
Create test cube based on existing cube data (but much larger)

Is it possible to create a large cube based on existing cube data? We'd like to test the performance of certain tools in combination with SSAS and currently do not have any cubes large enough. e.g. We have a year's worth of data and want to expand it to be 10 year's worth ...

Is there an easier away to extract these data?

my $changelog = "/etc/webmin/Pserver_Panel/changelog.cgi"; my $Milestone; open (PREFS, $changelog); while (<PREFS>) { if ($_ =~ m/^<h1>(.*)[ ]Milestone.*$/g) { $Milestone=$1; last; } } close(PREFS); Here is an example of the data its extracting from: <h1>1.77 Milestone</h1> <h3> 6/26/2009 </h3><ul style="margin-t...

Java Time Savers

I find the nature of this question to be quite suited for the practical-minded people on Stackoverflow. I'm setting out on making a rather large-scale project in Java. I'm not going to go into specifics, but it is going to involve data management, parsing of heterogenous formats, and need to have an appealing interface with editor seman...

Data Document Other than Data Dictionary for Project Stakeholders?

I'm searching for some sort of document template or guidelines to produce a document that describes data flow, high level data field definitions, data ownership (who produces the master data), etc. Not really a data dictionary but something intended for business users (non-techie) who are stakeholders in the project. Anyone know of any...

Python: Hex data from socket, process and response

Hi all! Lets put it in parts. I got a socket receiving data OK and i got it in the \x31\x31\x31 format. I know that i can get the same number, ripping the \x with something like for i in data: print hex(ord(i)) so i got 31 in each case. But if I want to add 1 to the data (so it shall be "32 32 32")to send it as response, how can ...

Displaying data in a webpage from logged text files

Hello, I have multiple text files with logged data like this: 6/23/09 17:00 0.443 6/23/09 17:05 0.443 6/23/09 17:10 0.443 6/23/09 17:15 0.443 6/23/09 17:20 0.443 6/23/09 17:25 0.443 6/23/09 17:30 0.443 ... I'd like to create a webpage that displays this data from different files in a more readable manner. I'd like to create ...

Synonym style text lookup and parsing

Hi all, We have a client who is looking for a means to import and categorize a large amount of textual data. This data has to be categorized and it's been suggested that the easiest way to to do this would be to look at the description field and try to match the words held there to see if a category can be derived for that particular r...

Data streaming in MATLAB with input data coming in from a C++ executable

I'm completely new to MATLAB and I want to know what my options are for data streaming from a C++ file. I heard of using the MATLAB "engine" for this purpose, and some of the methods like engPutVariable, etc., but can someone give me a thorough example of how to go about doing it? I'm trying to implement streaming a sine wave, but a sim...

Data URIs in GWT

Is it possible to create data URI's in GWT? I want to inject a byte array image as an actual image using a data URI. Thanks! ...

Data structure for Objects

Which data structures I should store the real life 'objects' in? I am not looking for computer representation. I am looking for different data structures for different item in real life access/storage etc. Is there any study on this? Update: Based upon comments, I should remove the 'data' from data structures and simply looking for st...

Displaying a Large Amount of Data C#

I'm working on a media library mock-up and I have a database of songs (over 9,000 tracks) that I want to display and make sortable. I'm not sure which GUI control would be best to use and I am not sure how it would be best to add all of the entries to the control. Obviously using a listview and adding each entry one at a time takes a lo...

How SQL View can be used in this scenario

Hi Guys, I am using Datareader in my C# code to get data from db and dumping it into excel sheets. I am able to do it for everyrow correctly (based on the data from the sql view). I have a problem in one of the sql views. rolename roledesc roletype roleuser Team Leader (required) xyzxyz Primary Mike Team Leader (r...

Reference Data Pattern

Similar to this thread, but not exactly: How To Cache Information In A Threadsafe Manner What is the usual pattern for dealing with "reference data" - data that is frequently read by an application, usually externalized in a database or properties file, but updated very infrequently (days, weeks, months)? When the data is updated, it wo...

Are data services efficient from server side?

Hi, I'm current using Raptier as a DAL. It has served me very well up until now, but it is becoming restictive to the kind of RAD work I do, as any changes require a large number of classes to be refactored etc... In addition they don't seem to be releasing any more templates/upgrades etc... Currently I have... UI (server side ...

create database with specific data file location in Mysql for one database at runtime

Hi All, Can anyone give any input on how to create database in mysql where it should create its data file at runtime instead of storing it on default location specified in my.cnf. Is there any way for doing this in mysql anyone come across. Thanks in advance. ...

Multi Silverlight databinding

Does anyone know if its possible to do a binding and (if not how to achieve the same effect) on the same property using more than one binding in sort of a template ie A textblock that has Text bound in the expression "{Binding Path=Contact.Title} {Binding Path=Contact.Firstname} {Binding Path=Contact.Surname}" all in one text propert...

Online database dumps for the public.

You may want to dig into that kind of data for fun, to impress your friends, to gather statistical data, to test algorithms, or whatever. My two favorite database dumps: Stack Overflow data dump. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb). You can post links for any kind of data that you find interesting. ...

Automate browser navigation and data extraction

Hi, I am trying to automate data extraction from a website and I really don't know where to start. One of our suppliers is giving us access to some equipment logging data through a "Business Objects 11" online application. If you are not familiar with this online app, think of it as a web based report generator. The problem is that I am...

Data Warehouse: Modelling a future schedule

I'm creating a DW that will contain data on financial securities such as bonds and loans. These securities are associated with payment schedules. For example, a bond could pay quarterly, while a mortage would usually pay monthly (sometimes biweekly). The payment schedule is created when the security is traded and, in the majority of case...

Using to store a list of items

I'm working on a page where I need to associate a list of objects with a row of a table, and I'm using jQuery. seems to just associate a piece of data with a key, whereas I need more like id=4,setting=2 id=3,setting=1 ... I don't know how long the list could be, and it could be empty. Is there a sensible way of doing thi...