
Reading label Data from MVC view using Model binders

We are having MVC view where user can select few fields. I want to read the data from the view. Currently using model binders i am able to read only the changeable data (from text box) into the object. How do i read the data held in label in the view using model binders? ...

Flex Tree Display Custom Data - DataDescriptor?

I am trying to have a tree display custom data that looks like this. ID DATA PARENT SORT a ... 10 aa ... a 10 ab ... a 20 b ... 20 c ... 30 It would look like this in xml <root> <a> <aa/> <ac/> </a> <b/> <c/> </root> I don't wa...

[ASP.NET MVC] How do I bind data in a database to my data classes?

As a simplified example, I have the following data classes: public class Employee { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public Position Position { get; set; } } public class Position { public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public decimal ...

Oracle datatypes list

Does anyone know of a good link that has a listing of the Oracle specific datatypes for a beginner? Thanks! ...

What are some good ways of keeping content from being copied to other sites

I understand that no matter what I do, someone will be able to copy it. However I can still make them work hard for it. What are some good ways of making data not easily copied using php compatible coding. --- Added ---- The data is a listing of results for certain local sports events. We send people out to collect the information, ...

Data Storage Options

I've built a dedicated server applications that ships with the application. As of now it is storing data in a mix of binary- and xml files, but I've found that this gets way too messy and slow now that the amount of data required to store grows continously. So what are my options for storing data in a format that is easier search/editab...

seismic unix data processing

Hi all, I have to use Seismic Unix(SU). I would like to display seismic dataset in a single scrollable(horizontal and vertical) window. I read its FAQ and used suxwigb < the major problem here is it displays whole data as a black screen.Is there a better approach ? I am new to this,any help would be great. ...

What is the cleanest way to include and access binary data in VC++ Express?

I have some binary files that I'd like to embed in a dll I'm compiling with VC++ Express Edition. I have a couple ways to do it (like converting the data to arrays that I compile along with the code), but I'm not satisfied and I feel like I'm probably missing an easy, straightforward solution. What's the cleanest, easiest way to do thi...

Rijndael Decryption error - Length of the data to decrypt is invalid

I am able to encrypt a zip file using rijndeal but when i decrypt I get an error that says "Length of the data to decrypt is invalid" Im getting the byte array to decrypt from a file. Here is how i get the byte array. Dim FStream As FileStream = File.OpenRead("<Filepath>") EncData = New Byte(FStream.Length) {} FStream.Read(EncData, 0, ...

Biased random number sources

I'm not sure what the appropriate terminology is, but in trying to run simulations, I always find it tricky to create good fake data. I don't have an particular application for this, but let's say I want to play around with some silly stock market predicting algorithm - if I were to just use a standard random number generator to get my ...

Data validation does not enforce model validation?

I followed these tutorials: in order to enforce data validation using Data Annotation for a LINQ-To-SQL-generated class. The metadata class looks like this: [MetadataType(typeof(PositionValidatio...

Behavior like calender app in iphone

Hi all, In the calender app in the iphone, when you click in the starts/end cell, the picker is already fill with data with no delay? How? ...

load data get value using jquery and need to get div value on a variable

<script type="text/javascript"> var auto_refresh = setInterval( function () { $('#load_tweets').load('record_count.php').fadeIn("slow"); }, 10000); // refresh every 10000 milliseconds <body> <div id="load_tweets"> </div> I Want to get the value of load_Tweets ./these all code in js file i want to get the value of load_tweet in a va...

writing binary data

Hello, I am writing to binary file using fstream and when open the file using binary flag. I needed to write some text as binary, which a simple write did the trick. The problem is that I need also to write (as shown in hexadecimal) 0. The value when opened in binary notepad is shown zero, but when tried to write this the value not zer...

Merging data between databases

Suppose I have two distinct databases with identical schemas but different data. I want to merge the data between the two databases by adding the data from one into the other. Foreign key relationships, etc. need to be maintained when the data is migrated. Are there any tools (or databases that have built-in tools) to make this job fair...

Choose variables based on name (simple regular expression)

I would like to incorporate variable names that imply what I should do with them. I imagine a dataframe "survey". library(Rlab) # Needed for rbern() function. survey <- data.frame(cbind( id = seq(1:10), likert_this = sample(seq(1:7),10, replace=T), likert_that = sample(seq(1:7), 10, replace=T), dim_bern_varx = rbern(10, 0.6), ...

How to handle buffering data read from the network?

When reading data over the network, you specify a buffer to receive the data into: byte[] b = new byte[4096]; socket.Receive(b); Now my first thought is of course to reuse the receive buffer by declaring it as a member variable of the class. My next issue is that I have not received all of the data that I am expecting, so I need to bu...

tableView and normal view (same data object)

Hi guys, I don't know how i can share the same data between two tab bar items. One tab uses nsfetchedresultscontroller and the other table is just a normal view that should use the same data as my fetchedresultscontroller. If i had two normals views, i would just make my object a singleton, and let the tableview and normal view use the...


I am currently trying to script a job on SQL Server 2005 that will automate the DBCC CHECKDB process. Basically, I am using a cursor to run through and run DBCC CHECKDB on every database on an instance. Sometimes it works, running through every database and logging the errors in a table I have designed for that purpose and sometimes it...

Blend DesignTime Data with d:IsDataSource

It seems that d:IsDataSource can be used to provide design time data in blend. Does anyone know where I can find the docs for this or can explain how the behavior and usage of this Property is? I have only seen it beeing used in a ObjectDataProvider. Whereesle can I use it and what does blend acutally do when it finds this property in a ...