
LINQ help for Dynamic Data Website

Hi All, I have Dynamic dataWebsite which uses a SQL SP to do update operations..I have a problem here, my delete functionality is also a update(setting IsDeleted=1) operations. I am currently using LINQ query and calling datacontext.SubmitChanges() for deleting. The problem is, the update LINQ query(that sets IsDeleted=1) when i call Su...

What are the benefits of not using cPickle to create a persistent storage for data?

I'm considering the idea of creating a persistent storage like a dbms engine, what would be the benefits to create a custom binary format over directly cPickling the object and/or using the shelve module? ...

Converting a 16 bit luminance value to 32 bit RGB

I have a 16 bit luminance value stored in two bytes, and i want to convert that to R, G, and B values. I have two questions: how do i convert those two bytes to a short, and assuming that the hue and saturation is 0, how do i turn that short into 8 bits per component RGB values? (apologies if this sounds like a dumb question, i just can...

DataSet class in Java?

Does anyone know if there is a DataSet class in Java like there is in .Net? I am familiar with EJB3 and the "java way" of doing data. However, I really still miss the seamless integration between database queries, xml and objects provided by the DataSet class. Has anyone found a Java implementation of DataSet (including DataTable, Dat...

How can you add vertical line for data point in the new Microsoft Charting Control

So I am using this fancy new charting control. More info here I have data displayed already. What I want to do is add a line seperator that is there every year. Basically vertical red line on every jan, 1st? Any ideas??? Data points do not exist for each day in the year. It can be anywhere from 365 to 1 data point in between two year s...

Seed data for sentiment analysis

I'm playing around with sentiment analysis, and I'm looking for some seed data. Is there a free dictionary around? It can be really simple: 3 sets of texts/sentences, for "positive", "negative", "neutral". It doesn't have to be huge. Eventually I'll probably generate my own seed data for my specific use case, but it would be great to...

Data Structure to store billions of integers

What is the best data structure to store the million/billions of records (assume a record contain a name and integer) in memory(RAM). Best in terms of - minimum search time(1st priority), and memory efficient (2nd priority)? Is it patricia tree? any other better than this? The search key is integer (say a 32 bit random integer). And all...

How can I use Flex to create a data grid and use it on a web page?

I want to render a very simple Flex data grid. How do I anchor the SWF flash file in the HTML? Do I need to compile a special .swf or can I use a 'standard' data grid .swf - and just pass the data to it? ...

How do I create a "two pass" package in SSIS to get extra details?

I need to create an SSIS package that will do the following: Connect to Service A and download recent activity records. These records contain an User Id and an activity code. Iterate through the results of the result set from Service A and connect to Service B retrieve additional details for each User Id (name, department, etc.). Put a...

Data structure for repeatedly splitting a string into smaller parts

Hello, I'm trying to write a function that repeatedly matches regexp patterns against an input string. The function should take pattern 1 match it against the input string and split it into parts of matching and non-matching segments. Pattern 2 would subsequently be used on those non-matching segments, until all input patterns are used...

Which is Better? Enterprise Library 4.x Validation or .NET 3.5 SP1 Data Annotation Validation

I am in the process of designing an enterprise application from the ground up. I am trying to decide between using the Enterprise Library Validation App block or using the Dynamic data Data annotation for my Business Objects Validation. They both seem to be similar in that the validation rules are decorated on the object properties as ...

What's the best way to display a single record in a webpage?

I have a master/detail form. I have a jquery grid for the detail, works fine. I'm not sure how to display the master single record. I don't want to use an html table. Just a styled list maybe? I've was always so spoiled with controls in webforms that I don't know any good practices for this sort of thing. I am using PHP and...

ini file data show in Msflexgrid

I have Msflexgrid control on my form and need to display ini file data in it. Data in ini is as follows [Connect] T1=1 I1= P1=2000 . . . T50=50 I50= P50=2000 ...

Copy data from tables in one db to duplicate tables in another db - What's the SQL?

Hi folks I have a situation where i have 20 Access databases. Each has the same 15 tables, but with different data. (The name and schema is identical for each table across the 20 databases). I want to make a new database with the same structure, and populate it with the contents of all of the 20 original databases, so i have one data...

How to Unit Test Data Annotation Validators

I'm implementing the Data Validation Validators as shown here: This works great at runtime, but how can I Unit Test to verify if I say attribute [StringLength(10)], an error is retured? Regards. ...

Storing data and searching by metadata?

Let's say I have a set of data where each row is a pair of coordinates: (X, Y). Associated with each point I have arbitrary metadata, such as {color: yellow} or {age: 2 years}. I'd like to be able to store the data and metadata in such a way that I can query the metadata (eg: [rows where {age: 2 years, color: yellow}]) and in return rec...

Mysql NDB Cluster add another data node after setup

Hi All, I have a NDB Cluster set up with two data nodes, i want to add third data node in this, What steps i need to follow. For ex:- I have to install mysql server on that third server and change the config file add the third server ip. Please correct me if i am wrong Thanks in advance ...

Is any software decent at importing column-aligned text?

Here's something that's really irked me over the years. I've never used any software that, when importing data from a column-aligned text file, can figure out the column breaks in a correct manner. Excel 2K3 and a lot of other Microsoft components that seem to share a common codebase (like the import options for SQL2K) attempt to figur...

XML Schema Migration

I am working on a project where we need to save data in an XML format. The problem is, over time we expect the format / schema for our data to change. What we want to be able to do is to produce scripts to migrate our data across different schema versions. We distribute our product to thousands of customers so we need to be able to ru...

How do I format a Uri when binding an Image in Silverlight?

I haven't been able to find an answer to this. I have a database that has image paths in it ("images/myimage.jpg"). These images exist on my site which is also where I host the SL. I want to bind these images to my ListBox control so that the image displays. I have read that since I have a string value, "images/myimage.jpg", ...