
In Django, what is a one-to-one relationship?

I've always been using ForeignKeys. ...

Update Database from Entity Model without loosing content

Hi there, my Topic should tell you already what i am asking for. Is there any way to update my database from an entity model without lossing the inserted content? I can't be bothered copying all this stuff everytime i make a change. Thanks a lot. Chris ...

Merging datasets based on 2 variables in SAS.

Hye Guys, my question is the following, i'm working with different databases, all contain information about 1000+ companies, a company is defined by its ticker code (the short version of the name( Ford as F) usually seen on stock quotation boards). Aside from the ticker code to merge on I also have to merge on the time, I used month as ...

Local use of MySQL database

Hi all, Is it possible to use MySQL local? I mean NOT at a server. I read a lot about MySQL on a webserver with PHP, Joomla etc. I want to program a piece of software and use a database local to store results. Can I use MySQL for that? If so, is ther anyware on the net a good tutorial how to do that? ...

Is there a tool like phpMyAdmin which can be configured to access just a single database?

Is there a tool like phpMyAdmin which can be configured to access only a single MySQL database in a server? I cannot use phpMyAdmin because it allows access to all databases. A view that can allow a user to create/delete/insert/update tables should do. I remember using a software similar to this but dont remember what it was. It would a...

How to validate field length

I have a Abc field in the database and I want to make sure that the user doesnot cross the limit of the field in database, therefore I use validation that would say "You cannot enter more than 50 characters". Now the question is that because the memory to store Chinese,Indic script and other such languages take more than 1 byte how woul...

On SQL Server 2008, how to find out when was any database offline/online ?

I have to include one report in my application showing offline/online activity of few databases on SQL Server 2008. Could you please suggest how can I collect teh same information from sql server? ...

Why does searching an index have logarithmic complexity?

Is an index not similar to a dictionary? If you have the key, you can immediately access it? Apparently indexes are sometimes stored as B-Trees... why is that? ...

How would I write this query in GeoDjango? (It's a library for geographic calculations in Django)

Right now I'm using raw SQL to find people within 500 meters of the current user. cursor.execute("SELECT user_id FROM myapp_location WHERE\ GLength(LineStringFromWKB(LineString(asbinary(utm), asbinary(PointFromWKB(point(%s, %s)))))) < %s"\ ,(user_utm_easting, user_utm_northing, 500)); How would I do this in GeoDjango? It...

database synchronisation

hello friends, I have two databases at two different places, both databases are same with table name as well as fields. now I want to synchronise both database. Is there any java code or we can achieve that directly from mysql or sql ? How ? ...

What is the scope of TRANSACTION in Sql server

I was creating a stored procedure and i got stuck in the writing methodology of me and my collegue. I am using SQL Server 2005 I was writing Stored procedure like this BEGIN TRAN BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO Tags.tblTopic (Topic, TopicCode, Description) VALUES(@Topic, @TopicCode, @Descripti...

Database design for heavy timed data logging

Hi, I have an application where I receive each data 40.000 rows. I have 5 million rows to handle (500 Mb MySQL 5.0 database). Actually, thoses rows are stored in the same table => slow to update, hard to backup, ... Which king of scheme is used in such application to allow long term accessibility to the datas without problems with too...

OleDbExeption Was unhandled in VB.Net

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '((ProductID = ?) AND ((? = 1 AND Product Name IS NULL) OR (Product Name = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Price IS NULL) OR (Price = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Quantity IS NULL) OR (Quantity = ?)))'. I need some help sorting this error out in Visual Basics.Net 2008. I am trying to update records in ...

How to virtually delete data from multiple tables that are linked by a foreign key ?

I am using Sql Server 2005 This is a part of my database diagram. I want to perform deletion on my database which will start from tblDomain up tp tblSubTopics. Consider that each table has IsDeleted column which has to be marked true if request was made to delete data. But that data shoud remain their physically. Tables which will ...

Would this method work to scale out SQL queries?

I have a database containing a single huge table. At the moment a query can take anything from 10 to 20 minutes and I need that to go down to 10 seconds. I have spent months trying different products like GridSQL. GridSQL works fine, but is using its own parser which does not have all the needed features. I have also optimized my databas...

Problem with displaying image from DB using MVC 2

Hello! I'm having trouble with displaying image from db. I think that method for saving image is working, because I see in DB that varbinary fields have some value, and that image type is correct. Also the size of image. But when I want to display image for product i don't get anything. Just blank space.. here is my code... public byte[...

Create a page use limit in php?

I'm trying to set up a feature where after accessing a wepage, the user is not allowed to return until they have been away for x minuets. It's on a login system, so I don't need to worry about IPs etc. What I had in mind was as following: User accesses page; current time (of access) is logged (in database?). User tries to return to pag...

Delete redundant MOSS content database entry

In a sharepoint content database we have noticed there are a couple of records in the all_docs table that reference documents that no longer exist. The listid guid that they are associated with is not in the site so we have no way to view them and delete them. I think this was a result of moving a content database from another environmen...

Visual Studio 'SQL Server 2008 Server Project' vs. 'Sql Server 2008 Database project' ?

I can't see to find a quick explanation of the differences so I can figure out which to use. One is for a server one is for a Database? Im not sure what that means.. Basically we are doing a new web app and I want to see what these project types can offer me in terms of tracking the DB code/schema etc.. ...

Producer/consumer system using database (MySql), is this feasible?

Hi all. I need to use something to coordinate my system with several consumers/producers each running on different machines with different operating systems. I have been researching on using MySql to do this, but it seems ridiculously difficult. My requirements are simple: I want to be able to add or remove consumers/producers at any ti...