
Normalizing dataset with ruby

Hi folks, i have a data set that ranges from 1 to 30,000 I want to normalize it, so that it becomes 0.1 to 10 What is the best method/function to do that? Would greatly appreciate it if you could give some sample code! ...

Styling of data in data grid in wpf

I have data being populated into my data grid.Now,In the last column I have data like "Out of Balance " and "Inbalance". I want the display to show all "out of balance" data as being underlined and red in clour while the "in Balance" data to be green in colour without any underline.Note that, the stored proc would give me initially all t...

Can I transform an object and access the private data members in C++?

I want to access a private data member in a class. There is no member function in the class to access the private data member. It is private. I want to take the class and some how crack it open. One method was to copy the declaration of the class, make the private member public and call the new class class something_else. Then I do a r...

Live FOREX data for PHP

I am building an application where I need live FOREX(currency data). I could take it from yahoo's page, by loading the html into PHP and the get then extract the data. But I do not like doing that way. Therefore I would like to ask if any of you know any other free forex resources that can be loaded into PHP? ...

Split data to multiple columns

This is the data currently located in one column: "Title Info - Company Here - City Here, ST" ST represents state ie GA Sometimes my data looks like this: "Title Info - Company Here - United States" Data is on column named "title" and is without quotes. How do I split this using php, for 4 new columns named: "New_Title", "Compan...

UI-centric vs domain-centric data model - pros and cons

How closely does your data model map to your UI and domain model? The data model can be quite close to the domain model if it has, for example, a Customer table, an Employee table etc. The UI might not reflect the data model so closely though - for example, there may be multiple forms, all feeding in bits-and-pieces of Customer data al...

How to positioning in ASP.NET Grid

Hi, I am new to .NET. I am facing a problem . My question is that I have a data grid control and I am using the asp text boxes in my grid instead of the bound field. In my grid there is a blank row at the top and user can enter the data in these text boxes and after entering the and press the enter I want that my grid is position from t...

What is the best (fastest, easiest, most efficient) wayt to pass structured data into and out of Oracle

This is targeted at Technical Leads and Architects, but Anyone can answer this - all thoughts are welcome - have fun with it. I want to abstract a large database store (relational, OLTP) from the application layer by having the application consider the database as a service. The natural way of doing this is by calling sprocs, but tradit...

Looking for resources for ICD-9 codes

We have been asked by a client to incorporate ICD-9 codes into a system. I'm looking for a good resource to get a complete listing of codes and descriptions that will end up in a SQL database. Unfortunately a web service is out of the question as a fair amount of the time folks will be off line using the application. I've found http...

Reading data from JavaScript updated html

Is it possible to read the realtime updated quotes in this website through actionscript3, without having to reload the page all the time, which would be network-heavy. In other words, is it possible to stream the quote-data directly into actionscript3 or eventually PHP from javascript? If not does anyone have any suggestion to how to g...

What is the proper method of reading and parsing data files in C++?

What is an efficient, proper way of reading in a data file with mixed characters? For example, I have a data file that contains a mixture of data loaded from other files, 32-bit integers, characters and strings. Currently, I am using an fstream object, but it gets stopped once it hits an int32 or the end of a string. if i add random d...

Presenting a tree of data with NSOutlineView?

I have a tree of data that I would like to present to the user in a top-down manner, the way you see parse trees presented. Conceptually, the data have a lot in common with what an NSOutlineView would present: hierarchical structure, tree nodes can be be expanded and reordered, etc. I'm trying to figure out how I might be able to manip...

Storing data in a Google App Engine App

I'm reading up on Google App engine and I'm thinking of using it as a CDN for a project I'm working on. As far as I can tell, there's two ways to store data. I could use a datastore or I could put files in a directory. I was brought up believing it's a bad idea to store large binary data in a database, but according to Google, the dat...

Share dll data among different processes.

I have to implement a dll in C# which contains a list of tasks. The responsibility of this dll is to manage these tasks. Different processes will interact with this dll, each for its own task, identified by the task ID. But since each process will have its own copy of the dll data, the challange is how to manage this list. This list has...

Ways to design heavy data-centric web application in Silverlight

I have to build a web application in Silverlight. This application is entirely data centric with SQLServer 2008 as the database. What are different ways of handling this design problem? Someone told me RIAServices would be a great option, but I am not completely knowledgable of it. One simple option I know of is creating WCFService and ...

Principles for Modeling CouchDB Documents

I have a question that I've been trying to answer for some time now but can't figure out: How do you design, or divide up, CouchDB documents? Take a Blog Post for example. The semi "relational" way to do it would be to create a few objects: Post User Comment Tag Snippet This makes a great deal of sense. But I am trying to use cou...

Persisting graph data (Java)

I have an application which utilizes graph (tree-like) custom structures. The structures are not real trees, but pretty much everything is connected together. The quantity of the data is also big (millions of nodes can exist). Tree-nodes can vary in type to make it more interesting (inheritance). I don't want to alter the data-structures...

What's the difference between std::string::c_str and std::string::data?

Why would I ever want to call std::string::data() over std::string::c_str()? Surely there is some method to the standard's madness here... ...

Seeking iPhone App Architecture Advice: Managing Data

I've built a simple iPhone app that parses data from a remote XML feed, converts the information into objects (they're videos), and displays the videos in a standard table view->detail view->"Play Video" UI. There are hundreds of videos, each with about ten attributes. (The videos are never downloaded, only streamed, using MPMoviePlayerC...

C# - DataSets and Data Binding in multiple Forms

Hi, I have the following scenario: A database A DataSet that is filled by the database Two Forms: The first Form contains a ComboBox that shows a certain set of categories. The ComboBox is binded to a DataTable "categories" in the DataSet. The second Form is supposed to be a category manager where you can add, edit and delete categor...