
Reading directly from the Doctrine Searchable index table

I've got a Doctrine table with the Searchable behavior enabled. Whenever a record is created, an index is made in another table. I have a model called Entry and the behavior automatically created the table entry_index. My question now is: How can I - without using the search(...) methods of my model use the data from this table? I wan...

1 oracle schema support large reques per day , is this safe ?

I 'm java system designer. As we have large project to do tightly, Those projects are java api without webpage. I design to create general flow engine to support all project. This idea use 1 oracle schema , having general transaction table . And others control routing table. They all nearly complete. But DBA Team concern that he i...

How do people handle foreign keys on clients when synchronizing to master db

Hi, I'm writing an application with offline support. i.e. browser/mobile clients sync commands to the master db every so often. I'm using uuid's on both client and server-side. When synching up to the server, the servre will return a map of local uuids (luid) to server uuids (suid). Upon receiving this map, clients updated their record...

dilemma about mysql. using condition to limit load on a dbf

hi, I have a table of about 800 000 records. Its basically a log which I query often. I gave condition to query only queries that were entered last month in attempt to reduce the load on a database. My thinking is a) if the database goes only through the first month and then returns entries, its good. b) if the database goes through ...

Replicating MySQL DB to development machine - bad idea?

I am considering replicating a production MySQL database to my development machine so I've always got current data. The production database is externally hosted. My development machine is behind an unreliable internet connection. It is entirely possible that the development machine could be disconnected from the internet for extended pe...

Single database with multiple instances of Django

I have a Django project where the company will have a main site like and a bunch of sub-domains like Content appearing in the sub-domains like case studies should also appear in the main site. I've decided to use multiple instances of Django BUT one database for each sub-domain so that I can hav...

How long will memcached data stay in the memory

If I load the data of user_x into memory with memcache, how long will this data stay available? If a user only logs in once a year this data is unnecessary in the memory. Or am i looking at this the wrong way? ...

Team working on Drupal - Tips

I am working on a Drupal site with a few friends. Obviously we can Version control the code... but what do we do to keep each others databases in check? I have managed to get all the theming into files (contemplate etc), but ideally my views settings, menu settings would be in line also... (Not worried about Content either way as we're ...

With SQL can you use a sub-query in a WHERE LIKE clause?

I'm not even sure how to even phrase this as it sounds weird conceptually, but I'll give it a try. Basically I'm looking for a way to create a query that is essentially a WHERE IN LIKE SELECT statement. As an example, if I wanted to find all user records with a email address, I could do something like: SELECT UserEmail FR...

Back out plan for a Web App

We need a back out plan for a web app whose first maintenance release is going to production soon. The issue we are facing is even if we back out new EAR and deploy old one , the data which was keyed in using new release would not support old business rules(current), since there is enormous changes in business rules. Can you suggest...

Which third party tools/library are available for NoSQL databases?

I know that NoSQL databases are very new. I am also new in this point. But exist already tools/libraries to make the life easer like for SQL databases? I think on tools for managing, maintaining, viewing or reporting of the data. There can also be libraries for easer working with the database or an abstract database layer to change the...

Cassandra or MySQL/PostgreSQL?

Hi! I have huge database (kinda wordnet) and want to know if it's easier to use Cassandra instead of MySQL|PostrgreSQL All my life I was using MySQL and PostrgreSQL and I could easily think in terms of relational algebra, but several weeks ago I learned about cassandra and that it's used in Facebook and Twitter. Is it more convenient? ...

browse data in Android SQLite Database

Is there a way for an Android user to browse the SQLite databases on his/her phone and view the data in the databases? I use the SoftTrace beta program a lot. It's great but has no way that I can find to download the data it tracks to a PC. Thanks ...

How to keep historic details of modification in a database (Audit trail)?

I'm a J2EE developer & we are using hibernate mapping with a PostgreSQL database. We have to keep track of any changes occurs in the database, in others words all previous & current values of any field should be saved. Each field can be any type (bytea, int, char...) With a simple table it is easy but we a graph of objects things are m...

Filling combobox from database by using hibernate in Java

Heyy; I am developing a small swing based application with hibernate in java. And I want fill combobox from database coloumn.How ı can do that ? And I don't know in where(under initComponents, buttonActionPerformd) ı need to do. For saving ı'am using jbutton and it's code is here : private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event...

can't use db:seed in rails

I updated my rails gem to 2.3.5 but I keep getting this error when running db:seed: $ rake db:seed --trace (in c:/Documents and Settings/Owner/workspace/thepatstudio) rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'db:seed' c:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1728:in `[]' c:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake....

mysql query not running correctly from inside the application

I am completely stumped. Here is my php (CodeIgniter) code: function mod() { $uid = $this->session->userdata('uid'); $pid = $this->input->post('pid'); if ($this->_verify($uid,$pid)) { $name = $this->input->post('name'); $price = $this->input->post('price'); $curr = $this->input->post('curr'); ...

What is the best library in python to use to interface with a SQL database?

I am currently processing text/html data and I wish to store my results in some sort of database. My current setup is Pydev with Eclipse. What is the best non-distributed database to use with my current development environment? What is the best library in python to use to interface with suggested database? ...

[C# n MySQL] Creating a database using Connector/NET Programming?

How to create a database using connector/net programming? How come the following doesn't work? string connStr = "server=localhost;user=root;port=3306;password=mysql;"; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr); MySqlCommand cmd; string s0; try { conn.Open(); s0 = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT...

How can I efficiently retrieve a large number of database settings as PHP variables?

Currently all of my script's settings are located in a PHP file which I 'include'. I'm in the process of moving these settings (about 100) to a database table called 'settings'. However I'm struggling to find an efficient way of retrieving all of them into the file. The settings table has 3 columns: ID (autoincrements) name valu...