
Copy data and keeping referencial integrity for new IDs

I need a tool or method that allows the transfer of data and automatically updates the foreign keys at the destination table. The SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON/OFF is not what I'm looking for. Example: table master (id int identity, name char) table slave (id int identity, master_id int, name char) I would like to create a script like thi...

Is there a data sizer tool available for SQL Server 2005?

I have to estimate the data size of database when populated with forecast values for each table. It should at least include size to be used for data and indexes. There used to be tool like this in SQL Server 2000 that produced an estimated size when supplied with the amount of records per table (I think it shipped with the SQL 2000 res...

Evaluating HDF5: What limitations/features does HDF5 provide for modelling data?

We are in evaluating technologies that we'll use to store data that we gather during the analysis of C/C++ code. In the case of C++, the amount of data can be relatively large, ~20Mb per TU. After reading the following SO answer it made me consider that HDF5 might be a suitable technology for us to use. I was wondering if people here ...

NSString into NSData

I wanna have a NSString object as NSData. Later this NSData-Object should return his stringValue with: NSData *data; NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; string shouldn't be nil... =D ...

Sending Large Data > 1 MB through Windows Sockets viz using the Send function

Hi all, I am looking to send a large message > 1 MB through the windows sockets send api . Is there a efficient way to do this , i do not want to loop and then send the data in chunks . I have read somewhere that you can increase the socket buffer size and that could help . Could anyone please elobrate on this . Any help is appreciated ...

Best way to collect and store data daily?

I have a bunch of statistics: # of users, # of families, ratio user/family, etc. I'd like to store these daily so I can view this data historically. However, I'm looking for the most effective way to store this data. Should I run a cron job that writes to the database DATE: today USERS: 123 FAMILIES: 456 RATIO: 7.89 or whatever? (or sh...

SSIS Converting a char to a boolean/bit

I have an SSIS package to load data; as you may recall there are flags that are in data files as Y/N char(1) when I am trying to load them as bit flags into SQL Server. I am specifying the columns in the data file as String [DT_STR] and I have a data conversion task to convert them to booleans based on the following expression (I receiv...

How do you deal with the "Many Names for 1 Person" problem?

One of the most common problems I run into when creating any information system is the fact that people go by so many different names. Someone named "Bill Smith" may go by "Will Smith","William Smith", "Smith, Will", etc... If say, I wanted to write an application to link blog posts to authors, I would have to account for all those name...

Flex:How to retrieve the pre edited value of the cell of a datagrid to an itemeditor in a flex

I wrote a custom item editor for a datagrid in flex. My question is how to retrieve the pre-edited value of the datagrid cell after the item editor initializes and also in the custom item editors code. ...

Need well formatted data for testing

Sometimes you need data for tests, like Adobe Thermo has prewritten "sets" of data, like 1-word strings, 3-word strings, etc for use in populating data controls. I need: Continuous text, no newlines CSV Numbers, Integers CSV Numbers, Decimals URL encoded strings Any ideas on how to get any of those? ...

Tools for Generating Mock Data?

I'm looking for recommendations of a good, free tool for generating sample data for the purpose of loading into test databases. By analogy, something that produces "lorem ipsum" text for any RDBMS. Features I'm looking for include: Flexibility to generate data for an existing table definition. Ability to generate small and large data...

What are some good online sources for data sets?

Some time ago I came across as site online who's sole purpose was the collection of various data sets, location data, district census data, or whatever sets community members were interested in maintaining. My question is, do you know the site that I'm thinking of, or can you suggest any other sites that perform a similar service? I'll...

How to convert NSMutableData to NSString on iPhone?

I received an NSMutableData from a server and now I want to convert it to an NSString. Any ideas about how to do this? ...

How to receive data from URL on iPhone?

I'm using the code from Apple's Document to do some HTTP communication.I can connect to the url sucessfully, but I failed to receive the data from my server. // create the request NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://..."]                         cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePoli...

Question about receiving data from URL on iPhone?

I'm using Apple Document to create an app.I succeed in connection to the server, but I receive 0 bytes from the server(no response data). I take the following steps: 1) I create a view-based App and add a property 'receivedData': In ViewController.h: @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableData *receivedData; In ViewController.m: ...

Inserting rows into a database in ASP.NET

I am new to .NET, and I'm can't seem to figure out something that should be simple. I want to insert a row into a table, and initialize it with values that aren't bound to data controls. Specifically, I have a CreateUserWizard control on a page. In the CreatedUser method, I want to insert a row into a databse I created called "users" tha...

Help, i am a Javascript illiterate

Ive been asking a lot of Javascript questions, i guess i just have to learn it, but for the moment, i have this scenario, can anybody fill the gaps for me, its like: Dtabase Table Maps' fields: Map_ID, Coordinates, MarkerTitle, MarkerField. Code Behind: Dim myTableAdapter As New myDatasetTableAdapters.tblMapsTableAdapters Dim myTable...

DAL design

I'm using .Net enterprise library data access application block for my Data Access layer design. In my Category DAL class, I've methods like : GetProductsInCategory(int CatId), GetAllProducts, GetCategories, etc. My question is: where do i put this line of code ? DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("MyDB"); shall i put it in every met...

System.Data.DbType Vs System.Data.SqlType

Am using enterprise library data access application block... is there any performance impact of using System.Data.DbType Vs System.Data.SqlType? And also, would like to know performance impact for the statement: DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("MyDB") Vs new SqlDatabase(myConnectionString); Thanks. ...

Socket reading data asynchronously with special message terminator

I have to connect via tcp to a server that terminates responses with 0x4 instead of the standard 0x0. I want to keep things simple and use a synchronous send/receive from the socket class. The send works but the receive blocks indefinitely because the server does not terminate messages with 0x0. I cannot synchronously read to the first 0...