
Where does Internet Explorer stores its form data history that is uses for auto completion?

Where does Internet Explorer stores its form data history that is uses for auto completion? I need to make a tool the cleans IE form data. Is there an API for this? Or what are the registry keys? Thanks. ...

Documenting a File Format

We're developing an application that receives a lot of it's input from a custom file format we've defined. The input files are produced by an application being developed by a third party so naturally we need to be able to communicate effectively what is and isn't acceptable input into our program. The file has a header portion of 10 li...

Looking for a good .NET data analysis/visualization/reporting control

I'm writing a plug-in for a program that ultimately outputs some data into a few tables. The users need to be able to analyze this data through various reports. But right now the work flow is to export the tables from my plug-in to another program like excel or access to manipulate the data and generate reports. The users aren't the most...

Saving a string into file in Objective-C (iPhone)

Hi there, I seem to have stumbled over a problem regarding saving an xml file from a string (this is done on the iPhone) The file itself exists and included in the project (hence within the workspace), and all indications I get from the code snippet which follows passes without any errors on the emulator and fail on the iPhone (error 51...

vbs to get data from api call

Hi there, Here's an issue on retrieving returned api call data. I found that Request.Form("param2") not working. Eg: inside .vbs script that run in a windows server, I do an api call to external script. Then the api script return a string data. Eg: param1=baby;param2=banana;param3=haha I found that inside .vbs, if I use request.form,...

How to: select normalized view from denormalized data using CTE?

This is a very standard newbie question, but I am looking for an expert clever way to do this with little code. (I know how to do this long hand, with procedural code and cursors, so we can skip that part of the answer.) Basically, I have a de-normalized data set for which I need to extract a normalized table in a set processing way. T...

one million records in log file for a online shopping website. FInd distinct IP addresses

It is a technical test question. Given 1 million records in a log file. These are records of website hits of an online shopping website. The records are of type: TimeStamp:Date,time ; IP address; ProductName Find the distinct IP addresses and most popular product. What is the most efficient way to do this? One solution is hashing. If s...

jqGrid dynamic select option

I'm creating a jqgrid with drop down columns and I'm using cell editing. I need the options of the drop down columns to change dynamically and I've tried implementing this by setting the column to be: { name: "AccountLookup", index: "AccountLookup", width: 90, editable: true, resizable: true, edittype: "select", formatter: "select" }, ...

Distributed data model

I work in field robotics and we have a central server keeps track of a whole heap of data to do with vehicle state, environment state, tasks, task grouping and so on. There are processes which deal with different parts of this data, and user interfaces which need to be updated when specific parts change. What I want is a way for systems...

Getting a DataRow from an ASP.NET GridView

I have an ASP.NET GridView that's bound to an ObjectDataSource (which is bound to a MySQL database). On this grid, I have 2 unbound ButtonField columns that I want to trigger server-side events. Hence I have added an eventhandler method to the GridView's RowCommand event. In the code of said eventhandler, I need to somehow get hold of t...

Data in XML files: One large file or multiple small ones?

I am currently working on a XML-based CMS that saves data in chunks called "items". These can be used on the website to display content. Now, at the moment I have one separate XML file for every item. Since most pages on that website use about three to four of these items, a rather small website with e.g. 20 pages has about 100 differe...

assigning data in a new table to an existing foreign key in a for loop

Hi there, I was wondering if there was a way to assign new data in a table to an existing foreign key. For example if i use the following loop to assign randomly generated numbers to columns in the customer table, how would I be able to link cust_id, which I have assigned as a foreign key in the Sales table, with new data created each ti...

Is there a freely available list of country names and codes?

Is there a list of all the country names and their country code, such as US, AUS, UK, etc available which I can re-use in my code? Any plain text format e.g .txt, .csv, etc, or mysql database format will be fine. If there can be an additional list of various regions in the world, such as Western Australia, North America, etc, and the co...

vbscript return empty data

Hi there, I am using vbscript .vbs in windows scheduler. Sample code: objWinHttp.Open "POST",, false objWinHttp.Send CallHTTP= objWinHttp.ResponseText strRESP= CallHTTP(strURL) WScript.Echo "after doInstallNewSite: " & strRESP Problem: blabla.asp is handling a task that need around 1-2 minute to complete...

.Net Application-wide variables

I'm fairly new to .Net... I have several queries which will execute when the application loads. I want these queries to store the data in an object (a dataset?) which is accessible throughout the application. Should I be using a singleton class? How can a User Control within my application reference public variables in the main applicati...

Other ways of protecting cookies

I've been thinking a lot about this recently, and I wanted to know if anyone has thought of/implemented any intuitive ways of securing cookies from manipulation. I've always used the "sign it with a hash and check against the hash later" approach, but it doesn't strike me as a particularly brilliant way of going about it, and just like a...

iphone app: should a property list be managed by its own model object?

Hi I am building an iPhone app that has some default data inside it via a property list. This data is the source for my Model. What is the best way to manage this data so the user can read (and in a couple of cases write) data from this plist? I currently am subclassing NSObject and mapping the plist data to properties in that object, ...

error ORA-06550 ORA-00933.


Free machine readable english dictionary required

I need an English dictionary that provides grammatical information about each word, for e.g. classification into nouns, verbs and so on. This is for semantic analysis. Format can be plain text, csv, xml or whatever. ...

Most used data wrangling methods/commands in R

This morning I was reading an interview with Bradford Cross of FlightCaster over on the DataWrangling blog. Bradford mentions in the interview that one of his biggest challenges has been the wrangling of their data. Even though I am an economist I find that I spend more than 70% of my time doing reformatting, ETL, cleaning, etc. I spend ...