
Cheapest Way To Export/Import Array Contents To File - AS3/AIR

I'm working on a basic editor application. It uses an array of varying size that I want to store to disk. This will eventually be in an AIR application, but for now it's just an AS3 project in Flex. I want to store the array in a file. The application edits the data, so it doesn't need to be human readable. I want it to be in whatever ...

Java Primitive Data Types

Why aren't Java primitive data types just called "Java data types"? ...

passing data from C++ to PHP

Hi, I need to pass a value from PHP to C++, this I think I can do with PHPs passthru(). Then I want C++ to do something to that value and return the result to PHP. This is the bit I can't work out, does anyone know how to pass data from C++ to PHP? I'd rather not use an intermediate file as I am thinking this will slow things down. Than...

Fast Interleaving of Data

I'm working with some piece of hardware (the hardware itself is not important) and I need to split some block data intro separate pieces in order to make the thing run faster. So I have, for example a contiguous block of memory X words long. For visualzation, I'm arranging it into 50 word lines below: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 ....

Infopath 2007 Repeating table - two data connections

I have two data connections. One (we'll call DC1) pulls FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME from a database. The other, (we'll call DC2) uses this information to query a web service that returns a USERNAME after matching it to another database. On my form, I have a repeating table that lists all the information from DC1. In the repeating table,...

PHP fseek() equivalent for variables?

Hi, What I need is an equivalent for PHP's fseek() function. The function works on files, but I have a variable that contains binary data and I want to work on it. I know I could use substr(), but that would be lame - it's used for strings, not for binary data. Also, creating a file and then using fseek() is not what I am looking for ei...

Matching records based on Person Name

Are there any tools or methods that can be used for matching by a person's name between two different data sources? The systems have no other common information and the names have been entered differently in many cases. Examples of non-exact matches: King Jr., Martin Luther = King, Martin (exclude suffix) Erving, Dr. J. = Erving, J. ...

Convert database row into object.

I have a table in my database with 2 rows of employee data. ........... ID | Name ........... 1 | Jon Doe 2 | Jane Doe ........... I need to convert this into: I NEED THIS IN MY CODE !!!! JUST LIKE THAT AS CODE YOU PEOPLE NOT ORM AS CODE !!! Employee e1 = new Employee(); e1.ID = 1; e1.Name = "Jon Doe"; Employee e2 = new Empl...

Join two data tables from different source databases in .NET?

How do you join two data tables from different source databases in .NET? Ideally, I can craft two queries manually and simply join on a single field. In this case, linked servers and scheduled imports are not an option. I've looked into the data relation object, but (correct me if I'm wrong) that only works for parent-child relationshi...

How to map subjective data in the semantic web?

I've been looking at the freebase project for storing data. It seems to be a great place to store concrete, objective data like names, locations and dates. Is it a good place to store subjective data like opinions or ratings? Is there another/better open data, semantic data store or strategy for storing and querying this kind of infor...

jQuery - filter element based on .data() key/value

Say I have 4 div elements with class .navlink, which, when clicked, use .data() to set a key called 'selected', to a value of true: $('.navlink')click(function() { $(this).data('selected', true); }) Every time a new navlink is clicked, I would like to store the previously selected navlink for later manipulation. Is there a quick and e...

Filtering a datasource by range in the Symphony CMS

I'm currently working on a website and have run into a major problem. In a recent question I asked how to filter my XML with XSLT based on the content of a series of XML nodes. The end result was this: <xsl:if test="listings/entry[available-weeks/item[number(.) &gt;= {$url-min} and number(.) &lt;= {$url-max}]]"> //my listings show h...

data deduplication algorithms

I'd like to find data deduplication algorithms, mostly to find duplicate files. Looks like the first step is to identify the files with the same timestamps, sizes and file names. I can do the md5 chechsum on those files and compare. Addition to that it is possible to compare the contents of files. What else should I watch for? ...

Excel - extracting data based on another list

Hello all, I have an Excel worksheet with two columns (name/ID) and then another list that is a subset of the names only from the larger aforementioned list. I want to go through the subset list and then pull the data from the larger list (name/ID) and put it somewhere else...essentially only grabbing the data from the larger list if th...

Exporting Data from CRM 4.0 to Excel

What is the best way for a client to export data from CRM 4.0 to Excel? Right now the limit on the number of rows that can be exported is set at 10000? Is there a supported way to increase the limit or is there another way? The client is in a locked down environment so a solution through CRM 4.0 would be ideal. (e.g. export all of th...

How to write binary data to a file so that it can be read fast back [gcc/C++]?

I need to write a file format that writes out data to a file and can read it back. It should be able to read the data back fairly fast, which should involve blitting a large block of data into a std::vector (since their storage is always implemented contiguously). However, when writing the file, I have no idea how to enforce constraint...

any API in Blackberry to make a call and send data?

Any API in blackberry to make a call and send data. I want to dial a number and send some data using GSM data(not GPRS). any help or pointers would be appreciated. ...

iPhone - SQLite Database Read problem

i trying to do basic application. my files list; DatabaseClass.h and .m, IDRGameAppDelegate.h and .m, scoredb.sqlite, ScoreViewController.h and .m, MainWindow.xib // Main Window ScoreWindow.xib //Show Score Window 1.) my database is ; CREATE TABLE "game" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,"name" VARCHAR(32),"score" VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO ...

Programmatically loading an object model created using NSCoding

Version 1.0 of an application has a data model, which is saved/loaded using the NSKeyed(Un)Archiver classes, as all model classes adhere to the NSCoding protocol. Say the following hierarchy exists: -> Houses (NSMutableArray) -> -> House (Custom Object) -> -> -> Color (3 ints, RGB) -> -> -> Number of Residents (int) Say that there are...

How I can Update the row ionto database using Data Entity Model

How I can Update the row ionto database using Data Entity Model ...