
sending page from form to printer

hai cud any one tell how to send a picture or data from a form in to printer ...

Which C# data structure to use for my problem

I was just wondering what do you guys think would be the best c# data structure for problem like this. So I will have an array of keys, and for each key array of arrays. Sounds complicated does it :) Anyway the simplest solution that comes to my mind, note that I never did any formal c# training. It was more I am C++ programmer and the...

XNA Framework Importers

I am working on a game using the XNA framework. My game has several levels which I am storing the data in a plain old text file. In VS 2008 when I add the level file to the project and compile, I receive the following error message. Error 1 Cannot autodetect which importer to use for "Levels\0.txt". There are no importers which ha...

SQLserver Database Synchronization between two servers

Currently, I have two database servers (s1 and s2). both server contains the same database MyData and data only update on s1. What I want to do is that I want both databases contains same data all the time in both server. Could anyone point out the good way to do this without slowing down s1? ...

sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) <= sizeof(long long) always true?

from C standard, int has of at least 16bit, long has of at least 32bit and at least 64bit for long long if any (some platforms may not support). Just wondering if the sentence as title is always true. Thanks. ...

Best data structure to represent a game board

Hey, I'm trying to bring a board game to the computer world, and the board consists of 16 spaces, 6 for each side and 4 in the middle. The board is diamond-shaped and two ends represent both team bases. In the game, peices only move foward towards the enemy"s base (with special abilities of course). So here is my question: what do you th...

How to READ and Write from the Serial Port in C#

I just start to learn How to communicate send data and receive data from my hardware through C# GUI. I already try to learn from Online but still can not understand the concept. can anyone write a detail how to READ data from serial port? Please Help Me.... ...

How Can I Use The Input Logs .PCAP(Binary) With Map Rreduce Hadoop

Logs Tcpdumps are binary files, i wanna know what FileInputFormat of hadoop i should use for split chunks the input data...please help me!! ...

Importing comma separated data into Excel.

1,1,"Pound","The foe is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.",0,40,0,100,35,0,0,0,115,0 2,2,"Karate Chop","The foe is attacked with a sharp chop. It has a high critical-hit ratio.",43,50,1,100,25,0,0,0,115,0 3,3,"DoubleSlap","The foe is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.",29,15,0,85,10,0,0...

To convert RGB 12 bit data to RGB 12 bit packed data

Hello, I have some RGB(image) data which is 12 bit. Each R,G,B has 12 bits, total 36 bits. Now i need to club this 12 bit RGB data into a packed data format. I have tried to mention the packing as below:- At present I have input data as - B0 - 12 bits G0 - 12 bits R0 - 12 bits B1 - 12 bits G1 - 12 bits R1 - 12 bits .. so on. I ...

Advanced DataGrid Flex 3 - ItemRenderer and Tree display

Hi, I am using Advanced DataGrid of Flex 3 with hierarchical data. The itemRenderer is a TextInput which accepts numbers. When I enter data into the given field and click the corresponding expand tree icon for the row, I want the amount entered in tree node should get cascaded to its child rows. But I found the nature of advanced DataGr...

Selenium Data Driven Testing with C#

HI All, i am Dinesh Kanojia and i am new in the Automate testing and i want to perform data driven testing in selenium using ASP.NET(C#),ajax and almost all the features of jquery so any one can give me the step how to perform data driven testing using c# or some demo through which i can perform my testing thanks in advance, warm rega...

What's the difference between using obj-c accessors and using dot syntax?

Since I've started on iPhone development I've been kinda confused as to which is the best way to access data as a member in a Class. Let's say I have a class called MyClass, and in it I have: @interface MyClass : NSObject { int myInt; } @property (nonatomic, assign) int myInt; In the implementation, is it better to do this: myO...

php print xml data returned from api call- failed

$response = sendRequest($curl, doCreateDB($domainid, $dbname, $dbtype)); $responseXml = parseResponse($response); function parseResponse($response_string) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response_string); if (!is_a($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement')) throw new ApiRequestException("Cannot parse server response: {$response_string...

ASP.NET : Best approach for data transfer from remote database to locl database

Guys , this is something like a decision making question I am in a scenario where i want to work with many databases.Some are in my project and some are external.My application would transfer data from the external database(one which reside in a remote machine.I know the ip and user credentials) to my temp database.I want to create the ...

Exporting Charts of Access to Image Format? Charts Trns Bad after Using acOLEClose.

Hi Friends, I have Created a Chart in Access forms and Exported it in Image Format.. Its Easily Done, but the Problem comes when after it.. I closes the Form.. It Shows a Pop-up Msg "The operation on the Chart object failed. The OLE server may not be registered. To register the OLE server, reinstall it. " Then I have done some chang...

Dojo data api w/Dijit.Tree for file selector component

Hey! I am trying to get into Dojo so thought I'd create something I need: a file select component. I have dijit.Tree linked to a modified ForestStoreModel and just display the first level of the tree with each folder item having a temp 'please wait...' file to ensure the folder and '+' appear correctly. When I click the '+' I re-query ...

Sending binary data through web service and using WS-Security

Hi, We have to transfer binary data using web service stack and in the process we have to sign web service requests/responses. The main question is: what is the prefered way to do this? Should we use MTOM and WS-Security? From ISSUE CXF-1904 I have concluded that there are issues when one uses MTOM and WS-Security. CXF and axis2 use ...

Flex: ArrayCollection children returns null

I have an ArrayCollection with following structure (when viewed in debug mode): [0] - [0] -- src - [1] -- src src is the path to an image. I need to get all of the src's out of the arraycollection. However because of the first (unnamed) node i can't take them in. I've tried ArrayCollection[0].children and save the result in another ...

Data Caching in .NET

I've been looking at the approach to caching (using aop), since my project already has a dependency upon spring. However, I was surprised to find that you can only configure the caching rules declaratively as attributes. You dont seem to be able to configure the caching in a seperation configuration file.. Is anybody aware o...