
iphone nslog corrupted data

Hi I am having a weird problem with variable values. This is the code (it is part of a class method): MyAppDelegate *pDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]; SomeDictionaryData *appData = [pDelegate.theData retain]; NSLog(@"my instance var: %@",cardIndex); // outputs "my instance var: 4" NSDictionary *currentCard = [...

Sample data generation from existing data - Algorithm?

Hello, I'm facing a what-am-I-looking-for problem again. I've got tracking data, meaning I tracked myself riding a bike a couple of times on the same track in order to have some test data. So I've got time-distance pairs. I want even more different ones, but want to generate them. I want the virtual test drivers to be both faster and sl...

How to import data from excel file to Teradata table using BTEQ scripts?

Hi gurus, I was able to do fill tables with data from Excel file or text files using GUI utility Teradata Sql assistant. But now I have a requirement to import data into teradata tables from excel file using a bteq script. I have been trying to do that using .IMPORT REPORT .IMPORT DATA .IMPORT VARTEXT and I have tried other things also,...

How do i set the selected item in a drop down box (PHP MySQL Databound)

Hi Is there any way to set the selected item in a drop down box using the following 'type' code? <select selected="<?php print($row[month]); ?>"><option value="Janurary">January</option><option value="February">February</option><option value="March">March</option><option value="April">April</option></select> The database holds a month...

C# high speed data logging data handling

I've written an application that logs trace data from an embedded system via UDP. Currently I receive datagrams and parse out the variable length records and store them in a list. The front end can access the list and present the data (graphs and text lists etc). The problem I'm running into is that sometimes I need to log an exceptiona...

Using GPL Data in proprietary application

I was looking for free dictionary data in my local language to use in a proprietary application that I'm working on, I found such data but in a GPL 3 licensed program on SourceForge, the data is available in XML files that is distributed along with the program. Generally I know how to deal with apps and libraries covered by GPL... but da...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data Validation of Navigation Properties

Hi, I've scaffolded some entities with Dynamic Data, and while it's simple to validate the regular properties, either with attributes or partial-class methods, I can't figure out how to validate navigation properties, for example, a list of players on a team represented by a dropdown in details view. There is no "on-changing" method for...

Data files storage approach on web servers.

My web application stores product information in XML files on disk, on the web server. This is perfectly fine when it comes to a few products, however I have my worries that large amounts of files may cause problems. So let's say I'm gonna have 20,000 products, that would mean having 20,000 XML files inside a directory. I'm not familiar...

What could cause a failure in PHP serialize function?

I have some serverside PHP code that attempts persist a data object (essentially an multi-dimensional array) to a backend database. This data object originally comes in as AMF actionscript object sent from a flex application. I want persist the object in whole for later use so I have used the php serialize function and encode the object ...

Loop through an XML to insert data in a temp table - SQL 2005

I am trying to execute this (standalone) SQL : Declare @test XML SET @test = '<Products><ProductId>1</ProductId><ProductId>2</ProductId></Products>' DECLARE @Temp TABLE( ProductId NVARCHAR(10) ) INSERT INTO @Temp(ProductId) SELECT tab.col.value('./ProductId[1]','NVARCHAR(10)') AS 'ProductId' FROM @test CROSS APPLY xml_d...

getautosuggestdata type is not supported

I am using Google AutoSuggestData. It's implemented fine and working in a page but when trying to implement in another page it gives error system exception :getautosuggestdata type is not supported ...

Populate a UITableView with data

Hi All, First of all, while I have an understanding of some of the basics, I'm am still somewhat of a newbie. I have a sectioned UITableView that I am currently using NSDictionary(for grouping) and 4 or 5 different NSArrays (for data, some of which gets passed to the next view when a cell is selected) to populate the table. It works b...

Passing post data in a rails app through a redirect

Hi, this seems simple but I can't figure it out. I receive post data in my rails app through a form and I want to use a redirect (instead of a render) but keep at least one of the pieces of post data alive through the redirect. How can I do this? Adding a hash on to redirect_to doesn't seem to work. ...

iPhone SDK: GameKit and large files + connection lost

Hello! Since some time I've been playing with GameKit, but now I'm facing relly bad difficulties. I'm going to send through Bluetooth bigger files - 1-2MB. I've already prepared a packets (about 8kB each). My app works as described on followin scheme: iPhone - sending header: file divided into 25 parts iPod - received header: OK I go...

Sorting a dataset with a dataview

This code correctly fetches data, and displays it; however, the sort is completely ignroed. DataTable dt = f.Execute().Tables[0]; dt.DefaultView.Sort = summaryColumn; rptInner.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; rptInner.DataBind(); Is there something I can do to force the view to sort itself? (f.Execute() returns a dataset with at table a...

Items in ObservableCollection not updating the view

Hi, I'm stumped here. I have an observable collection that holds business objects. I have it bound to ItemsSource of a ListBox. I am updating the X and Y of my object and it is being displayed correctly in the UI during runtime as it is bound the the Item top and Left. But, here is where the problem is. I have also bound some data to be ...

How to correctly access the data field in an a4j:jsFunction result.

Hi, I am currently trying to validate some front-end values with some server-side methods (as a group) and am running into issues dealing with the result. Here is the XHTML for the button that starts it all: <h:commandButton action="#{}" value="Save" id="save" onclick="checkForConfirmation();" />...

Writing data-accessing code in PHP

I am a frontend developer who also does some backend work. I want to write an entire web app in php. Somehow, my backend team is hell-bent on using EJB, Struts etc... Their reason for not using php is this -> "it is not advisable to write data-accessing code, that has queries etc.. in php. the backend is better written in ejb it is more...

split a file into segments?

I have a file containing text data which are separated by semicolon ";". I want to separate the data , in other words split where ; occurs and write the data to an output file. Is there any way to do with bash script? ...

[ASP.NET MVC] Two data sources in one create view

This is what my data model classes look like: public class Employee { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public Position Position { get; set; } } public class Position { public string Title { get; set; } } I have a Create view where I want to have two text boxes for first name a...