
How do I know what data type to use in Python?

I'm working through some tutorials on Python and am at a position where I am trying to decide what data type/structure to use in a certain situation. I'm not clear on the differences between arrays, lists, dictionaries and tuples. How do you decide which one is appropriate - my current understanding doesn't let me distinguish between t...

Extracting audio data from FLV and injecting into MP3 (C#)

I need to extract the audio data from a FLV and inject it into a MP3 with C#. So I'm look for either a library for this or how to do it with the rawdata/file structure. ...

silverlight MVVM Viewmodel to view binding not working

I have a real simple example that works nicely without a viewmodel as i have a Item class that implements iNotifyPropertyChanged public class Item : INotifyPropertyChanged { private string _name; private string _desc; public string Name { get { retu...

Binding entities with foreign key to datalist

I have the following code: var devices = from d in ctx.Devices.Include("DeviceGroups") where d.DeviceEnabled == true select d; dlTerminals.DataSource = devices; On the front end i do the following: <asp:DataList ID="dlTerminals" runat="server" DataKeyField="DeviceId" GridLines="None" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizon...

What are the common practices to protect data on iPhone

Hello, the client is concerned about safety of the data application uses and stores locally on device (e.g. they want to prevent reading our data files even on jailbroken iPhones). So I wonder - what are the possible ways to ensure data safety on iPhone? Edit: I'm thinking about 2 ways of storing data - a bunch of xml files (maximum si...

SAS recipe for end-to-end workflow?

Hi all (First, I am a SAS newbie, though an experienced programmer. I have googled a little for this, I promise...) I would like to automate some data analysis processes in population estimation, which would take a bunch of csv data files and some shapefiles as the beginning, do stuff to them (including some geographic intersections t...

.NET GZipStream compress and decompress problem

What is wrong with this code below. I always get FALSE, meaning after compression, decompressed data does not match original value. public static bool Test() { string sample = "This is a compression test of microsoft .net gzip compression method and decompression methods"; System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encodi...

Align= "center" effect on data shown gridview rows.

I am facing a weird situation, i am developing an website, and i added a gridview control, it is placed inside td tag.. when i ran the website online,i noticed that the data shown on the rows are shifted to the left while their header tags are centered, so i gave the td an align="center" property,trying to make the data show ...

Helper for Enterprise Library version 4.1

Hi all, any helper class for reduce code lines using ent Library: Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("ConnectionStrings.Oracle.D04PES01"); using (DbCommand cm = db.GetStoredProcCommand("TBL_POC_TEST_TIPOS.TBL_POC_TEST_TIPOS_FBY_PK")) { db.AddInParameter(cm, "P_ID_TEST_TIPOS", DbType.String...

in toplink and struts 2 based application, even after commiting data data disappears from the database

I have a struts 2 application and a toplink persistence provider running on tomcat 6.0.20 and a MySql 5.1.38 server on a GNU/Linux machine. After committing the data the when i go to retrieve it the data it has disappeared from the database. I do a em.commit() and em.flush() after my queries have executed. How do they disappear? I am u...

iPhone: Sharing data between native and webapp

Hi! I would need to share data (not necessarily a large amount) between a native iPhone app, and a safari/webkit javascript app... Do you know how this could be done ? I considered sqlite.. But it seems an application can only read/write inside its own bundle (so, not in the webkit databases directory), and the other way, i guess javasc...

Digitally Sign Data as it is Archived

I have an application that records data from a manufacturing process on a periodic basis (various sample rates, minimum of 1 sec, the usual max is 10 min or more). The customer would like to know if the data has been altered (changed in place, records added to, or records deleted from). The data is recorded as a binary record. There c...

how to read/parse dynamically generated web content?

I need to find a way to write a program (in any language) that will connect to a website and read dynamically generated data from the website. Note that it's dynamically generated--it's not enough to get the source html, because the data I'm interested in is generated via javascript that references back-end code. So when i view the webp...

Mysql create database with new database location

Few months ago I have asked a question regarding how to change database location at runtime - I didn't get any solution for this problem yet. I am needing to create more than 32,000 databases in MySQL. The default data location of MySQL data folder, after creating 32,000 database on that location, I want to change the data directory to ...

DataRow[] Aggregate Functions C#

I have an array of DataRow objects in my C# project which I would like to Sum various fields from. Instead of running through each row and totalling my own sums I noticed the DataRow[].Sum<> function but I am struggling to find any resources on the net on how to use it. Any pointers in the right direction would be very helpful :) Re...

Jquery Post Data

Hi, I need to insert/update data by using link or image I need a code how to call post data using jquery ! < a href="some.asp" onClick="someaction, value to send" > Link Please help ...

the best way to grab websites data (content)?

I need to grab some websites data (content) those websites provide listings I need to grab those and filter them according to the content any software can do that? php script? if not, where can I start to program this functionality? ...

How to store the Json Data

Hello All, I have converted the XML data to JSON data now I want to pass this JSON data to the JQuery grid plugin .Please tell me how can I do this.How to store the JSON Data and How to pass the Data To the JQuery grid plugin. Please suggest. ...

iphone SDK detect Wifi and Carrier network

Hello everybody, my app accesses the internet and i just want to detect whether there is a connection either via wifi or via carrier data network or not apple has made an example for that "Reachability" i think it just detects the wifi and not the carrier network ca...

Tool To Read SQL query and aggregate data relationships & fields.

I'm looking for a tool that can read multiple SQL queries and aggregate the data dependencies an relationships. For example if I have 20 queries that start with "Select * from employees" I'd expect to see the employees table weighted at the top. I imagine there has to be some data warehousing tool or other product out there to analy...