
How do you transfer all your connection configuration from one RapidSQL install to another?

Has anyone encountered this problem? I have installed RapidSQL on a new team member's machine, and now I want to configure his installation with my connection configuration (20+ connections). Does anyone know how to do this? Is there a file RapidSQL uses to transfer this information? Thanks for any feedback. ...

MySQL Query order by numer of rows?

I have a mysql table for votes. there's an id, a project_id and a vote field (which is 1 if a specific project is voted). now i want to generate a ranking from those entries. is there a way to get the number of votes for each project_id and automatically sort the entries by the number of TRUE votes of a project with a single mysql query?...

Is redis a durable datastore?

By "durable" I mean, the server can crash at any time, and as long as the disk remains in tact, no data is lost (see ACID). Seems like that's what journaling mode is for, but if you enable journaling, doesn't that defeat the purpose of operating on in-memory data? Read operations might not be affected by journaling, but it seems like jou...

Is it possible anyhow to raise system exception on catching exception manually?

I am writing a stored procedure where i m using try catch block. Now i have a unique column in a table. When i try to insert duplicate value it throws exception with exception no 2627. I want this to be done like this if (exists(select * from tblABC where col1='value')=true) raiseError(2627)--raise system error that would have thrown...

Database triggers / referential integrity and in-memory caching

Do you see database triggers / referential integrity rules being used in a way that changes actual data in the database (changing row w in table x causes a change in row y in table z)? If yes, How does this tie-in with the increasing popularity of in-memory caching (memcache and friends)? After all, these actions occur inside the databa...

Listbox to another listbox that are linked to databases with pictures c#

ok so here's my code int rowNo = 0; selected = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); sqlSelectCommand2.Parameters["@title"].Value = selected; sqlDataAdapter1.Fill(dataSet1); byte[] tempByteArray = (byte[])[rowNo]["photo"]; MemoryStream pic = new MemoryStream(tempByteArray);...

Jquery Retrieving data from webpage and entering it in database.

Hello Everyone. I am new to Jquery. I want to read specific data(some div's only) from a webpage and store it in my database. Now I am not able to do so as load functions loads the data into the current page id. My goal is to read specific data and store them in database. So which Jquery function should I use for this? if someone can th...

MySQL - How to determine if my table is stored in RAM?

I'm running: MySQL v5.0.67 InnoDB engine innodb_buffer_pool_size = 70MB Question: What command can I run to ensure that my entire 50 MB database is stored entirely in RAM? ...

The problem about use the exist sqlite database,

I have a sqlite database, and i put this file in "assets" folder. The code like below, Pls help and tell what's wrong in this code, How to use my own sqlite database. public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.SGMalls/databases/"; private static String DB_NAME ...

dbcp having problems returning connections when database is unavailable

I found the following link by erickson dated jan 29, 2009: "DBCP has serious flaws. I don't think it's appropriate for a production application, especially when so many drivers support pooling in their DataSource na...

How to implement Object Databases in MVC

I started my project in MVC(c#) & SQL Server 2005.I want to implement Object Databases in my project. While searched in google i found "MongoDb" & db4o I didn't have enough knowledge in Object Databases & which one best suited for SQL Server 2005. Please suggest a good example/reference regarding Object Databases implementation...

maintaining query-oriented applications

I am currently doing some kind of reporting system.the figures, tables, graphs are all based on the result of queries. somehow i find that complex queries are not easy to maintain, especially when there are a lot of filtering. this makes the query very long and not easy to understand. And also, sometimes, queries with similar filters are...

Second level cache for java web app and its alternatives

Between the transitions of the web app I use a Session object to save my objects in. I've heard there's a program called memcached but there's no compiled version of it on the site, besides some people think there are real disadvantages of it. Now I wanna ask you. What are alternatives, pros and cons of different approaches? Is memcached...

ISBN -> bookdata Lookup to fill in a database

Ok, I wanting to database a small library. I've only had limited experience with databases, and none with querying from a webserver. I'm going to want to retrieve information like title, Publisher, maybe author, description the simplest way I can think of dooing this is looking them up via the ISBN. I've come across before,...

Ajax: distinguish old posts and new posts.

Hi at all, I have created a very simple blog at with a only one page. When I connect to I see all posts inserted in the database ( in mysql ). Now I want that every 60 seconds an ajax request check in the database if there are new posts. If there are new posts these will be inserted at the top above the o...

Inserting Large volume of data in SQL Server 2005

We have a application (written in c#) to store live stock market price in the database (SQL Server 2005). It insert about 1 Million record in a single day. Now we are adding some more segment of market into it and the no of records would be double (2 Millions/day). Currently the average record insertion per second is about 50, maximum ...

What's the most simple way to retrieve all data from a table and save it back in .NET 3.5?

I have a number of tables containing some basic (business related) mapping data. What's the most simple way to load the data from those tables, then save the modified values back. (all data should be replaced in the tables) An ORM is out of question as I would like to avoid creating domain objects for each table. The actual editing of...

mysql multiple insert - what happens on error?

What happens in mysql multiple records insert during an error. I have a table: id | value 2 | 100 UNIQUE(id) Now i try to execute the query: INSERT INTO table(id, value) VALUES (1,10),(2,20),(3,30) I will get a duplicate-key error for the (2,20) BUT... Will the (1,10) get into the database? Will the (3,30) get into the database?...

Making a DateTime field in a database automatic?

I'm putting together a simple test database to learn MVC with. I want to add a DateTime field to show when the record was CREATED. ID = int Name = Char DateCreated = (dateTime, DateTime2..?) I have a feeling that this type of DateTime capture can be done automatically - but that's all I have, a feeling. Can it be done? And if so how?...

DB management for Heroku apps

Hi all, I'm fairly new to both Rails and Heroku but I'm seriously thinking of using it as a platform to deploy my Ruby/Rails applications. I want to use all the power of Heroku, so I prefer the "embedded" PostgreSQL managed by Heroku instead of the addon for Amazon RDS for MySQL, but I'm not so confident without the possibility to acces...