
Working with foreign keys - cannot insert

Hi everyone! Doing my first tryouts with foreign keys in a mySQL database and are trying to do a insert, that fails for this reason: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails Does this mean that foreign keys restrict INSERTS as well as DELETES and/or UPDATES on each table that...

How to Detect Trusted Connection in Crystal Reports using VB.NET?

I have some Crystal Reports connecting to a Sql Server db that I would like to detect whether the connection is trusted or whether I need to supply the log on info (reports are not supplied by me so I can't control the connect method). If I just blindly supply login credentials, it won't connect if it is a trusted connection. The follo...

How do i find out which script is inserting into mysql db without viewing a million files?

How do i find out which script is inserting into mysql db without viewing a million files? ...

PHP: Which DB/DB Engine supports search well?

Hi, I'm starting a site which relies heavily on search. While it's probably going to search basic meta data in the beginning, it might grow to something bigger in the future. So which DB/DB Engine is best in your opinion when it comes to search performance and future scalability? Appreciate your help ...

NoSQL vs. SQL when scalability is irrelevant

Recently I have read a lot about different NoSQL databases and how they are being effectively deployed by some major websites out there. I'm starting a project in which I think the schema-free nature of a database such as MongoDB would be tremendously useful. Everything I have read though seems to indicate that the main advantage of a ...

Which DB (SQL) is better supported in Erlang ?

Hello! What do you recommend me to use with Erlang -- MySQL or Postgres ? Which DB has better (more mature, more stable, faster) driver for Erlang ? ...

How to implement Materialized View with MySQL?

How to implement Materialized Views? If not, how can I implement Materialized View with MySQL? Update: Would the following work? This doesn't occur in a transaction, is that a problem? DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `myDatabase`.`myMaterializedView`; CREATE TABLE `myDatabase`.`myMaterializedView` SELECT * from `myDatabase`.`myRegularView`; ...

How to copy tables from one website to another with php?

I have 2 websites, lets say - and has a database fruits which has a table apple with 7000 records. I exported apple and tried to import it to but I'm always getting "MYSQL Server has gone away" error. I suspect this is due to some server side restriction. So, how can I copy the tabl...

Searchfield with autocomplete ASP.NET and Database

Searchfield with autocomplete I would like to make a searchfield with autocomplete, so when you write like 2 or 3 letters it will show a dropdownlist with results that match a column from a table in the database. I have been reading all over the internet, and i have found out that it can be done with jQuery and AJAX Control Toolkit. ...

Wondering how Facebook does the "Mutual friends" feature

Hello, I'm currently developing an application to allow students to manage their courses, and I don't really know how to design the database for a specific feature. The client wants, a lot like Facebook, that when a student displays the list of people currently in a specific course, the people with the most mutual courses with the logge...

How to use the distinct on databases DB4O

the data like this: file1 file2 aaaa milk aaaa red bbbb box bbbb pen cccc rose i want get result like this: file1: aaaa bbbb cccc who can tell me how to do using DB4objects waiting online.... ...

Retrieve list of indexes in an Access database

I know there's a way to get a list of all tables in an Access database by using the quering the MsysObjects: "SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MsysObjects WHERE (Left$([Name],1)<>'~') AND (Left$([Name],4)<>'Msys') AND (MSysObjects.Type)=1 ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name" Does anybody know a similar (or other) way to retrieve a list of all indexes...

How to update a string property of an sqlite database item

hi all, I'm trying to write an application that checks if there is an active internet connection. If so it reads an xml and checks every 'lastupdated' item ( php generated string ). It compares it to the database items and if there is a new value, this particular item needs to be updated. My code seems to work ( compiles, no error me...

Biztalk suspended messages in database

Hi, I was wondering if some1 knows where I can see the data of a suspended message in the biztalk database. I need this because about 900 messages have been suspended because of a validation and I need to edit all of them, resuming isn't possible. I know that info of suspended messages are shown in "BizTalkMsgBoxDb" in the table "Inst...

How do I have unsigned fields in Django?

class MyTable(models.Model): lat = models.FloatField(blank=True) long = models.FloatField(blank=True) How do I make them unsigned? Able to accept negative . ...

Retrieving the an SQL Agent job's specific error

I am using msdb..sp_help_job to access whether a job succeeded or failed and can retrieve a general error. But, I want to access the specific error for the step that failed. I cannot seem to find it. It is not in this list of helpful stored procedures provided by MS ...

Does the speed of the query depend on the number of rows in the table?

Let's say I have this query: select * from table1 r where r.x = 5 Does the speed of this query depend on the number of rows that are present in table1? ...

does it makes sense to use int instead of char or nvarchar for a discriminator column if I'm using it as FK also

I have something like this: create table account ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, usertype char(1) check(usertype in ('a', 'b')) not null, unique(id, usertype) ) create table auser ( id int primary key, usertype char(1) check(usertype = 'a') not null, foreign key (id, u...

DML statistics on a table

We're using PostgreSQL 8.2. In our application, we heavily use a temporary table (REPORTTEMP) for report generation purpose. All type of DML statements are performed in this table, but UPDATE statement is comparatively very low with INSERTs and DELETEs. So, at any point of time, after completion of the transaction, record count in th...

Two different tables or just one with bool column?

We have two tables: OriginalDocument and ProcessedDocument. In the first one we put an original, not processed document. After it's validated and processed (converted to our xml format and parsed), it's put into ProcessedDocument table. Processed document can be valid or invalid. Which makes more sense: have two different tables for vali...