
Data structure similar to a 2-argument map

Is there a data structure (readily available in STL or boost), that accepts two arguments and maps it to a certain value? Examples would be for returning certain information in a coordinate grid or getting the weight of an edge in a graph: coordinate_quadrant(-1,-1) = 3 weight_of(u,v) = 10 The quadrant example could be done i...

VSTS 2008 validate GridView Data

Hi ,I am writing Automation script using VSTS(Visual Studio Team System) 2008. i am not able to validate data displaying in GridView . like I am searching something and the result is displaying in GridView . then i want to validate search result using VSTS(Visual Studio Team System) automation tool. ...

How would you store tabular constant Data in your C# project?

I am currently writing a plugin to a CAD style software. The plugin does calculations based on data read from the CAD model and a lot of table lookups (think printed tables in a calculation guide). I inherited this plugin and the current solution defines a class Constant which has a bunch of static struct members and two-dimensional arra...

Sending iphone videos to a server

Hey, In order to be able to send a video taken on the iphone to a server i assume one needs its data, how can one get a videos data? Is there somethign similar to UIImageJPEGRepresentation(UIImage *, ) for images. Thanks ...

Cannot expose service method in ADO.NET data service

I am trying to create a method that can be exposed through an ADO.NET data service. No matter what I do, the client cannot see the method that I am exposing. I am out of ideas. Please help: [WebGet] public ObjectResult<Product> GetAllProducts() { ProductOrdersEntities entities = new ProductOrdersEntities(); r...

BPEL for data synchronization

I am trying to use Oracle SOA BPEL to synch data of about 1000 employees between an HR service and our local db. I get IDs of all employees with a findEmp call and loop through it empCount times to getEmp(empID) from the same HR service and update/insert into our db in every loop. This times out after about 60 odd employees, though thi...

Read Block Data in Python?

Dear Sir/Madam. My name is Duc from University of Technology. I have faced a difficult problem. That is reading data file: /// * ABC Names A-06,B-18, * Data 1.727e-01, 1.258e-01, 2.724e-01, 2.599e-01,-3.266e-01,-9.425e-02,-6.213e-02, 1.479e-01, 1.219e-01, 1.174e-01, 2.213e-01, 2.875e-01,-2.306e-01,-3.900e-03,-5.269e-02, 7.420e-02, 2...

How best to search a website and retreieve data in PHP?

Hi Guys, Trying to learning some more PHP. Here is what I'm after. Essentially, I would like to search a website and return data to my own website. Add a few keywords to a form. Use those keywords to query a website such as for results that match the keywords entered. Grab that data and return it to my own website. How...

JS: Get clipboard data

I'm trying to write a Javascript function to edit content from clipboard before pasting. Right now i got bound event 'paste' to function via JQuery. $(this.elementDoc).bind('paste', function(event){ self.OnPaste(event); }); But that's not important. Now i would like to get Data from clipboard, but i can't find out how. I would be g...

WPF (MVVM) databing issue

hi All, when I bind a property in the child viewmodel to a textbox, the source won't get updated no matter what mode i set on the binding. the xaml code is like this: <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=OrderDetail.CashPaid, Mode=TwoWay}"/> when the view loaded, the binding system query the CashPaid property once. but whenever the text is...

Has anyone gotten IE8 to read DHTML behaviors encoded as base64'd data URIs?

Here is the HTC content I'm encoding (nothing fancy): <public:component> <script type="text/javascript"> alert('data URI'); </script> </public:component> Here is the definition in the CSS file, with the above component base64'd: .something { -ms-behavior: url(data:text/x-component;base64,PHB1YmxpYzpjb21wb25lbnQ+PHNjcmlwdC...

Sending Video Data to WCF Restful service as POST

Hello, I was having a problem sending video data to a WCF restful service using post, my contract looks like this [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "UploadMovie")] string Up...

Fetch userdata on each request

Hi! Gotta tell you... I've searched the internet for weeks now, and still haven't found a reasonable answer. My problem is quite simple - I think. I'm doing an ASP.NET MVC project. It's a project that requires the user to be logged in at all time. I probably need the current users information in the MasterPage, like so; "Howdy, Mark - ...

WCF and SQL Server - how to handle data change?

I have an application with the architecture like client/server/db. Communication between client and server is WCF (has been migrated from asmx) and database is SQL Server 2005. The project has a requirement, that you cannot update an order, which have been changed (updated) by another user after your initial read. A common requirement i...

Display hierarchical XML data using DataGrid

I have an XML file such as the one shown below <root> <child1> <grandchild1> <greatgrandchild1> </greatgrandchild1> <greatgrandchild2> </greatgrandchild2> ... </grandchild1> <grandchild2> </grandchild2> <grandchild3> </grandchild3> ... </child1> <child2> <grandchil...

Merging MySQL Query results with PHP

I have a table of Calendar event information (Date, username). I want to print the following information for each "event" for a selected month in a table, using PHP and MySQL: SELECT DAYOFWEEK( eventDate ) AS DAY , YEAR( eventDate ) AS YEAR, `primary` , secondary, weekend FROM eventcal WHERE region = 4 AND MONTH( eventDate ) =7 O...

Generic Xml Document manipulation

We have xml documents that contain lots of flagged nodes like isProduct, isActive , isMandatory where the node text may be True or False. It is needed to manipulate the documents and keep their structure but convert the above nodes into a verbal representation like below: < isProduct >True</ isProduct > ===> <Type>Product<Type> < ...

Push data from local application to browser

I have c++ application to monitor local computer and a HTML5 webpage (offline support) to show statistics. At present my application send data through server to webpage, but it works only on online. Now I want to support full offline mode, so i need to push data directly to webpage to fire javascript events. Is this possible? And is this...

Interesting data for demos

For presentations/demo's of programming tools and languages, I find that the more interesting the data the better reception the presentation/demo gets. The reverse is proven by how boring the Northwind/Adventure Works demo's Microsoft insists on using are. The problem is where to get enough interesting data that is in the public domai...

Refreshing Table View Rows

I have a segmented control that changes the data in the table view. [self.mySexyTableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:updatedPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop]; Let's say that I display 5 rows for tab one, 2 rows for tab two. When the second tab is clicked the first two rows get new values but the old data from tab one for ...