
Free source for yellow pages data?

Is there a free source with basic yellow pages data(name,address, phone#)? I don't mind if its out of date. I couldn't find anything with google. To clarify I'm looking for a data dump, I know I can just go to yellow or whatever for regular queries. As a last resort I'll probably scrape it. ...

sharepoint content are not searchable...why?

I create a form form infopath. on that form i took the text boxes with corresponding fields. then i embed the form in sharepoint. then in my document library , clicked "new", filled up data. then i can see the data columns wise in my document library. let say i fill data as "Lalit" when i tried to search it , it gave me message . "No re...

Associate table cell with header

But i hope to get some help. I want to associate a cell value in table with it's header. The header is not known, as it was generated by SQL query. Sizes as header came from SQL return result. So then put it into an array, @sizes = qw(S36 S37 S38 S39 S40 S41 S42); Now, if James has size S38. I want to print them as HTML table with s...

what is the fastest way to load data from sql DB to Oracle DB

Other than DTS packages..what is a best/fastest way to transfer considerably heavy amount of data from SQL Server DB to Oracle DB (~million rows). I cant pay for the tool so something opensource or free will suit my needs. ...

MYSQL + php, insert automatically on new table?

I will create 5 tables, namely data1, data2, data3, data4 and data5 tables. Each table can only store 1000 data records. When a new entry or when I want to insert a new data, I must do a check, $data1 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM data1); <?php if(mysql_num_rows($data1) > 1000){ $data2 = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM data2); if(m...

Building charts with Google PageSpeed data?

So if you use the PageSpeed plugin for Firefox, there's an Export Data feature under the Analyze Performance section. So I've gone through our site and done an export on every type of page we use. Now I'd like to import all of this nifty info into a charting system or something so I can start studying the results. I did some searching o...

C# Match Up XmlNode entry to String text value.

How do I search a xmldata file node for the exact text that I have in my string value. Ie: string fullname = "John Smith" Search XmlData.xml for node "FullName" where the value of the text = "John Smith". Thanks. ...

mysql tables mysteriously emptied

Hi, I noticed that a couple of my mysql tables today were emptied. I can't think of any reason why this would occur. I store the DB in an AWS volume and we are well under the amount of space allocated to us. I was wondering if anyone had this issue before? Any suggestions of things that I can test? Sorry if I haven't provided enough...

What's the best way to save data locally in a WPF Application?

I'm building some WPF application to manage my time. I'd like to save time spans for work time on project for a calendar day. So my question is what's the best choice on how to save the data? I figured I could use an XML file, an Access database file or maybe a property. I´d like to save the data locally, so no SQL Server action in thi...

PHP how can i append data into a serialized array

if i have a serialized can i append more values to it? should i unserialize it first -> add data and then serialize it again? ...

Finding weather data to use for training a neural network

I'm looking for some downloadable weather data i can use to train a neural network to do forecasting, where can i find some? Basically things like temperature, humidity, wind speed/direction, anything and everything that might help a neural network do simple forecasting. ...

Evolutionary Database Migration and Default Data

Hi, we're re-evaluating our database upgrade process for our application to try and remove the pain of having to generate all the upgrade scripts for a release at the end of the release cycle. We're looking to move towards a more evolutionary process, using migrations which are checked in alongside features with a tool such as migrator...

Loading and analyzing massive amounts of data

So for some research work, I need to analyze a ton of raw movement data (currently almost a gig of data, and growing) and spit out quantitative information and plots. I wrote most of it using Groovy (with JFreeChart for charting) and when performance became an issue, I rewrote the core parts in Java. The problem is that analysis and pl...

C# Search and Set Node Values

I have a Xml Document (LessonData.xml) with lesson data in it, with the following format: <Lessons> <Lesson ID= *GUID Number*> <FullName>John Smith</FullName> <Date>04/01/2010</Date> </Lesson> In c#, I have a windows app form, with a combobox. In this combobox, I have put in selections of the week dates, ie: "04/01/2010 - 10/01/...

How to use a Dynamic Data page template in a CreateUserWizard TemplatedWizardStep

I am busy building an ASP.NET website that runs off a SQLServer 2008 backend database and I am using LinqToSQL and Dynamic Data. I use ASP membership for user registration. However I need to capture extra user information that is stored in other tables. I am using ASP's built-in controls i.e. login, change password, create user wizard et...

ObjectQuery, passing datetime in Where clause filter

How to pass in Date Time value here? ObjectQuery<Item> _Query = ItemEntities.CreateQuery<Item>("Item"); _Query = _Query.Where("(it.StartDate >= 11/4/2009 5:06:08 PM)"); my sample code above does seem to work. even with this ObjectQuery<Item> _Query = ItemEntities.CreateQuery<Item>("Item"); _Query = _Query.Where("(it.StartDate >= \"1...

C# Showing Multiple XML Data Entires With the Same Node Value.

I have a Xml Document that has lesson information in it, such as the following: <Lessons> <Lesson ID= *GUID number*> <Date>01/01/2010</Date> <Time>07:00am</Time> </Lesson> <Lesson ID= *GUID number*> <Date>01/01/2010</Date> <Time>09:00</Time> </Lesson> <Lessons> So, I have buttons in a Win App form that represent the differ...

Using semantic MediaWiki for tabular data

Am I completely off-track to think about using Semantic MediaWiki to store (and organise, report on, etc.) 'tabular' data such as financial transactions or weather readings that would usually live in a spreadsheet or database? It seems that one would need a separate, tiny, page for each tuple; but then, that's by design and perhaps it's...

PHP 200+ Form Fields...

Just to give you a bit of background i have a system where there's certain calculations that need to be calculated in the main section, there'll be various form fields under different tabs, for simplicity sake i have 10 sections, all with 20 drop down boxes and when you change the value of one of the drop downs it's recalculated in the m...

Detecting database tampering, is it possible?

Hi everyone, Long time listener, first time caller. 'Say you have a database table that is responsible for logging user activity. The integrity of this log is important, so you want to be able to detect if someone has modified any data from the table. To make things more interesting, also consider the fact that your system may be opera...