouts

I have 8-10 different company applications that have to be filled out. About 85-90% of the information is common (however it is not located in the same spot on each application form). I want to create a master application with the common fields and the application specific fields in the master application. I want to have a person fill...

Managing large objects in C#

I have a large number objects which are tree like structures. I have a problem that the amount of memory the application uses starts to approach >1GB which means performance on the machine drops off and that there are out of memory instructions. i managed to solve this by using sqlite to put the objects to tables and thus effectively ma...

Data Access Layer Static or Instance based?

My current application is using an instance based data access layer. I instantiate the layer with the connection string. I then call a method that will do some sort of command. For example there is a method that will fill a dataset. Basically, I pass the stored procedure and any SQL parameters and get back a dataset. Is it better to have...

Is it possible to have two partial classes in different assemblies represent the same class?

I have a class called 'Article' in a project called 'MyProject.Data', which acts as the data layer for my web application. I have a separate project called 'MyProject.Admin', which is a web-based admin system for viewing/editing the data, and was build using ASP.NET Dynamic Data. Basically I want to extend the Article class, using a pa...

Java Unsigned Char Array

I'm working on a project fuzzing a media player. I wrote the file generator in Java and converted the CRC generator from the original compression code written in C. I can write data fine with DataOutputStream, but I can't figure out how to send the data as an unsigned character array in java. In C this is a very straightforward proces...

Is kettle a good data migration solution?

Has anybody some experience with Kettle? I´m searching for a good data migration solution. ...

Handle large data structure in Java

Hi, I'm working on a Java application that needs working on very large matrices. For example multiplying two 10 million * 10 million matrices! Of course the Java heap does not have enough space even for storing one of these matrices. What should I do? Should I use databases to store my matrices and bring to memory every needed part and ...

What is the best way to store usage reports over time?

Hello, I currently have a few server reports that return usage statistics whenever run. The data is collected from several different sources (mostly log files), so they're not in a database to begin with. The returned data are simple lists, for example, detailing how much disk space a user is using (user => space) average percent memor...

What is the best place to read/write/store a small amount of data online?

I want to be able to store, retrieve, and modify a small amount of textual data (< 2 mb) online. What service should I use to be able to do this programatically (in Java)? ...

Copy data from one existing row to another existing row in SQL?

OK so I suck at SQL and I always have to ask for help, not sure what my disconnect is because I don't have any problem with programming C like languages, here is my challenge: I have a table full of tracking data for as specific course, course number 6. Now I have added new tracking data for course number 11. Each row of data is for o...

ADO.NET Data Services, LINQ

Good Day, I have C# code to populate a dropdown list in Silverlight which works fine except when there are duplicates. I think because IEnumerable is a collection, it filters out duplicates. How would I code my LINQ query to accept duplicates? My Sample Data looks like: Code => CodeName FGI      Field General Initiative SRI      Sta...

data access in silverlight 2.0

i'm new to silverlight and i'm porting from 2.0. I have done many data binding applications in where i use sql server 2005 and use it's tables and access them via sqlconnection object and perform all kind of database related functions. Can any one tell does silverlight 2.0 supports such kind of facility. If so can i use a...

Best technique for caching results from queries that change infrequently

I have a php web application where certain data changes on a weekly basis but is read very frequently often. The SQL queries that retrieve the data and the php code for html output are fairly complex. There are multiple table joins, and numerous calculations - but they result in a fairly basic html table. Users are grouped, and the ta...

MVC - Passing Data with RedirectToAction()

What I'm attempting to do is take the data entered into an MVC user form and submit it back to the user in a different view. I have a private variabled declared in the class: IList<string> _pagecontent = new List<string>(); Here is my action that accepts the FormCollection object, validates it, and tries to pass it on to the "Previ...

How to import initial data to database with Hibernate?

When deploying applications, I often use Hibernate’s capacity to create database schema in order to simplify the deployment. This is easily achievable by configuring property. However, on occasion I also need to insert some initial data to database, for example root user. Is there a way I could achieve this via h...

software/languages for online structured data collection from (human) clients

I need to develop a web interface to collect and validate a range of data from many of my organization's clients. This isn't a single form, but a collection of forms with interdependencies (i.e., field X on form Y is needed if field A was equal to C on form B), and variable length lists (please provide the details for all Xs in your pos...

how does StackOverflow optimise the performance for the display of the questions?

Hi there, i am trying to learn to program a web app. And having learned that stackoverflow uses I am happy to discover it. I noticed that at the home page or at the questions section, whenever i refresh the page. The page always returns me the latest information without fail and at acceptable speeds. I am not sure how ...

The easiest way to write NSData to a file

NSData *data; data = [self fillInSomeStrangeBytes]; My question is now how I can write this data on the easiest way to an file. (I've already an NSURL file://localhost/Users/Coding/Library/Application%20Support/App/file.strangebytes) ...

Javascript: extending map objects

I don't know how to extend the map object with prototype and hope you can help. I have something like this: var map = {'one':1, 'two':2}; and I would like to have a method to check for the existence of a key: if (map.containsKey('one')){...} How would I extend the map object? ...