
What's your data serialisation format of choice?

I'm interested to see who favours more obscure data serialisation formats over the more obvious ones (JSON, XML and Yaml). What do you tend to use? What syntax do you prefer? ...

What is whitelist and blacklist data?

I was reading about development of XPCOM component. I came across these terms called whitelist data and blacklist data, I tried to find out on google but couldn't .. I do not know how its related to programming so forgive me if i placed the question at wrong place.. ...

Print Data to screen based off of a query in ASP.NET MVC?

I have an application I'm working on where I want to loop through some data where a flag in the data is set to 1 or 2 and print it to screen. The idea I'm working on using is from one of the MVC tutorials: <ul> <% For Each m As Movie In ViewData.Model%> <li><%= m.Title %></li> <% Next%> </ul> But I want to do similar to the abo...

How to translate and migrate data

I am building php web application that let's a user upload a MS Access Database (csv export) that is then translated and migrated into a MySQL database. The MS Access database consists of one table called t_product of 100k rows. This table is not designed well. As an example, the following query: SELECT part_number, model_number FR...

WPF Data Bound Control, Detect SQL Table change

Im having a moment of stupidness. I have a Treeview control in WPF, that is displaying a list of Quotes, ie Quote#, Quote Name eg "Q#1000" "Server Quote" This treeview is bound to a collection of objects public ObservableCollection quoteitems = new ObservableCollection(); Which are loaded from a SQL database via an SQLDataReader whic...

Good methods for human-readable & human-maintained databases

So this is the scenario: You have a bunch of data that needs to end up in SQL. It needs to entered by hand. It is not an "enter once and you're done" scenario: it will need to be modified and expanded by humans in an ongoing iterative way. Comments will be associated with entries. It is also useful for data entry people to be able to ...

Can an actionScript2 app be used inside a AS3 app?

I've inherited an AS2 app that has a lot of functionality. I need to embed this thing somehow in my AS3 app so I can execute function calls etc and basically control it. Has anyone ever tried something like this? I'm assuming I'll have to URLLoader the AS2 SWF into a MovieClip and take it from there. ...

Generating Spatia Data in SQL Server 2008

Hi, I need to create a database that would have the spatial data of countries, sub-regions (states, districts ...) of the World. Which would be the best way to approach this? Is there a pre-defined logic (probably using latitude/longitude) to achieve this? Appreciate any help in this regard :) Thanks a lot! ...

Charting table grouped data in SSRS line chart?

Hi, I have an SSRS table with data that is grouped. I am trying to chart that grouped data, however I'm finding it difficult to connect the table grouping paradigm to the chart grouping. Essentially I have two nested columns, a time and value and I would like to chart those at the group level. Here's what it looks like: Group 2 ---G...

update data grid view automatically

i have to windows forms . first form shows list of records from sql . when you click some cell of a record in datagridview it shows second form . in second form you can edit and update the record . i want datagridview to be updated automatically when user close second form . what should i do ? ...

SQL qn:- comparing data in rows

hi, i would like to compare numeric data in rows. for eg, i have a table that has a column as such:- Number ====== 1.88 9.99 8.76 9.88 I want to compare 2nd value, 3rd value, 4th value to the 1st value. And then 3rd, 4th value to the 2nd. then 4th to 3rd. How can i construct an sql to do this? ...

What ist a RESTful-resource in the context of large data sets, i.E. weather data?

So I am working on a webservice to access our weather forecast data (10000 locations, 40 parameters each, hourly values for the next 14 days = about 130 million values). So I read all about RESTful services and its ideology. So I understand that an URL is adressing a ressource. But what is a ressource in my case? The common use case ...

Load XML Data (Key/Value Pairs) into Data Structure

I have an XML Data Source which contains a list of key/value pairs. I'm looking for a simple way to load the same data into an array or some other data structure so that I can easily look up the data. I can bind it to a GridView with a couple of clicks but I'm failing to find a straightforward way to load it into something that isn't a U...

storing additional data on a html page

I want to store some additional data on an html page and on demand by the client use this data to show different things using JS. how should i store this data? in Invisible divs, or something else? is there some standard way? ...

Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle Data Migration (Conversion) (Other RDBMS ok, too)

Hi all, Can you please give some tips or guidelines, best practices for MicroSoft SQL server to Oracle Data Migration? IMHO, it is something that comes best with experience. So I would like to benefit from your experience. Please share any insights that you have into design, modeling, testing or tuning for a data migration project. I wo...

Reading data into MATLAB from a textfile...

I have a textfile with the following structure: 1999-01-04 1,100.00 1,060.00 1,092.50 0 6,225 1,336,605 37 1999-01-05 1,122.50 1,087.50 1,122.50 0 3,250 712,175 14 ... The file contains repeated sets of eight values (a date followed by seven numbers, each on their own line). I want to read it into MATLAB and get the values into diff...

Ensure data integrity in SQL Server

I have to make some changes in a small system that stores data in one table as following: TransId TermId StartDate EndDate IsActiveTerm ------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------------ 1 1 2007-01-01 2007-12-31 0 1 2 2008-01-01 2008-12-31 0 1 3 2009-01-01 2009-12-31 1 1 4...

How can I export score data from a Flash Game (still in development).

The game will be on a school VLE (virtual learning environment) like 'Moodle'. Can you export to email? Spreasheet? Or can it only be done with php? Do not want to be spending weeks on it! ...

Embed Image into own file

Hello, :) I have edited this question to make it easier to understand. I have an image file and I have to store the image data into an existing file in binary. And when that file gets opened in my program again, that binary data should be somehow read and that image displayed inside a picturebox. How would I go about doing this in C#? ...

Is it good practice to use one single stored procedure that accepts a variable number of parameters

I am working on a web project where I have to retrieve (let's say) employee records. In some cases I have to retrieve a single record by providing an EmployeeID. In other cases, I have to retrieve multiple employee records by providing a SectorID. This logic could be expanded to cover additional scenarios: get all employee records, get e...