
Django database - how to add this column in raw SQL.

Suppose I have my models set up already. class books(models.Model): title = models.CharField... ISBN = models.Integer... What if I want to add this column to my table? user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True) How would I write the raw SQL in my database so that this column works? ...

PHP won't parse MySQL statements

I just installed Apache 2.2.15/PHP 5.3.2/MySQL 5.1.44 on Windows Vista. Apache is working fine, PHP is functional, and MySQL works on the CLI. However, when I try to access MySQL via PHP, I get an error (Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()). extension=php_mysql.dll and extension=php_mbstring.dll are uncommented in the...

javascript library for client side storage with server side sync

I'm looking for a javascript library that will let me store data in a client side database and in the back ground automatically sync the database back to the server's database preferable something that supports a variaty of engines in the same way jStore for jQuery does Looking around I can find anything ...

what database should i choose ?

I use winforms to develop a desktop application, and right now I plan to use SQL server express, but the problem is, if i use sql server express, then the installation is much trouble, i need to install sql server first, and install my own applicaiton. Then I tried to use access 2003 as my database, then I only need to copy the mdb file...

Can I deploy SQL Server Express with my desktop application just like builtin database?

Can I deploy SQL Server Express with my desktop application just like builtin database? Because I don't want my client to set up separately SQL Server Express! Is it easy to integrate SQL Server Express into my desktop application ? ...

Fastest and stable non-sql database?

What is the fastest and most stable non-sql database to store big data and process thousands requests during the day (it's for traffic exchange service)? I've found Kdb+ and Berkeley DB. Are they good? Are there other options? More details... Each day server processes > 100K visits. For each visit I need to read corresponding stats fro...

php mysql database users connection handling

What is the best way to handle mysql database users connection in PHP? I have a web server running a PHP application on MySQL. I have created a database user for the application: dbuser1 with limited access - only for query, insert and update tables. No alter table. Now the question is, should i use the same dbuser1 widely in my script...

what is the difference between triggers, assertions and checks (in database)

Can anybody explain (or suggest a site or paper) the exact difference between triggers, assertions and checks, and also describe where I should use them? EDIT: I mean in database, not in any other system or language. ...

Is it better to use a relational database or document-based database for an app like Wufoo?

I'm working on an application that's similar to Wufoo in that it allows our users to create their own databases and collect/present records with auto generated forms and views. Since every user is creating a different schema (one user might have a database of their baseball card collection, another might have a database of their recipes...

Memcache vs MySQL in memory

I have a database that won't grow much in size. It's current size is about 1 GB. Achieving the fastest performance is desired. Question: When should I use Memcache vs simply using MySQL Innodb ability to store all my content within RAM (innodb_buffer_pool_size)? ...

Copying an sqlite database from file to :memory using C#

I have a small database with tables containing a small amount of data which I need to copy into memory. Currently I am using: insertcommand.CommandText = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql NOT NULL;"; To pull all the table schema from the file database, however I'm not really sure how to proceed with creating these tables in th...

Database: Storing Dates as Numeric Values

I'm considering storing some date values as ints. i.e 201003150900 Excepting the fact that I lose any timezone information, is there anything else I should be concerned about with his solution? Any queries using this column would be simple 'where after or before' type lookups. i.e Where datefield is less than 201103000000 (before March ...

java Database framework comparison

Hi, I want to create an application that synchronize a database to multiple databases(various type of databases). I'm looking for a framework that suitable to do this. I was looking for something just get the Object of the data (like a resultset) then copy that object to the destination database. Or comparing between 2 data. Any idea...

failing to establish connection between Postgres db and gwt

Hi, I am using Postgres and gwt 2.0 for one of my applications. I am facing problem connecting to the database. When I try to connect it gives "ClassNotFoundException". Here is what I get when I try to connect to database: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver at$

insert or update on table violates foreign key constraint

Hi, I have two tables entitytype and project. Here are the create table statements: Create table project ( pname varchar(20) not null, primary key(pname) ); create table entitytype( entityname varchar(20) not null, toppos char(100), leftpos char(100), pname varchar(20) not null, primary key(entityname), foreign key(pname) refe...

How to get a list of users for all instance's databases

I guess the procedure should be something like this: declare @db varchar(100) declare @user varchar(100) declare c cursor for select name from sys.sysdatabases open c fetch next from c into @db while @@fetch_status = 0 begin print @db exec ('use ' + @db) declare u cursor for select name from sys.sysusers ...

How do I execute this query in MYSQL?

Suppose I have a column with words: orange grape orange orange apple orange grape banana How do I execute a query to get the top 10 words, as well as their count? ...

What tool for managing Oracle DB do you suggest?

What tool for managing Oracle DB do you suggest? I need to execute scripts and manage data in tables and develop some scripts and packages. I'v tried SQL developer and actually don't like it. Want some more features for developing (debug, code assist, integrated help and so on.) ...

How can I calculate audio dB level ?

I want to calculate room noise level with the computer's microphone. I record noise as an audio file, but how can I calculate the noise dB level? I don't know how to start! ...

Django migrations--is it possible to use South in the middle of the project?

I already started a project, and the models are all synced and everything. ...