
How to extract data from excel file into the database in Mysql at runtime in

I am creating a website...and i want to give a liberty to users, to upload the data of excel file and then i want to save that excel data inside mysql database on runtime... kindly help me in performing this task... you can mail me at...."[email protected]" thank you Amitesh ...

recommendation for good data visualization books for beginners?

should teach both analysing the data and presentation, with code examples, preferably Java or Ruby. ...

What data exists to show that refactoring is useful?

I'm giving a presentation on refactoring Python. I'd like to put in a couple of slides giving statistics to show that refactoring is a good thing. I've been searching the ACM digital library, but it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Does anyone know of any statistics on the subject of refactoring in regards to productiv...

Is possible to use nanosleep in a infinite loop with select()?

Hi, I have a C program that do recv/send operations from/to socket using a for(;;) loop and a select() to monitor the file descriptor. I need also this program to send a packet every 80msec to a packet, how can I implement this? Maybe I can use a fork() and the child process simply write an ack in one of the file descriptor monitored b...

Preserving old data changed by user

I have a users table that has the following fields: userid, phone, and address. Since this is user data, I'm letting the user change them whenever he wants. Problem is I'd like to keep track of those changes and preserve the old data too. Here's some of the ideas I considered: appending the new data to the old data and using a separato...

Is there any metadata associated with word document?

Hi, I am trying to generate check sum of a word document by opening at binary level. I generate the check sum of the document. Copy the document to a different location. When I generate the checksum at the new location I get a different value though I haven't changed the contents of the document. The check sum varies even if I copy the ...

BlackBerry Persistent store

I am developing an application in which I want to store many data entries using persistent store. the problem is whenever new entry is made it replaces the existing entry. here is my code please help me. import net.rim.device.api.ui.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*; import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*; import

I need a good programming discussion board.. (Systems Design) : Edited

I'm needing to run some ideas by others dealing with systems design. I doubt is the place to have the conversation(s). Is there a good and active discussion board for systems design out there? EDIT : Ok, here we go, If you had to design a file processing component/system, that could take in a wide variety of file ...

(C#) conditional in front end with datagrid

I have a data grid and in that grid its making this call: <ItemTemplate> <%#GroupSelectorRoleListControlExtender.GenerateGroupActuator(((GroupListItem)Container.DataItem).Id, ((GroupListItem)Container.DataItem).Name)%> </ItemTemplate> I would like to do something like this: <% if (((SingleAccountGroup)Container.DataItem).N...

jQuery - Post array of multiple checkbox values to php

Why is only one value of the "db" checkbox values array being sent to the server side script? JQUERY: $(".db").live("change", function() { $(this).add($(this).next("label")).add($(this).next().next("br")).remove().insertAfter(".db:last + label + br"); var url = "myurl.php"; var db = []; $.each($('.db:checked'), functio...

Extract data from windows forms

Hello, I have an old windows forms app made with boardland c++. I need to extract all the contents of that app to transfer it to a web app. The app is similar to excel, it has columns and rows...and I need to extract that rows and columns. First aproach is to copy paste, but there are about 1gig of will took days to s...

I m getting Data Error in YUI Datatable

Data error: I am getting this error. If i use like this {"records":[{"name":"Mahi","slug":"Dvd","desc":"Prince Mahesh Babu","id":"2"},{"name":"Naresh","slug":"naresh","desc":"This is Naresh Movies","id":"1"}]} .An idea on what is wrong? ...

send facebook text data

Hello, is it possible to send text data written by registered users in my site to be on my facebook wall or similar place ? thanks ...

Pass mvc form post data to an asp page.

We are doing a old section reskin which is written in classical asp and it is being remade in MVC. Content of some of the pages just needs to be pulled into a new layout. So I have written a helper method that basically reads asp file and renders contents in the current view. public static string readHtmlPage(string url) ...

Simplehtmldom - curl, loops, arrays?

Hello. Pse forgive what is most likely a stupid question. I've successfully managed to follow the simplehtmldom examples and get data that I want off one webpage. I want to be able to set the function to go through all html pages in a directory and extract the data. I've googled and googled but now I'm confused as I had in my ignora...

Ignoring a column when condition doesnt match in select query - SQL-Oracle

Hi, My requirement is to display a Column in select query when a condition satisfies and not to display the column when condition is not matched. For eg : In this simple table below Table : XYZ Name ID Fairness harish 3 White ravi 5 brown arun 2 black rahul 5 white Query: select name,case id when 5 then " I Like to learn more...

output in two rows for multiple columns in python

I'm working with an output list that contains the following information: [start position, stop position, chromosome, [('sample name', 'sample value'), ('sample name','sample value')...]] [[59000, 59500, chr1, [('cn_04', '1.362352462'), ('cn_01', '1.802001235')]], [100000, 110000, chr1, [('cn_03', '1.88726...

Recordsets in VB.NET

All, Trying to implement a recordset approach in VB.NET and (with the wonderful help of this community) have gotten to the point where things almost run. :) Code: Dim strSQL As String Dim rsMaster As New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "select * " & "from tblDQ " & "order by xid, xcode, xDOS" rsMaster.Open(strSQL, objConn, adOpenForwardOnly,...

unix sockets: how to send really big data with one "send" call?

Hi. I'm using unix scoket for data transferring (SOCK_STREAM mode) I need to send a string of more than 100k chars. Firstly, I send length of a string - it's sizeof(int) bytes. length = strlen(s) send(sd, length, sizeof(int)) Then I send the whole string bytesSend = send(sd, s, length) but for my surprise "bytesSend" is less tha...

secure database distribution to external clients

We want to distribute / synchronize data from our Datawarehouse (MS SQL Server) to external customers (also MS SQL Server). The connection has to be secure, because we are dealing with trusted data. Transmission of data from our system to external client system must be via the http/https In addition it is possible that the clients still...